PG-13 | 02 October 1992 (USA)
Hero Trailers

Bernie Laplante is having a rough time. He's divorced, his ex-wife hates him and has custody of their son, the cops are setting a trap for him, then to top it all, he loses a shoe whilst rescuing passengers of a crashed jet. Being a thief who is down on his luck, Bernie takes advantage of the crash, but then someone else claims credit for the rescue.

XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
thesar-2 They were looking out for a hero…and had to settle.Later, I will discuss the magnitude of importance this review has for me, but for now, I searched for a 1992 movie I had seen, meant something to me and I haven't reviewed yet. Surprisingly, upon going through the IMDb list of 1992 films, I found over 40 great movies, but only about 10 I had previously reviewed. I couldn't believe how many GREAT movies to masterpieces were released during that year. And though I had stories for many of them as I recall where I saw them, with whom and how the films affected me, this one really stood out.I remember seeing this opening weekend, that first weekend of October 1992 and absolutely gushing over it. Insta 10/10 stars. I praised it to everyone and practically begged people to see it. But…that's where my memory of this movie ends. I don't ever remember seeing it again during the 23 years between then and now. Funny. Usually when I loved a movie this much, I would've seen it on repeat back then, or at very least, *gulp* add it to my vast VHS collection.So, I had to see it again, and hopefully relive that joy I remember back in early October 1992. Did it live up to my own hype? Did it hold up after over two decades? Eh, not really. But, still, it was a very good movie.I did find myself laughing out loud – it was a straight up comedy, though feel-good comedy. And as bad as the three main characters were – man, our title character was such a horrible "citizen," their turns at having a conscious were inspirational. Lifetime criminal Bernie is trying to balance being a "good" divorced dad to his son, hocking stolen goods and credit cards and attempting to stay out of prison when all of a sudden…a plane nearly drops on top of him. To put it very mildly, he reluctantly helps the people escape the tragic crash and even some trapped survivors. One of which, is Reporter Gale who makes it her mission to find the unknown hero who vanishes. A one-million-dollar reward draws out Bernie's bum friend to fake being the hero the Windy City needs.Those three, Bernie, Gale and the bum, John, all really turn the light- hearted comedy into something much better. All three have baggage and are technically bad people, but through the well-written script, signs of light shine through and it's a joy to see their bits of selflessness.Again, I didn't go all 10 stars with even more stars in my eyes this time around, but it's worth it to see it…even if just to see how many other stars showed up in minor roles. Maybe we all have a little bit of heroism in us, I'd like to take from this and hopefully believe in real life. ***Final thoughts: In truth, I don't recall the actual flight number from the movie, but I used that number for the special reason I chose this film. It's been my lucky number most of my life: 1516. And this is my 1,516th review. So, I had to make it special and count.Back in my day…ah-hem…not too long before the interwebs, we had in college: THE ELECTRONIC FORUM, or ef for short. This is where college students could electronically talk with each other and their teachers on the old, plain green screens. It was basic, of course, but came with many, many different "forums" from the serious to the fun to even the meet-your-match ones. When I signed up, that fall of 1992, right around the time this movie opened, I was the 1,516th user (it eventually went up to the 10s of thousands) and hence, that was my destination: ef1516.I've adopted that number for my life since – though, no, I don't use it as any of my PINs or passwords as that would be too easy for anyone who really knew me or my past. THAT was a long story on how I came to pick Hero as my 1,516th movie review. It was just perfect that I remember loving this movie at about the same time I claimed my lifelong lucky number.
beauzee directors/writers, watched too many Frank Capra pictures, when they concocted this awful adventure.Dustin Hoffman sleepwalks through this accountant-approved wonder, the mellowed out homeless guy, who casually saves a lot of lives, in the only good scene in the picture. SEE THE PICTURE.Chevy Chase, as the newsroom Director, who must keep an eye Hoffman and Garcia (they sit out on a high ledge, Garcia's suicide perch - he's the guy who took credit for Hoffman's heroicS) who is so bad....I can't go on...anyway, consider that his name does not appear in the movie credits.all due respect to the reviewer who called this thing a satire...but I'll call it a sad tire. (no such inspiration in the script).
Michael Neumann A small time Chicago grifter (Dustin Hoffman, doing a broad variation of Ratso Rizzo) rescues the victims of a plane crash, including hot-shot TV journalist Geena Davis, but watches down-and-out Andy Garcia take the credit and, more importantly, the million dollar reward offered by Davis' newsroom to help milk a great story. The set up is clumsy and the ending is unforgivably anticlimactic, but in between is a compact, subversive black comedy, mocking the common daydream of being an anonymous hero by showing the headline hungry press and gullible public going hog wild over an impostor. Some of the dialogue (ignoring one embarrassing speech by Davis using an onion as a visual aid) has the same myth-kicking satire of a classic Preston Sturges comedy, but the script (by the author of the similar but much more serious 'Unforgiven') is too often let down by the counterfeit screwball touches and typically glib style of director Stephen Frears. The perfect ending is also spoiled by at least ten added minutes of surplus resolution; just ignore everything after Hoffman and Davis finally confront each other during the climactic scene at the Drake Hotel.
TheLittleSongbird Some parts may a little slow, and perhaps Accidental Hero(or Hero) is a little too long, but other than that the film is very clever and very brave, and I think underrated as well. It does have a great story concerning a Mystery Samaritan(or "The Angel of Flight 104" as Andy Garcia claims himself to be), very well-constructed and written with a Capra-esquire element to it.Accidental Hero is wonderfully filmed, with great cinematography and the plane crash is well staged. The direction is assured, and the writing is very funny, yet deeply cynical and even pessimistic. The acting is top notch; Dustin Hoffmann shows what a great actor he is as he recalls his Ratso Rizzo role(basically a loser-turned-hero type of character), while Andy Garcia plays a true slime-ball to perfection and Geena Davis and Joan Cusack both convince as the journalist puzzled by the truth and Evelyn. And out of the cameos, Chevvy Chase's gets my vote as the funniest.Overall, an underrated and very good movie. 8/10 Bethany Cox