The Gore Gore Girls
The Gore Gore Girls
| 15 December 1972 (USA)
The Gore Gore Girls Trailers

A ditsy reporter enlists the help of a sleazy private eye to solve a series of gory killings of female strippers at a Chicago nightclub.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
TinsHeadline Touches You
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
normstobert I like B movies, but this isn't one. Nor a C or D or E or F. It's pretty close to Z! The acting is atrocious (except for the strippers who really did a fine job and have bodies well worth looking at!). The role of the detective is just awful and at the end when he "gives the story" to the reporter, comes up with all kinds of information never given in the course of the movie! All the other "actors" are probably people that they found hanging out at some club and gave them 5 bucks a piece to be in the movie - their dialog is so choppy you'd think they are reading it from cue cards in Russian and translating as they go. My advice: watch it for the stripper scenes and fast forward through all the rest!
Criss Cross I love camp movies, believe me and the usual technicolorian gore of Gordon Lewis don't bother me at all, but this is just one of his most stupid movies, even more than BLOOD FEAST, i'm not kidding. THE GORE GORE GIRLS is about a mad person who kills a lot of go(re) - go(re) girls of a night club. A detective and a reporter tries to find out the big secret. Maybe the performances here are slightly better than the usual average acting H.G Lewis films, but that is not saying much. The camera work is even dreadful.But at least is kind of watchable with the go go girls acting ... you going to pass a good time with it, and the killings are just absurd in a very, very bad way: A girl is killed with a wooden hammer punching in her butt (!) and just don't let me talk about what it does with the nipples. You going to laugh like anyone with this. But the better of all this mess is a scene that i only love of it's campness: the go-go girl before being attacked by a lot of feminists dancing in a very American way. Though is important to note that this was one of the first films that got an X rating because of it's violence.ONLY if you want lo laugh and pass a good time (But only with a lot, A LOT of beers).
Michael_Elliott Gore Gore Girls, The (1972) ** (out of 4) A polished detective (Frank Kress) and snappy reporter (Amy Farrell) are investigating the strange cases where strippers are being found mutilated with their heads bashed in. This would be the last film Lewis would direct until his comeback nearly thirty-years later with BLOOD FEAST 2 and it was a pretty good way to go out. The times were certainly catching up with the director because what we see here, the type of shock and awe gore that worked so well in the early 60's, seems rather old fashioned when compared to other films out around this time. With that said, fans of gore will certainly find a lot of that here and overall I had a pretty good time with the movie. As is to be expected, the screenplay is simply built around all the gore sequences, which there are plenty of. The entire story is pretty much just various strippers going back to their homes where they are met with extremely violent deaths. The director has always been involved with gore and violence but most of the time it was just innocent fun but that's not the case here because what we have here is rather mean spirited and extremely graphic and over the top. The violence basically just shows up the (fake) heads getting bashed in with eyes, brains and various other items being ripped out. We get some extremely outrageous scenes including one where a woman's face is melted with a hot iron and another where a woman has her face cooked with french fries in some grease. We get some extremely disgusting scenes including a woman getting her nipples cut off only to have milk start shooting out!! An even crazier scene is one where a woman has her panties pulled down so that she can be spanked to death only to have the killer then pour salt on her. Most of these effects are very fake looking but Lewis edits them in a way to make them quite uneasy to watch. Everything else from the acting to the production values are pretty low quality and that includes a cameo by the legendary Benny Youngman. It's funny but apparently Youngman would live the rest of his life denying he was in the movie even though it's on film and he really couldn't lie his way out of it. All in all this clearly isn't the director's best film but fans of gore will certainly want to check it out for all the crazy death scenes.
chuck-219 Oh man. Was this ever a steaming hunk of Gorgonzola. Words cannot truly describe how definitive this film is of a "B" movie classic. Heck, only 20 seconds in and we have a gal getting too close a look in the mirror.Anyway, the plot involves a publication hiring a private detective to investigate the murder of said, vain go go dancer. While he delves into the matter, many more are dispatched through a few decidedly, unconventional means.Let me tell ya, the acting in this movie reaches such badness that even Roger Corman must have blushed upon first viewing. Our lead seems to relish in his every hammy utterance. Let's face it, these thespians go beyond not having participated in an acting school. Hell, it's even money that none have even heard of Lee Strasberg, much less attended his academy. We won't even go into the music or screenplay, as that could be likened to hunting dairy cows with a high powered rifle and a scope.On the bright side, we do have a good many killings and nudity to make up for this lack in production values. These are go go dancers being killed, after all. Included in this mayhem are a crushed skull, tenderized buttocks, an ironed face and some deep fried "soul food". Heck, we even get some scissored nipples involving a "milk toast" that needs to be seen to be believed.Check this one out soon. To infer that it's "so bad it's good" is like saying that the Oxford Dictionary's an okay reference for the English language. Enjoy.Charlie.