Milk Money
Milk Money
PG-13 | 31 August 1994 (USA)
Milk Money Trailers

Three young boys pool their money and pay V, a kindhearted prostitute, to strip for them. Afterward, she drives them home to the suburbs -- but then her car breaks down. It's just as well, though, because a mobster named Waltzer is after her, and V realizes the suburbs are the perfect place to hide. But things get a lot more complicated when V falls in love with Tom, a single father who is unaware of her real profession.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Michael_Elliott Milk Money (1994) ** 1/2 (out of 4)A group of young boys save up their "milk" money so that they can buy a father (Ed Harris) a hooker known as V (Melanie Griffith). There's a bit more to the plot of MILK MONEY but that's the basic set-up. After the success of WHEN HARRY MET SALLY... these types of romantic comedies were in high demand so we got all sorts of strange stories and this here is certainly one of the strangest.Once you get over the idea of young kids buying a hooker for dad, the film itself really isn't all that bad and in many ways it's pretty charming for what it is. You've basically got two fine actors turning in fun performances and that's what makes the film worth watching. Harris is especially good as the father who is still grieving over his wife. Griffith easily steals the film as the hooker with a heart of gold as well as a great body that is constantly in tight clothes.The film's screenplay has a pretty basic set-up and it pretty much plays out as you would expect it to. There's certainly nothing ground-breaking here and it's not one of the best films that the genre has to offer but if you're a fan of the cast then it's worth watching.
adonis98-743-186503 A group of young boys befriend a prostitute named, V. Milk Money benefits from Melanie Griffith's and Ed Harris talent but also their great chemistry in general also the kid who plays Frank does a great job as well and i love the scene in the prom where he went 360 with that blonde girl. It's funny, dramatic and above all a great film for everyone and i definitely recommend it. (A+)
The_Film_Cricket 'Milk Money' gets its title from the idea that a group of prepubescent boys pool together their money to pay a hooker for a peek at her breasts. If this sounds like a smutty and degrading idea, then it pains me remind you that this is a family picture.First, let's start with that basic idea. In the days of 537 cable channels as well as the internet as well as old reliable – dad's porn stash - why would a group of prepubescent boys want to waste their time looking for a hooker. Because they are all dimwits and because the movie needs an idea from a better movie to reside over it's languid plot. The better movie being Pretty Woman which somehow managed to sidestep every cliché and empty-headed idea that this movie has.The hooker, named V (Melanie Griffith) has a heart of gold. Why a heart of gold? Because it would explain why she doesn't seem to worry about social diseases or AIDS, it explains one of the reasons that she is so willing to leave the trade, it allows for the fact that she never has to explain how she got on the streets in the first place and it makes her a suitable mate for the kid's widowed father – that's why! As if trying to weld those ideas together isn't bad enough then we have to contend with V's evasion from the Mafia who think V stole money from them. Then we get the father (Ed Harris) who is so hapless and stupid as to not notice that his kid is hiding a hooker in his treehouse and when he finally meets her is the last to figure out what her profession is. Then we have to throw in a subplot alluding to the fact that he wants to save some wetlands from being turned into a parking lot leading to one of those scenes where he is chained to a his car to keep the bulldozer from wrecking the place 'Milk Money' can't exist as a tease because there is a kid in the way. We know that since it's a family picture that the presence of a prostitute means that the movie will exclude any of the expected 'exposure'. So instead it has to throw in all these hackneyed cutesy clichés in order to attract and audience whose attention span is as long as your hand.Rating: * (of four)
alliplakia Just seen the movie on DVD and found it amusing. Not a masterpiece but a nice way to show your kids in the age of Frank ( main child actor in this Movie) what's the world is like out there, with prostitutes that can look like Grace Kelly or your dead mother. With a "lively" biology lesson and with dreams to get a mother, that wants to get out of dirty business, for your father that tries to save irreplaceble environment all come true. Ed Harris en Melanie Griffith did a good job and Melanie still look 20 years younger. She could start in the business tomorrow, although she will not need to. Lets not forget Michael Patrick Carter, which is certainly talented enough to continue his career