The Times of Harvey Milk
The Times of Harvey Milk
| 07 October 1984 (USA)
The Times of Harvey Milk Trailers

Harvey Milk was an outspoken human rights activist and one of the first openly gay U.S. politicians elected to public office; even after his assassination in 1978, he continues to inspire disenfranchised people around the world.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
ClassyWas Excellent, smart action film.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
lastliberal Winning an Oscar for Best Documentary and several other awards, this film was certainly one of the very best that I have seen. It was stirring and eloquent and beautiful in showing the rise of someone, Harvey Milk, that really wanted to make a difference in the lives of all people.It was, at the same time, a portrayal of the hate that still exists in California after the passage of Proposition 8. The trial of Dan White had a result that was no different that those of Klan members on trial for killing African-Americans in the South.The election of Harvey Milk was an event that is equal to the election of Barack Obama, and for the same reason. He gave hope to all the "us's" who were without hope that they would ever be treated fairly by the dominant power structure.This film tells a story that will inspire and infuriate anyone who sees it. Absolutely brilliant.
bear771127 There was a time when it was impossible for people — straight or gay — even to imagine Harvey Milk. The funny thing about Milk is that he didn't seem to care that he lived in such a time. I think Milk is really courageous to face himself and he even doesn't mind how others look upon him. Besides, he puts into practice what he wants to do and he indeed achieves his dream. Although he was killed in the end, it probably awakened as many gay people as his election had. Realizing one is a gay is usually causes for terror, or at least mortification, but Milk felt too great a sense of entitlement to let either emotion prevail. It is no doubt that Milk is such a legendary person in the world.
sjs23108576 My teacher lets us see this film on class. It is a good issue to let us to think. I wasn't born when the event took place, but I could fell they had a lot of pressure to support the right. After I watch the video, I know Harvey Milk is really encouraged. Gays in that age were more unacceptable than now. They could insist rights not only for them but other people, they are great! Also they must accept any kind of criticism from everywhere. People can behave whatever right rights in right way at will. I got the news that the murderer was caught for less than 10 years. I think most people can't accept it even the supporter. Even he died, his achievement still exist.
candance35 I felt so sad about seeing this video, because Harvey Milk is a really successful supervisor. Also in Taiwan, some of really incorruptible political figure were being killed by the group of people who try to bribe him.I can't believe that Harvey Milk died of different opinion with other supervisor. However, we have to learn how to respect the difference and try to learn from it. Not everything always go our way and under control. It might the hardest things that we have to accept, but that's the reason why we have to negotiate with others. Using violence cannot solve any problem between two sides. Thus, never try to solve any problem by this way. However, that is the example of Harvey Milk. Voilent kills the remarkable supervisor. No matter your sexual orientation or the side you support , we should respect the difference.