My Bloody Valentine
My Bloody Valentine
R | 11 February 1981 (USA)
My Bloody Valentine Trailers

Twenty years after a Valentine's Day tragedy claimed the lives of five miners, Harry Warden returns for a vengeful massacre among teen sweethearts gearing up for another party.

Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
lojitsu A-Z Horror Movie of the Day..."My Bloody Valentine" (R - 1981 - US)Sub-Genre: SlasherMy Score: 6.2Cast=4 Acting=4 Plot=7 Ending=8 Story=5 Scare=6 Jump=7 F/X=7 Blood=8 Twist=6A decades-old folk tale surrounding a deranged murderer killing those who celebrate Valentine's Day turns out to be true to legend when a group defies the killer's order and people start turning up dead. "Roses are red, violets are blue, one is dead, and so are you." Maybe a lesser known title from those 80's campy slasher flicks, but still one to watch. I didn't think it held up as well as maybe ANOES or ISOYG, but no one can use a pick like this least not until "Cold Prey". With silly scary nursery rhymes like, "It happened once, it happened twice. Cancel the dance, or it'll happen thrice" and "Beware of having a party at all on Saturday night! You may not live to see daylight!" may gag or chuckle a bit. One thing's for sure, the kills do hold up pretty well...Happy Valentine's Day!
dougdoepke No need to recap the familiar plot. It's an effective slasher movie that really picks up steam in the last half hour. Filming the climactic scenes in a real coal mine creates an appropriately hellish setting. After all, who knows what's lying ahead in those creepy tunnels. Sarah, TJ, and co. sure should have stayed out of this underworld and remained topside now that their numbers are dwindling. But you've got to hand it to a no-name cast that proves surprisingly convincing whether as party animals or bleeding corpses. Then too, I like the way Harry Warden's otherwise motiveless killing spree is motivated. It's really revenge for partying twenty years earlier when the guards should have been looking out for the miners below. On the other hand, I could have done without the bleeding hearts, but I guess that was to tease us along until the slam-bang finale. Anyway, kudos to director Mihalka who not only gets surprisingly good performances for a slasher film, but also keeps thing moving. All in all, it's an imaginatively effective horror movie that shows what a Canadian production crew can do.
Uriah43 This story essentially begins in a small mining town called "Valentine Bluffs" with 5 miners and 2 supervisors going deep into a mine shaft to work just prior to their traditional St. Valentine's Day party that night. Eager to begin festivities the 2 supervisors depart a little early and let the 5 miners continue working without them. Not long afterward an explosion rips through the tunnel which causes the mine shaft to collapse. Eventually, after 6 weeks of effort, the rescuers finally get to those trapped inside only to find one survivor named "Harry Warden" (Peter Cowper) who has managed to stay alive by feeding on his comrades. He has also gone quite insane. One year later, Harry Warden returns to Valentine Bluffs and goes on a killing spree which results in the town permanently terminating all celebrations for that specific day. Twenty years later the townsfolk decide to resume their traditional dance-and the killings start again. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that I thought this was one of the better "slasher movies" from this particular era. Although the gore isn't as big a factor as others films of this time, the mystery and suspense manage to keep things interesting just the same. Likewise, the drama between "Axel" (Neil Affleck) and "T.J." (Paul Kelman) as suitors for "Sarah" (Lori Hallier) helped the overall story as well. On the flip side, I didn't particularly care for the ending which seemed much too abrupt. But other than that this was a fairly entertaining film and I rate it as slightly above average.
buckikris In the small town of Valentine Bluffs everyone is getting ready for the big Valentine's Dance. It will be the first one in over 20 years, since the tragedy. In 1960 a terrible mining accident happened on Valentine's Day. On the day of the accident two supervisors were careless, and 5 people died. The only survivor was Harry Warden, who vowed to get even with the two that left him there to die, so they could get to the dance. He later found those two supervisors killed them, ripping out their hearts. He told the community that if there were another Valentine's Day Dance he would come back and kill everyone. Harry ended up spending several years in a mental hospital. It is now 1980, and the first Valentine's Day dance is going to be held regardless. Almost everyone believe Harry Warden is either dead or just a legend. Most of the people work at the Hanniger Mine; and can't wait to start helping with the decorating. As soon as the decorations begin the dance organizer Mabel is brutality murdered. Chief Newby tries to cover it up, so it won't start a panic . So after Mabel's murder, Newby calls off the dance which leads to disappointment. After her death the local bar tender knows exactly what happened.He believes Harry's back and everyone should wise up and listen to him. He explains that it isn't a fairy tale and they will be sorry. Naturally everyone thinks he's bulls**ting and ignore the scare tactic. The bartender worked in the mine back when the collapse happened, he was one of the men who found Harry.Later he tries to make believer's out of them by scaring them, but it backfires. So the gang ignores the advice and hold a Valentine's party at the mine. Once they arrive the terror and killings continue until the real killer is caught. Could it be one of there own? I love this movie, the uncut version is the only one to watch though. To get the real effect of the film the uncut is a must, the R rating is practically PG. I was young at the time so I don't know what the big brew ha ha was with Paramount, since they put out Friday the 13th a year earlier. That film was much more frighting. If the uncut scenes were left MBV would have done so must better at the box office.THX, Kris L. CocKayne