Red Dragon
Red Dragon
R | 04 October 2002 (USA)
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Former FBI Agent Will Graham, who was once almost killed by the savage Hannibal 'The Cannibal' Lecter, now has no choice but to face him again, as it seems Lecter is the only one who can help Graham track down a new serial killer.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Micitype Pretty Good
Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Exothokman We've seen it before, just executed with tonal difference and a lighter budget. 'Red Dragon' is entertaining and engaging from start to finish, but not as suspenseful as 'Manhunter', the 1986 original adaptation of the story. Anthony Hopkins gives a great performance in this movie, but not as unsettling as he was in 'Silence of the Lambs'. Perhaps this movie belongs to Edward Norton and his character Will Graham, and his performance is equally as good as William Peterson's. Another great performance here is Emily Watson as Reba, a blind lady who is ready to find partnership with someone she can relate to. As for Ralph Fiennes acting he was supurb as well, yet I perfer the Francis Dolarhyde found in 'Manhunter', as he was much emotionally off the wall and ultimately resentful, which overall gave more suspense to the movie. The cinamatography and the score are expected from this sort of movie, nothing out of the ordinary and done competently. But the burning man in a wheelchair was definitely done to great effect (spoiler?) While I have not read 'Red Dragon', I liked the plot of 'Manhunter' over this one (especially the ending), but I thought the writing in this movie better fleshed out every character in the movie. There were more scenes with Hannibal Lecktor, Mr. D, and Reba, which is a good enough tradeoff for me. I would recommend this movie to anyone interested in thrillers.
barberic-695-574135 One of the all time classics. A brilliant edge of your seat thriller. Cannot fault it really. To date we have watched it 7 times and we will certainly be watching it again in the future. A must for every bodies movie collection.
andrewroy-04316 After coming in with tempered expectations, I think I actually enjoyed the movie even more than the very solid book. The casting was excellent - Keitel is perfect as Crawford, Fiennes is great as Dolarhyde, and I liked Norton as Graham a lot. I found the atmosphere tense and on edge throughout, and think it's the movie's biggest strength. The ending was just as electric as in the book. I thought they did an effective job in providing key character context without too much pure exposition, which many movies (eg the Godfather imo) find it a difficult balance to strike. Red Dragon is just an intense, atmospheric, really well directed crime movie.
Smoreni Zmaj After The Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal it was logical to do remake of Manhunter to complete trilogy with Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal in all parts. Enough time has passed since I watched the original movie not to be able to remember all details, but it seems to me that Red Dragon is almost exact copy of Manhunter. Production is better and no one is better Hannibal than Hopkins, but the rest is pretty much the same. Cast in Manhunter may be better though. For real fans of this trilogy and/or Hopkins this is mandatory, but for all the rest who already saw Manhunter this movie is unnecessary. During whole first watching I had a feeling like I'm watching it again, and as it is thriller and I knew what's next all of the time it was pretty much boring to watch. Don't get me wrong, movie is good, and those who did not see Manhunter will surely enjoy it, but it is pretty much pointless to watch them both.