Alien Predators
Alien Predators
R | 06 February 1987 (USA)
Alien Predators Trailers

Three young friends who are on vacation in Spain and a NASA scientist must join forces to save themselves and the rest of the world from an alien menace.

Cortechba Overrated
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
gavin6942 The plot: Three friends encounter a malevolent alien after driving in an RV and a field of cattle die from some sort of bloody infection.I must say, the cow corpses are pretty nasty for those who do not like to see raw meat. And the blood and gore in this film in general is pretty decent, definitely something worth checking out if you are into that.I think the one guy does a great Rod Serling impression, and later they run into a Talky Tina doll. Someone clearly loved "Twilight Zone"...The Indian family was very weird, not unlike the guy from "Short Circuit". I am amused by how non-Indian the daughter looks compared to her parents.
aaronmocksing1987 I'm rather surprised this movie has received poor reviews. Out of every movie I've posted something about on, this is a movie I want to cherish very much so - and would like to see it again, in better (MUCH better, please) quality - on VHS or DVD. I managed to pick this up again at Ye Olden Days Dos Palos California rental store, and god knows who on Earth owned this previously or what compelled it to get in the hands of mine. Rest assured, it was well worth the quarter I bought it for. For whatever reason, the enormous box it came in said that this movie is worth it's eighty dollars in Canadian money... but to me, it's gotta be at least five dollars in this day and age.I loved the title. It may say 'Alien Predators', and while the title may be a jab at it's competitors at the same time, it actually does contain a little bit of each. Maybe even 'The Thing', if you think hard on it. Three pals on a trip to Spain come to the land to enjoy some partying out and kicking back for some good times (stay tuned for a very spot-on Rod Serling impersonation by the suave main lead), only to realize there's been a hostile takeover... from aliens! For reasons I am not able to record because of the shoddy television set I was using to play it, they are contractible little buggers feeding off of the humans in the town. As such, the whole place is infected.There is only one survivor, someone from NASA, played by a very slow-talking Russian who requires the aid of the Scooby Gang to not only find the cure - but spare themselves before it spreads. The army's already moved in fast and has blocked off the only exit. For no readily apparent reason, there is a dumpster truck of Doom that seems to follow them around... with all the excitement of the Flammable Monstertruck from 'Duel' chasing them around. It culminates in an epic roller-coaster chase with one of the dudes fighting him off in a dune buggy all over the town streets. Quite like 'The Italian Job', though considering the action I was seeing all over the place, it might as well be something like 'Vigilante 8' or 'Twisted Metal'.Unfortunately, after the Russian guy is infected (for reasons I dunno, but considering that he talked at a snail's pace next to Dennis's wisecracking awesomeness, this was for the best), so they must travel on. Unfortunately, despite the army and our heroes's best efforts... it's not only affected the next town over, but Dennis Christopher as well. The ending is deliciously morbid, and I, for one, loved every minute of it.Please release this again but in a way where I can actually see something not entirely enshrouded in darkness (this goes for you too, Mutant - Jesus, the whole thing is shot in pitch BLUE and BLACK), so I can enjoy this movie once again.Those who said they didn't like this movie were obviously the ones who grew up watching kiddie movies while all the awesome people loved the horror ones.
one4now4 This is a tricky case. "Alien Predator" is a pretty terrible movie, but its redeeming points are there. You just need to now how to look for them. What it's about is three young people heading through Spain in a RV on vacation. They come across a town called Duarte and discover that the nearly deserted village is populated by some strange people who get nosebleeds a lot. What's going on is that, five years before, there was a space station that had been doing some nice, little experiments ("The results on the test animals were horrendous!") and, somehow, all that loveliness came crashing down into a Spanish desert just outside of Duarte. The microbes that cause the mess laid dormant for the following five years, and took effect just in time to catch our three protagonists at the time of their arrival. Now, they have to figure out how they're going to save the world from microbes that are already airborne and cause everybody who comes into close contact with them to go nuts within 48 hours of original contact before exploding in a gory mess as an alien creature emerges from their bodies. They get some help from a scientist who was involved, and, boy, does that help go a long way! Why do I say this? Watch this until the end and judge for yourself. Yes, I have to give a spoiler alert: SPOILER ALERT! They don't save the world. The end! Now, what did the filmmakers do wrong? Let's really think about this. Despite how cheezy the movie is, it generates some fairly well-executed moments of tension and suspense. Also, the gooey, gory effects are done pretty well, and the creature effects are kept pretty brief (showing that these people knew that they were dealing with a low budget). After all, if they would've shown the creature too much longer, it probably would have looked too damn fake. Another thing is that most of the cast holds up pretty well, and, furthermore, there are some great moments of humor. Everything else was practically done wrong, and not in a laughable way. Even with redeeming points, this is one of those movies that's just so bad it's bad. The ending I don't mind so much. Sure, the acting was generally good, but the actors were working with what they had been given, and what they had been given was not a whole hell of a lot. I must say that the characters aren't really people that you'd be wanting to save the world, seeing as how, in their spare time, they are competing for sex, even after the trouble has long begun. I think the main reason that I don't have a problem with the ending is this: Why should the world be saved? If you ask me, the end of the world would be a relief!
kenandraf Bad but funny Sci-Fi movie.Very low budget.Average story and good lead young stars.Does not take itself too seriously so it is to be viewed like a cartoon.Only for fans of B-movie Sci-Fi horror and big fans of the lead actors......