Alien Tornado
Alien Tornado
| 21 April 2012 (USA)
Alien Tornado Trailers

Aliens attack Earth with deadly electrical tornadoes, and it’s up to a farmer, his smart high-school daughter and a tornado blogger to thwart the horrific invasion.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
DipitySkillful an ambitious but ultimately ineffective debut endeavor.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
ten-often Jeff Fahey is the only reason to watch this movie. In fact, most of the movies Jeff Fahey leads or costars in are like that. Oh, wait a minute. I just thought of another reason to watch this movie.Imagine your great Aunt Mildred sitting on her sofa in front of the TV with her friends Gladys and Harriet. They are sipping some tea which they spiked with a bit of whiskey and are giggling while nibbling on their sugar cookies. They are watching this movie and appropriately gasping when the tornadoes appear or when someone gets sucked up by a tornado (a comical vision which offers no real fright) or when the bad guy puts on his rough act with the good guy (serious overacting here by nearly everyone in the movie but for Jeff Fahey and the lady who played his daughter, Stacey Asaro). Great Aunt Mildred leans forward and shouts at the TV, "Aw, shut up ya big bully!" Friends Harriet and Gladys loudly agree between giggles and sips of tea.If you want a B movie which has some good stuff with a few laughable things in it, this isn't it. There is no good stuff. But there's lots of laughable things in it. Watch it with Great Aunt Mildred. It will make her happy. Seriously. She deserves quality time with you.
Aki Savolainen Giving a bad review to a SyFy movie is not really a challenge. It's so blatantly obvious thing to do that one has to think twice if it is even worth the time to type the bashing these films more often than not deserve. I'm beginning to feel like this is SyFy's strategy: keep churning out junk under the guise of light entertainment, because there are enough people that kinda enjoy passing their time watching these films and then there are those, like myself, who end up watching these in hopes something has changed.Nothing has changed here. The images and the characters both are flat, the CGI is sub-par, and the script would again benefit from proofreading. Not that I don't trust the writers' English skills, but maybe a few more brains in the works would help in creating more passable builds of suspense, more pronounced motivations for characters etc. You know, a bit more oomph than tornadoes that are of alien origin coupled with the stock characters one can expect in such circumstances.I've seen worse acting, and I've spent my time more foolishly, but to say that seeing a certain film is NOT the stupidest thing one can do is not really a compliment, now is it?
Shireen This is the worst film I have ever seen. Low budget, bad acting, and terrible story line. There was no proper character introduction or development and so there is nothing likable about any of the main characters, apart from maybe the dad (Jeff Fahey). The film doesn't give enough background about anyone to develop. You got all the basic facts about the main characters right at the beginning as though that was enough, so they ended up being very one-dimensional. The so-called storm-chaser scientist was really annoying and it was very hard to believe that was her job. I found the film slow moving in the middle the plot was laughable. Although it is a sci-fi film, it is no X-Files, believe me! Actually picked it up because the cover looked interesting. However, I realised afterwards that the cover of my DVD had nothing to do with the actual film! Also, the names listed in the description were spelled wrong or just wrong altogether! Don't waste your time!
mezzararty I had to turn it off as I was fed up with the poor Dad being ripped into by 1: The selfish Daughter who just can't see that she wouldn't of had the happy life she lived until she opened her mail that afternoon. 2: The women who comes in owning the show 3: The lady who will never make a disability claim again once she gets in the car! Plus clearly can follow a script .... Word for word. 4: The idiots who can't decide which side of the road to drive on 5: The famous dramatic turn aways. Hell now I'm intrigued to what will become of this poor guy, what's the bets he dies, comes back to life thanks to an alien and then they all love him.