Blue Monkey
Blue Monkey
R | 25 September 1987 (USA)
Blue Monkey Trailers

While working in a greenhouse, a man receives an insect bite after touching an exotic plant. Immediately, he falls ill and is taken to an emergency room where the doctors diagnose him as suffering from an unknown bacteria, and a strange parasite which emerges from his mouth as a large slimy wormlike creature. Soon, there are more cases of bacterial infection, but the more immediate problem for the hospital is the wormlike creature which after accidental exposure to a genetic growth stimulant grows to monstrous proportions and starts a reign of terror and bloodshed in the hospitals abandoned wing.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Scarecrow-88 A repairman is infected when his hand is "cut" by a certain flower which causes something encased in a cocoon to exit his mouth while he's unconscious in an emergency room of County Memorial Hospital. This causes an infection which soon leaves paramedics who brought the victim to the emergency room to become unconscious and afflicted as well. Detective Jim Bishop(Steve Railsback) enters the emergency room with a partner who was shot during a stakeout which went awry. Along with Dr. Rachel Carson(Gwynyth Walsh)and entomologist Elliot Jacobs(Don Lake), Bishop will have his hands full as hospitalized kids being mischievous enter the lab holding the cocooned insect, feeding it a large dose of NAC-5, an accelerant growth promoter, because they thought it was hungry and needed nourishment, which works as a catalyst in metamorphosing it to a substantial degree, now an insect monster on the rampage. The Lincoln Center for Disease Control(working with Department of Health) puts County Memorial Hospital under quarantine and burns down the greenhouse which contained the flower behind the insect. Developments emerge which includes the fact that a bottle of Jack helped stop the toxins(caused by the infection) from spreading throughout the bodies of two elderly ladies who get wasted, an audio recording by Elliot of the giant insect mate's "voice" actually interrupts its path towards killing Bishop, County Memorial has a laser research lab(Laser research is the wave of the future Dr. proclaims) for future benefits in molecular breakdown and DNA experiments which will be used as a method to distract the creature, and we are informed through the entomologist that future insects will breed at an alarming rate(feeding from humans slowly, as we see in the case of a nurse and scientist who are cocooned and eaten from!). Essentially a "giant bug" movie with Railsback up against an insect which walks upright and beheads innocent victims who cross its path. I think this film has a bad rep due to its ridiculous title, because BLUE MONKEY(the alternate title, INSECT, is actually more logical)is more or less reminiscent of other 50s giant insect titles, except in a modern 80s setting. The creature is darkly lit and carefully edited as it causes mayhem obviously so that it wouldn't cause chuckles if seen clearly. Railsback gets to play hero again, but will need help from Walsh and Lake if he is to conquer the fiend and its offspring. Susan Anspach is another emergency room doctor, Judith Glass(she's the one who discovers the solution to the outbreak)and John Vernon is the hospital administrator(not as much an asshole as he normally is in other movies). Joe Flaherty and Robin Duke are a couple expecting the birth of their first child, a sub-plot which has no reason to be in the movie, to tell you the truth, other than to add some comedy.
starbinks-1 I love this flick, lots of fun, a crazy mutant insect,little gore. I love my sci-fi / horror,I love creepy scary movies. This movie is creepy and scary with some comedy thrown in for fun. Blue Monkey may seem like a strange title but it simply how one little boy sees the monster. Steve Railsback from Lifeforce and several episodes of X Files is good. He plays a detective who gets sucked into this mutant insect story, and of course falls in love with Gwynyth Walsh. She plays a doctor treating the insect infested folks. So, if you are tired of slasher, splatter, teen angst gore, take the night off and catch Blue Monkey. It really is a lot of fun. Little nudity and some very funny characters.
FieCrier An older man touches a flower in his wife's greenhouse that seems to be wilting. He gets pricked by it, or bitten by something on it. He quickly becomes ill, and at the hospital spits out a large writhing white larva of some kind. A later attempt to resuscitate him with paddles results in a splatter of blood.A cop is at the hospital because his partner got badly hurt in a shoot-out. Somehow the cop gets paired up with one of the female doctors, as well as an entomologist who is brought in. There are several young kids wandering around the hospital, who I suppose we're supposed to find adorable, but who are extremely annoying little brats. They happen to wander into the room where the specimen is being kept, and happen to dump a growth hormone on it. Horror movie logic would say they deserve to die for this, but they're never even in any danger.The critter grows and starts breeding. People run away from it, and sometimes towards it for some reason. The hospital gets surrounded by military who are prepared to destroy everything if need be.There are no really compelling characters in the movie, and most of the time it seems like people are searching around for the monster. It was fairly boring. Clearly it owes something to the Alien movies, with the monster being born inside a human and having several stages of its growth. There's also a character named Bishop, and the lead actress has Sigourney Weaver's hair.
eminges All this dismaying waste of film stock needs is Count Floyd popping up every sixty seconds. Somehow they got Steve Railsback, Susan Anspach, John Vernon, and Joe Flaherty together on a set and couldn't get within five miles, about eight kilometers, of an actual movie. BOY does this thing suck. There isn't one original line, thought, shot, or effect from brainless opening sequence to brainless close. The magical, ethereal Susan Anspach of Five Easy Pieces - boring. Steve Railsback - boring. John Vernon - boring. The big bug - boring. If this is a scary movie, Buttercream Gang is a thuglife documentary. Seriously - every bad movie contains its own explanation of its badness. Usually it's in the opening credits - "Written, Directed, and Produced by" one guy. Or at the very center of the action is some bimbo so talentless that you know there's one and only one reason this turkey got made. Here, you don't find out till the very last of the credits, where the cooperation of about a dozen subfunctions of the Canadian Government is gratefully acknowledged. Right now I'm watching MST's take on Beast of Yucca Flats to get the taste out of my mouth. Ghod, what an improvement.