R | 17 July 2009 (USA)
Homecoming Trailers

A jealous woman plots revenge after her former beau returns to their hometown with a pretty new girlfriend.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
liam_donnaz Watching this movie, I was reminded of why I love these kinds of movies. They are simple, effective, and most of all, good. And that is what this movie is: Good. Comparisons to Fatal Attraction and Misery can be drawn, but this is its own movie, and that is its brilliance.First off, the story isn't anything new, but it works in the films favor. Basically, guy meets girl, guy dates girl, guy brings girl home to his town for his football jersey retirement, guys psycho ex kidnaps girl, and that's about it. It's simple and dated, but still fun to watch. The reason why I like this film so much, however, is because often times, it feels real. I don't mind violence and gore in movies. I can watch the goriest films ever made and still sleep like a baby. Where Homecoming is different is that its gore and violence is spaced out and simple: rather than excessive blood shed, it tones it down, and when it does occur, it is some of the few moments committed to celluloid that can make me cringe, and that is saying something.the other aspect of the film that makes it work so well is the acting. I'm not Mischa Barton's biggest fan, but she was genuinely creepy and quite gives an unnerving performance. Matt Long makes for a great oblivious boyfriend, and he plays the character well, occasionally adding a light attitude to otherwise quiet scenes of dialog. However, the best performance in the film is Jessica Stroup. Her character is well played, sympathetic, and, most importantly, believable. It also helps that she is quite beautiful, adding a sense of innocence to the character that would have otherwise been absent.The film is not without flaws, but then again, so is every other movie. Despite comparisons that can be made between Homecoming and others, it is well crafted, the performances are well played and the violence is spaced out enough and realistic enough to make even the most conditioned of gore hounds cringe. It is a fine example of a modern thriller, and deserves more praise than it gets.
callanvass Credit. IMDb Mike was the star quarterback in a blue-collar small town where football is everything. After receiving a scholarship to Northwestern University, he returns home over Christmas break and everyone is surprised to see him with a new girlfriend, Elizabeth, a pretty rich girl from Chicago. No one is more shocked than Mike's homecoming queen ex-girlfriend, Shelby, who desperately wants Elizabeth out of the picture. After a freak car accident leaves an injured Elizabeth at the mercy of Shelby, all hell breaks loose as Shelby does everything it takes to get Mike back.While watching Homecoming, I could not cope with the overwhelming sense of similarity. And then it completely hit me, Misery!. It so desperately wants to emulate that movie, but it doesn't have the talent, or the script to pull it off. Mischa Barton is often excellent as the overly obsessed, vengeance filled woman. But I felt no sympathy for the characters. Mike|Long| himself, in my opinion, is a bit of a jerk. Elizabeth|Stroup| Doesn't have that much character to speak of. The characters were just poorly developed. As the movie was becoming close to ending, I was just dying for it to end. If it wasn't for Mischa Barton, I would have been truly tortured.Performances. Mischa Barton is gorgeous to look at, and a very credible actress to boot, at least here she is. She's not only a convincing psychopath, but her pain is also felt. That's one of the few smart moves this movie made, making you emphasize and fear her. Jessica Stroup is bland to say the least, and I didn't really care what happened to her. Matt Long is nothing more than a charismatic less Jock, who I wanted to slap silly on more than one occasion. Michael Landes plays a decent supporting character, much like he did in Final Destination 2.Bottom line. This is a boring remake of Misery for P.G lovers. I didn't feel any tension, I wasn't thrilled. In fact I was bored 50% of the time. Worth a look I guess, but even that is pushing it.4/10 |Bordering on a 3|
Scarecrow-88 Shelby didn't accept a break up with high school football star Mike who has since moved on to college at Northwestern and attached himself to another, Elizabeth. She can not and will not believe Mike is no longer the man for her, and in pure FATAL ATTRACTION/PLAY MISTY FOR ME style, goes off the deep end. Shelby will set out to wreck Mike's relationship with Elizabeth whatever the cost. Mischa Barton has this moment where she quietly fumes and dwells on Mike's truly leaving her in the dust...dragging off a cigarette, the contemplation of losing him yet again is present on her face(it's a good scene I give Barton credit for). Driving home while sobbing, Shelby hits Liz with her vehicle as she was walking the side of the road seeking help from someone because she needed a ride to Mike's mom's house..Shelby got Liz liquored up so she couldn't meet Mike's mom. Echoes of MISERY as Shelby has Liz in a bed where her sick mother once spent her last years dying, feeding her intravenous tube with a sleeping agent to keep her either sedated or so weakened she can not move(not to mention Liz' ankle is badly damaged)..and when she attempts to due so is often thwarted by her injury.Letting go is hard to do in Shelby's case and this is like an opportunity which landed right in her lap. Pretty much holding her hostage, mangled ankle and all, Shelby can use this as an advantage to, in her devious state, "win" back the man she adores(more like obsesses about). There's this amusing scene where Liz finds a room which serves as a literal shrine to Mike, with pictures all over the walls, doodles, and heartfelt scribblings devoted to the man she yearns for. HOMECOMING is one of those movies which allows another actress her chance to play the psychotic, cold-hearted bitch role. There are all these Lifetime Movie clichés to stomach, thriller staples that have wore out their welcome. Such as the evidence, taped underneath the toilet bowl lid no less, where it proves that Shelby poisoned her mother. The revelation that Liz has been kidnapped, discovered by Mike in the knick of time. The numerous near escapes where Liz just about frees herself from Shelby's clutches. The victim who finds Liz bound only to be executed for turning his back on Shelby. How Shelby takes a licking and keeps on ticking, in ridiculous fashion..she takes a shot to the forehead by a ceramic toilet bowl lid, her head slammed up against a wall, and a variety of punches to the face with a football helmet. And, if you really think about it, the idea that this beautiful young woman who seems to have a degree of intelligence, would have this homicidal love for a boy, even if he's the town's famous football legend, is a bit over the top and hard to swallow. He's this sensitive dreamboat who just has a hard time accepting that Liz would leave him without even confronting him, though Shelby tries her hardest to get him to think so. And, Shelby flaunts in Liz' face how she'll get Mike back while her prisoner must suffer..all of this I've described will be quite familiar to those who watch these movies. It's really a sister to movies like SWIMFAN about female lunatics who do not respond well when their love is spurned by the young man they worship.Barton fulfills the requirements of such a role and Stroup is a nice young actress with a pleasant personality, whose Elizabeth doesn't deserve what is happening to her. It all has been done before folks, nothing new to see here. Michael Landes is Mike's cop pal, Billy Fletcher who is used as a tool in the screenplay to potentially talk him into reentering a relationship with Shelby. I do think, as evident by this movie, that Stroup is a star in the making. Matt Long is the young man Barton loves with all her heart. Funniest scene could be when Shelby starts eating a meat sandwich, possibly cut from the body of a victim she had just killed!
non-shill This film is not really even worth a review, so I'll make it quick. The movie starts as a total snoozefest. A slow start, boring script, boring dialogue.We're supposed to believe that Long's and Barton's characters were an item in the recent past. This despite the fact that Long appears to be around 19 years old, while Barton looks to be 6-8 years his senior (which, in real life, she is). Yet we are shown a photo with them frolicking around in high school clothes, with Barton a cheerleader. Wow.Then the clichés start in earnest. Stroup's character is being held hostage, and makes multiple feeble and idiotic non-attempts at escape. No, don't use the front window to ensure that the psycho who is holding you prisoner is actually gone before you try getting away or using the phone to call for help; just wait for her to go downstairs, and hope for the best. There is even the obligatory scene with an outsider who could help... He's right outside, help at last! Yet all Stroup can manage is to feebly tap on the window. No, don't smash it with that big metal rod in your hand and then scream; just stand there like an idiot.That's as far as I made it with this joke of a movie. I can't believe Freeman put his name on this garbage.