Sleepaway Camp
Sleepaway Camp
R | 18 November 1983 (USA)
Sleepaway Camp Trailers

After a terrible boating accident, Angela Baker is sent to Camp Arawak, where a series of bizarre and violent "accidents" begin to claim the lives of various campers.

Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
jessikanc86 I think because it's a cult classic and have heard so much hype about it before watching I expected It to be better then what it was. I found it to be kinda predictable but overall I guess u could say the ended was a head of its time if u know what I mean.. lol
thelastblogontheleft Sleepaway Camp, a well-known cult classic among horror enthusiasts, is what I'd consider to be a "great bad movie". It was director Robert Hiltzik's first film (and, really, he only went on to direct one other distant sequel) and one he should be pretty proud of, really.The film opens with a dad and two kids playing out on a lake. There are some teenagers nearby driving a speedboat rather recklessly, who tragically crash into the family, killing the father and one of the children. We fast forward 8 years to Angela (Felissa Rose), the survivor of the accident, heading off to Camp Arawak with her cousin Ricky (Jonathan Tiersten), who she now lives with. She is understandably traumatized by the events and extremely shy and quiet as a result, which makes for lots of teasing at camp (and lots of punishment for those who tease…).** SPOILERS! **Overall, this is your typical campy (literally and figuratively) teen slasher. It was riding the waves of Friday the 13th (released in 1980) and the similarities are unmistakable — gruesome killings played out in an act of vengeance on camp kids and their counselors. Sounds a bit familiar. But really, who doesn't like a campy teen slasher film?Ricky's mom (Desiree Gould) keeps the weirdness factor up right away with her WILDLY over-the-top acting and just plain bizarre persona.Despite the acting not being the greatest (is it ever?) and the sheer number of short shorts and crop tops (mostly on the muscular male counselors), some of the kills are surprisingly awesome. The counselor getting drowned under the canoe was nothing wild until you see his corpse the next morning with a water snake slithering out of his mouth. The disgusting pervert of a head chef got DRENCHED in boiling water and the length of time he is allowed to go on screaming in agony is, well, satisfying in context. Or Judy (Karen Fields) getting killed with a hair curler, where it's more about what we don't see than what we do.This movie is also now responsible for one of my favorite moments ever: when one of the other kids says "Eat sh*t and die, Ricky!" and Ricky responds, in all seriousness, "eat sh*t and live, Bill". Brilliant.But the real reason we will all remember this movie forever: THE ENDING, HOLY GODDAMN. Honestly, Angela being the killer didn't surprise me for a second. I thought that was obvious from the very beginning. But the twist of her actually being Paul and raised as Angela because crazy Aunt Martha "always wanted a daughter" was a doozy, and the visual of his surprisingly-muscular-for-a-pre-teen's naked body drenched in blood as he hisses maniacally was just… wow. Wow. Wow.On top of it being a WILD leap into left field, it made the motivation behind the killings a bit deeper… surprisingly deep for an early 80s slasher film, really. I wish it had been explored more and given the attention it deserved, but it introduced these sort of half- baked ideas of sexual repression, trauma from sexual molestation, and being forced to live in a body that isn't your own into the film, which was interesting even if not fully fleshed out.Ultimately, worth a watch JUST for the ending alone. For real.
O2D This movie was definitely not what I was expecting. It's not just another Friday The 13th rip off, it's much different. After watching it I was very confused about a lot of the movie. Then I listened to four people who all had different ideas try to explain it and now there's only one thing I don't understand, the end. I don't want to spoil it but no matter how you view the events in this movie, the end doesn't make any sense. The acting goes from just regular bad to full-on silly. The screaming is hilarious and goes on for way too long. There is no plot and the premise is comical but it's not really a bad movie. I will definitely watch the sequel.
Foreverisacastironmess I really grew to love this movie fast, I enjoyed it a bit more each time I saw it. In a switch that is very rare for a slasher, rather than the kill scenes, what I personally like most about is the characters and how they swear, are frequently mean to each other and just how they interact, I think it comes off as very natural with this movie mostly. It was cool to see a flick like this where a lot of the teens were actually teenagers and not 20 somethings pretending to be. And while they're not super-developed or anything, the characters are characters and aren't totally faceless victims, it at least attempts to give them a little personality and humanity, and that's something that really stood out a lot to me with Sleepaway Camp. I think they brilliantly portrayed the atmosphere of the camp. It's not amazingly original as a whole, but it's definitely one slasher that offers a little more, its creepy underlining elements of insanity and child gender blurring push the envelope and make it stand out somewhat, there's deeper psychological stuff going on beneath the typical stalk and kill surface. I like the slashers that try out different concepts and approaches to the setup, which this certainly does. To me it's deserving of being regarded as more than just a fantastic twist ending. Yeah sure it caps off the whole thing in a brilliant way that you can never unsee, but it deserves a little more credit than only being known for that crazy final scene. Without the rest of the compelling mystery of the story to build up to it that ending, for how shocking it is, just wouldn't be nearly as effective. You may know Angela is the killer but you'll never know she's a guy! You'll never see it coming, and you'll barely see it when it appears, but it's there alright! And for better or worse it sticks with you. But it's not necessarily the uh, the penis that sticks with you, it's the whole notion of it and the bizarre and chilling image of the frozen face with the mouth agape, making those horrible animal sounds. Brr, oh man! I thought Felicia Rose gave a wonderful performance, mostly all with her big dark eyes, she puts a lot of feeling into them, there's something magnetic and eerie about all her stares, you never know what she's thinking... I don't get why poor Paul deserved to die. Apart from one very understandable and forgivable slight, he was nothing but a friend to her. I like the scenes of them together, their chemistry and friendship seemed sweet and genuine. It's funny, as opposed to everyone else she ruthlessly slaughters Paul's murder feels especially cold and unforgivable and finally makes her a monster to the audience after appearing so innocent and harmless all through the movie. I guess sometimes you just don't know what's really looking you right in the face until it's too late. She's probably made a few people turn the movie right off in her day, but I just love that aunt. If overacting was a crime they'd lock her up and throw away the key! Now she is creepy. She's the real monster of the movie, what kind of a demented bitch would inflict such a terrible thing on an innocent child who's just lost his family? I get a big kick out of the actress who plays Judy, an ideal campground mean girl for the ages! I find all of her over the top facial expressions and mannerisms just hysterical, she's kinda terrible, but she puts so much bitchy character into her face that it works and she's such a riot to watch! I love it but something that I found annoying was how the old man kept making excuses to keep the camp running even as people were turning up dead, when in reality they'd all have been sent home after one.. Movie logic! Also it's just gotta be said, some of the guys' wardrobe is seriously ridiculous, it looks like it's taken from a gay porn shoot and really lends the movie a bit of a homoerotic streak that's pretty dang hard to ignore at points! Overall though, they got a lot out of what they had to work with, and you can tell that they weren't working with a big budget. Absolute gem of a slasher that's worth checking out if you like the earlier more weird ones. "Come children, let's be on our way!"