One Dark Night
One Dark Night
PG | 01 February 1983 (USA)
One Dark Night Trailers

A strange man named Karl Rhamarevich dies shortly after discovering a way to become even more powerful in death through telekinesis. On the night of his burial in a crypt, Julie is to spend the night there as part of an initiation rite, supervised by two other girls. The crypt becomes a scene of horror as Raymar returns to life and deploys his horrifying telekinetic powers.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Randall-Flagg01 Ok, this is a fun little early 80s horror movie with a great setting and atmosphere. Cool central idea as well. Also, it has Elizabeth Daly....I think she is super hot!
WisdomsHammer This thing takes forever to get going. Scenes and scenarios repeat over and over and over again. Seriously, they kept showing the same sequences of shots over and over again. It felt like they added unnecessary scenes and dialogue and the director told everyone in every scene to draw things out just to pad it for time. Even the credits at the end are slow.The acting was tolerable, and the makeup and effects were actually pretty good, but this thing is way too painful to sit through for what to me was a horrible ending and "payoff". It really is too bad. Seems like they had a good crew. If only they would have had a decent script.
stumaczter1 Let me start by saying I was only 2 when this movie came out but I loooove a good low budget 80's horror flick especially early & mid 80's(cheesy or not!)...a few good ones that I can think of off the bat are "Demons"..."Demons 2"..."Happy Birthday To Me"..."April Fools Day"..."Slumber Party Massacre"..."Witchboard"..."Chopping Mall"..."The Evil Dead" etc. BUT this movie is TOTAL garbage the special effects are crap (even for a low budget film),the storyline is whack & does'nt hold your interest...the acting is bad & not in a "so bad it's good" way...the killings are lame & ridiculous...& the finale was really poor! I kept waiting for it to get better but sadly the movie never lifts off,I can't believe people said this scared them when they 1st saw it cause this movie IS NOT scary! I watched this with my girlfriend on Friday (she also loves 80's horror) & when it was over we just watched each other & rolled our eyes then she buried her face in the pillow shaking her head & laughing in disbelief. Anyway enough of me slandering this doo doo pile of a "movie"...I actually feel awkward as I'm blasting this movie so much cause I'm not really a negative guy & I always try to find something good about movies I watch but I had to make an exception here because this film is that terrible! Those people that gave this movie a good rating & said it scared them must've been on acid when they watched it!
lost-in-limbo So much promise, but too little in the end. I never even heard of it, until a friend brought it up. Tom McLoughlin's directorial debut feature (who would go on to helm Friday the 13th Part 6) shows plenty of polished style and atmospheric visuals, but the concept is never truly grasped and budget restrictions go on to show up. The plodding climax, with its tatty special effects (involving rotten corpses) only cemented it and it was obvious it was going for moody atmospherics than say blood and gore. Sure that's fine, but being lightweight it never demonstrated much in the way of thrills and taut locations never really struck a chord. Bob Summers' ominously seething electronic score worked more often than it didn't.World renowned psychic Raymar is bizarrely found dead along with several female victims and his body stored in a mausoleum. In that same mausoleum, high-schooler Julie decides to spend the night so she could be accepted into the clique; 'The Sisters'. However the girls have plans to scare her out her wits, but don't realize the horror that's actually awaiting them.I didn't find it tedious, but while the whimsical story is compelling, it's slight and flat structure just goes on to feel senseless. I wished it explored its odd supernatural and blaring telekinesis current, but its low-scale properties is no excuse for its languishing pace and messy intentions. Of course it deliberately lets the situation leisurely evolve with constant window-dressing and dragged-out dialogues, before breaking loose from its slumber. Performances are reasonably modest. Meg Tilly is fine in an innocent role, but its Leslie Speights, Robin Evans and Elizabeth Daily who add a real perkiness to their parts. Melissa Newman holds her own and Adam West doesn't get a lot to do.Strange, but merely okay.p.s. Would be interesting to see how McLoughlin's director's cut 'A Night in the Crypt' shapes up?