The Commuter
The Commuter
PG-13 | 12 January 2018 (USA)
The Commuter Trailers

A businessman, on his daily commute home, gets unwittingly caught up in a criminal conspiracy that threatens not only his life but the lives of those around him.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Cineanalyst "The Commuter" is about a 60-year-old man whose repetitive life is interrupted by a time-sensitive mystery on a train that threatens the lives of all the passengers aboard. He receives instructions to solve this mystery by Vera Farmiga. If I hadn't known better, I might've thought I was watching a reworking of "Source Code" (2011). After all, the opening credits sequence shows Liam Neeson going through the same basic routine everyday, which always results with him commuting to and from work--plus train, plus Farmiga. But, no, instead, it's "Non-Stop" (2014), with the same star, with the twist being he's on a train this time rather than a plane.I miss the simplicity of the "Taken" series and the more-acceptable logic that a former CIA operative would have "a very particular set of skills" that would allow him to kick butt even as he enters the age of a senior citizen. In "Non-Stop," at least, he's still a federal air marshal, but, now, in "The Commuter," he's a former insurance salesman and even-more-former police officer. Talk about straining credulity. Most people, including police officers, go their entire lives without ever having the athleticism and combat skills of Neeson's salesman. If they do continue this path until Neeson's character bounces out of his wheelchair without an ounce of combat training in his past careers to beat up guys half his age or younger, then I hope the plots aren't as convoluted as this one.And Farmiga is not in her mid-30s, as the police captain suggests. If audiences can accept the premise of an elderly man leaping between railroad cars like he's prime Michael Jordan, then I think they can accept that a mid-40s-aged woman is attractive.
yjudith Im so sick of these types of cookie cutter action movies and Im equally sick of seeing Liam Neeson i them. He is no longer believable in them. Not too many men of any age can have that many fist fights where not only are you getting pummeled in hand to hand fighting, but also having your head rammed into metal and through glass. HIs character is 60 for pete's sake. And on top of that there was some computerization tweeks in the scenes which made them even less real or believable. I didnt have a problem with story or the holes in the plot. It is silly to think that they would hire a stranger to kill this witness but had someone push the fellow commuter into the path of a bus in broad daylight but I didnt think about that until later when all of the pieces started coming together. And the ending?? More ridiculousness!! I better stop here before I start removing stars!
MrDHWong The Commuter is an action thriller starring Liam Neeson. Directed by Jaume Collet-Serra (Non-Stop, The Shallows), it is an absurd but mostly enjoyable action film of the usual Liam Neeson standards.On his usual train commute home, former cop-turned-insurance salesman Michael MacCauley (Liam Neeson) meets and interacts with an unusual woman named Joanna (Vera Farmiga). Joanna tells Michael of a hypothetical situation, which involves him finding one particular passenger on board the train and upon doing so, will result in him pocketing $100,000. Intrigued by this, Michael further investigates the train carriages for clues, only to discover that this situation is not hypothetical and has resulted in placing him and his family in great danger.As farfetched as it is entertaining, The Commuter is a fun popcorn film with enough suspense and action to hold one's attention for the duration of its runtime. Liam Neeson is his usual action-star self, essentially playing the same character we have seen many times before, so one would know what to expect. The film is in the same vein as other Liam Neeson-helmed action thrillers, like Taken and Non-Stop, the latter of which was by the same director, and this does nothing to detract from the formula, but if it ain't broke. Don't expect too much and enjoy the film for the satisfying time passer it was made to be.I rate it 6/10
anass-alboushi This man never aged, I'm always excited to watch his movies