NR | 03 November 1994 (USA)
Felidae Trailers

A domestic house cat named Francis investigates the grisly feline murders taking place in his new neighborhood.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
perica-43151 In many a German movie, dark themes of Holocaust, experimentation and Nazi ideology lurk beneath the surface. If there is a Grandpa with dark secret, whatever it is, it is a sublimation of the one who had not much fun in Stalingrad, and it is an almost uniquely German experience. Having been guilty for uspeakable inhumanity of the Holocaust and rarely discussed aggression and genocide of the Slavs, and counting such people as Dr Mengele as their greats, Germans have a dark cynical streak that almost comes off as humor. At least, that part of self aware honesty was still present in 1994, before the Merkel years and renewed expansionism. This little cartoon is a wonderful animation of a bestseller novel by a Turkish German guest worker and writer, that strikes chords of this kind of German sickness but in the world of cats or uber-cats. Turks have a fondness for cats (as immortalized by the documentary about Istambul cats) as Islam treats dogs with less than respect, and in Germany ubermen are "in" again, despite through denaz ification, only pushed beneath the surface, into subconsciousness so to speak. Combine the two basic ideas and you get this darkly fun cartoon with a bit of mystery. Entertaining to watch, but ultimately nothing can beat the real thing and many many skeletons in the closets of the humorless but sickly amusing psyche of Germans past and present.
Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de) "Felidae" is (as you may have guessed from its title) a film centered around cats, but it's not an animated film for children as it is basically a crime thriller with some similarities to the likes of "Watership Down". It's bloody, we see dead cats, a religious cult, there's talk about colon cancer and also a massive fire almost at the end. The movie is from over 20 years ago and features quite some great names in the cast. Tukur, Adorf, Brandauer, Schneider and Ochsenknecht should be known to those with an interest in German cinema. And it also includes Wolfgang Hess, the German voice of Bud Spencer. Always a joy for me to listen to, especially as the cat that he voiced also had Spencer's physical appearance, not his kindheartedness though. The male cat Francis moves into a new home with his owner (or I should say "tin opener") and quickly acts as a detective when several cats (in heat) in the neighborhood get brutally murdered. It gets personal when Felicitas is killed right after he met her. All the cats reminded me really of humans at times, not only because they were speaking, but also because of the characterizations and character traits they possessed. Also when they get into comparing the victims' races, it is almost like a real crime movie with human actors. It's a pretty short movie, runs only for 75 minutes without closing credits. The novel it is based on and the script come from Akif Pirinçci ("The Door") and as I saw him in a recent talk show, the final developments made me think quite a bit in terms of the main antagonist cat obviously possessing a Nazi-like attitude. The film's director is Michael Schaack. You may have heard about his "Werner" movie work or "The Little A**hole", which also features Helge Schneider.All in all, I did enjoy this film. The animation is fine and I also liked how the cats were randomly scratching their furs while talking. Also the crows representing danger were nicely included. However, I have to say there are a couple flaws too mostly near the end. I was a bit underwhelmed by the motive and the solution to the murders, but it's not so bad that it destroys everything before. I did not like the final quote about animals and humans coexisting in peace as this is really not what this film is about. It's about cats coexisting in peace with other cats, or humans with humans if you see it metaphorically. And how did out hero manage to kill the main antagonist and all the other victims before were not able to do so? Everything before that is good though (especially the tension as you did not know if cats or humans were the killers) and that's why I recommend watching this film.
cdietz94-667-599244 I love cats, I own 6 of 'em myself. I heard of this film while watching Watership Down (Which was excellent) and decided to check it out. It has a pretty decent dub, but an unknown dub cast.The film itself is bloody brilliant. Its a mystery of a hybrid of Sherlock Holmes and Batman, the animation on the cats is rather good and the sheer amount of gore and blood in this movie is astounding so DO NOT let your kids watch it.I want their to be a proper American release someday, outside of Youtube. Truly an underrated classic.89/100
dinningfamily I ended up stumbling along this title on IMDb one day and read all the info about. It sounded like a good movie and I wanted to watch it. The only problem was, I was a bit hesitate about it as I was warned that this movie contain gory and upsetting scenes in it and I usually don't do well with gory movie (they make me sick in the stomach) but as time passed, curiosity got the better of me.Superb storyline and this movie had me guessing till the end of whodunit and I was not let down. And the gory bits... They didn't make me sick at all. I think that rather strange.I would not recommend this to kids at all. If fact, since it wasn't released in Australia I decided while watching the movie that I would give the movie a classification: MA+15.