Essex Boys
Essex Boys
R | 14 July 2000 (USA)
Essex Boys Trailers

Billy has just scored an entry-level position with the local crime cartel. His first job is to mind Jason, a newly released thug with a vicious temper. Jason thinks it's his job to teach Billy about crime, drugs and women. Little does he know that Billy has his eyes on Jason's own wife, Lisa. When an ecstasy deal goes bad, Jason vows revenge on the boss, while Billy looks to take out Jason. Before long, bodies start turning up

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
carbuff Outstanding British gangster/crime flick. Giving it a full ten because it has one fairly sympathetic character in the plot--I am getting a bit tired or more current films in which every single protagonist is despicable. I really like movies like this, because, while it is admittedly a work of fiction, I really do believe that it captures the essence of how serious criminals behave and makes me very glad that I have always steered clear of them. Unlike so many crime thriller/dramas, it would be very difficult for me to imagine that anyone watching this movie would feel that it glorifies crime or criminal behavior, while it still delivers generous servings action and suspense. There is no Godfather-like mystique or whatever it is that people like about that movie here. This movie is excellent, but you wouldn't want anything to do with these people in real life, which is how it actually is with dangerous criminals in the real world. Pretty much everybody in this movie is so unappealing that this film might even work as a "Scared Straight" sort of thing. There is no glamor here, just really unpredictable, greedy, blood-thirsty, power-hungry psychopaths mostly getting their just deserts eventually. In summary, an exceptionally well-done and compelling cautionary tale about really undesirable people doing really undesirable things which will make you glad that we have laws designed to protect those of us unlike this from those of us like this.
daworldismine essex boys is a gritty and voilent movie about drug dealers in the essex underworld and is told through the eyes of their driver. the story is inspired by the rettendon range rover murders, but those looking for the real facts go watch rise of the footsoldier(brilliant film) but never the less the basic storyline is pretty much the same, they haven't used real names and they have included a few things of their own, but it's still pretty much the story of how and why these 3 gangsters were found in a range rover one morning, its no masterpiece but it delivers the goods you would expect from a British gangster movie, and if you are interested in the rettendon range rover murders its definitely worth a watch, however if you want to see the real true story of the essex boys go watch rise of the footsoldier its accurate in every detail, and possibly the most voilent gangster movie ever made. there are three other movies based on the essex boys and the range rover murders namely 2007's rise of the footsoldier, 2010's bonded by blood and 2013's the fall of the essex boys
imaginatrix-1 I did like this movie, but - except for His Beanness - none of the actors really stood out. And, I don't know if I'm just a jaded child of the you-call-THAT-shocking?!? generation, but I was expecting the whole thing to be more over-the-top. Certain scenes worth note, though: the rape scene was awful, and the scene where he died was wicked cool. Not wicked cool in the ooh-cool-dead-people way, but in the wow-not-only-is-sean-bean-a-hottie-he-also-pulls-a-great-death-scene way.Sean Bean is really great in the way that he'll play any kind of character. He's done edgy homoerotic (way before it was trendy to do so), twitchy terrorist, seriously unhinged bad guy (several times, but it never gets old), devoted husband and lover...he's really diverse. I love that man.Sigh. Scuse me while I go chain smoke. And I don't even smoke!Trish
psp777 Gripping - often complicated (so watch it twice) - true (fact) based UK roots driven thriller, with all the hallmarks of the UK (Southend) 'Urban Myths' for enjoyment AND the realities of Essex Boys & Gangsters in contemporary UK - yep, Southend have a few nights out. Gutsy, violent, nasty paybacks, pill-popping, surprising, brilliant acting (considering Bean is in it) - its one hell of 'sexy' flick!Everything is happening so fast at times, you really need to do a mental rewind during the less demanding scenes - Essex Boys allows you to meet some of the more 'curious' as well as stereotypical 'known' type villains - don't let a fur coat fool you - on a man or woman! For our international friends, bear in mind that Southend is a place where shooting is not just reserved for photographers.(In REAL LIFE the shootings of Patrick Tate, Anthony Tucker and Craig Rolfe were carried out by Michael Steele and Jack Wholmes) (1995) who were played convincingly by Tom Wilkinson and Peter Chase; Steele is almost amphibious on those marshes!Loads of local scenes to goggle at - something for everyone - in a weird way it - I guess it depends who and where you are!New to the country? It Could act as a 'Public Information Film' for the curious! lol - ENJOY!The pace is slowed occasionally and reviewed with a narrative by a young Charlie Creed-Miles - who plays 'Billy Whizz' and his description - without which, you may be left - well maybe just left... and remember - its dark out there.***MUSIC*** The soundtrack often gives a manic pace in exactly the right places - and its carefully chosen for the 'era' of the 'pill-popping' (e) house - type stuff around then. It really DOES add to the film; the music that is ;)I'm probably not alone at being surprised at the groans of other comments referring to the 'cheap' or 'no class' touch to the film - sure there's no Spectacular Hollywood effects, but the pathos of the acting dispenses with the need for a multi million budget. OK, it only grossed just over 100k the opening weekend - but what the heck? - it a pretty off the wall gritty EXCITING Crime Thriller, and pacey film; Absolute Cult Value in years to come.I'm giving it a NINE (9) coz as a reviewer, it really floated MY boat!Look out for it on ITV4 during April 06 (FREEVIEW!) as well as the now FILM4 (Freeview) which it will no doubt pop up on soon.