The Assignment
The Assignment
R | 28 September 1997 (USA)
The Assignment Trailers

Jack Shaw has experienced the terror first-hand. He's a top CIA agent who's tracked international killer-for-hire Carlos "The Jackal" Sanchez for over twenty years and barely survived Carlos' devastating bombing of a Parisian cafe. Now, he finally gets a break when he discovers Carlos' dead ringer: American naval officer and dedicated family man Annibal Ramirez.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
manusanchez90 Before watching it, I expected an average action movie without depth, a simple entertainment. Nevertheless, this movie is better than expected. It is really amusing and the characters are well developed. The plot is not original (in fact, I saw other two movies about the terrorist called "The Jackal, which are very good, too). The director Christian Duguay, who also directed another decent action thriller titled "The art of war", knew how to set a fluid and amusing pace which makes you pay attention to the movie during its entire duration (less than two hours, but not short). The cast is rather good. Both the protagonist and the antagonist roles is played by Aidan Quinn (yes, he plays the part of the bad and the bad guys: the soldier assigned to hunt down the Jackal and the Jackal himself because they are supposed to be very alike phisically). Ben Kingsley plays another important role and is very correct. Maybe, the most interesting character is played by Donald Sutherland: he plays the part of the CIA agent who trains and tells the protagonist to kill the Jackal even by blackmailing him. The reasons are never very clear, but we know that he is eager to catch the Jackal. The action scenes are realistic and well-made (specially, the ones of the training and the car chase). The movie has some violent intense scenes, like some showing how the protagonist gets ready to impersonate the Jackal in order to catch him. The rest of the cast does a decent job with no more special mentions. There is nothing relevant about the photography and the sound (it is simply right). In conclusion, the best things of the movie are the intensity of some scenes as well as its pace whereas the worse thing is that it has nothing else remarkable, like a very original plot, amazing action scenes, a beautiful photography, etc. All those who like realistic action movies and thrillers will surely enjoy "The assignment". 8.
lastliberal The only photo that exists of Carlos the Jackals is a grainy one taken a half mile away. Lt. Cmdr. Annibal Ramirez (Aidan Quinn) looks like the man in the photo. and Jack Shaw, C.I.A (Donald Sutherland) wants him to set a trap.Ramirez becomes Carlos with the help of Shaw and Mossad agent Amos (Ben Kingsley). He goes about screwing Carlos' women (Céline Bonnier & Liliana Komorowska), and he doesn't attract Carlos, but a whole lot of people who want to kill him thinking he is Carlos. What a job! This film is one of the better action thrillers as it is not a "star vehicle," but a great group of actors who create a believable story.And, I may add, gives us pause at the end.
concerning Who decided to have two kids URINATING ON THE TITLE OF THE FILM? WHY!? I genuinely don't understand why they did that. That first ridiculous oversight paved the way for the poorest film i've ever seen. Every performance was sub average, many of the scenes were unbelievable and corny, the action was totally cheesy, the storyline was flimsy and hilarious and the script made me want to cry several times. I'm in awe that so many people actually liked this film, and it sickens me to think that there is an audience stupid enough to fall for this tripe. I hated the main character. Oh, and two unknown kids URINATE ON THE TITLE OF THE FILM. Classic.
cableaddict 2002's the Bourne Identity is one of my all-time favorite movies. however, many fans of the book have complained that the movie had very little to do with the book's plot.The Assignment is the real deal. It's odd that no-one on the "Bourne Identity" threads has mentioned this movie at all. (Well, I jst did.)Besides the excellent plot, I personally found this movie to be as good as any espionage movie I've ever seen, with the possible exception of The BourneIdentity itself.The action is all completely realistic. I especially liked the protagonists' training regimen, which was very inventive.The feel is dark and gritty. There are a few surprising plot twists. The acting is excellent. If you like this genre, I cannot recommend this movie highly enough.
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