R | 26 November 1999 (USA)
Flawless Trailers

An ultraconservative police officer suffers a debilitating stroke and is assigned to a rehabilitative program that includes singing lessons - with the drag queen next door.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
adonis98-743-186503 An ultraconservative police officer suffers a debilitating stroke and is assigned to a rehabilitative program that includes singing lessons, with the drag queen next door. Flawless is a dramatic comedy and a really not that good one i'm afraid. Philip Seymour Hoffmann looked pretty terrible as a drag queen and Robert De Niro deserved way better to be honest. Joel Schumacher definitely put a bit too much of his mind in here too i think and that is what kinda ruined or should i say? killed this movie before even it's release in Theaters on 1999? Probably yes.
alienworlds An interesting film that seems to be about two completely different people helping each other. That is well and good. On the other hand I think the chances of something like what takes place in this movie happening in real life are in the negative integer zone. Furthermore I think the film fosters myths about things related to the world of transsexualism re some very high costs being quoted by the films wanna be trans character related to what sex change stuff costs. I think that would tend to create the idea that anyone wishing to undergo some kind of a transsexual process either has to be loaded with money or prepared to take-a big bunch of money from somewhere, (see crime) which does nothing to promote understanding of the real issue-which is generally not a mega buck affair-and by the way-it is often a complete disaster, due to drug reactions, which are not accounted for in drug descriptions related to the subject. That would be a problem. I found it a bit hard to watch in places as the actor playing a wanna be trans isn't a wanna be trans. Call me stupid but there are plenty out there. Fairly forgettable performance by Robert De Niro, falling far short of his films like 'Goodfellas' or even '15 Minutes'.
richard-1967 Robert DiNiro is excellent and Phillip Seymour Hoffman totally brilliant in this film. But the best thing about this movie is its lesson of tolerance and acceptance.There's a wide gulf between a disillusioned, narrow-minded former security guard with a disabling stroke and a flaming drag queen whose loneliness lurks just below the surface.One common thread is that it takes exceptional acting to remain convincingly in character and both DiNiro and Hoffman pull it off with ease. PSH is particularly compelling. Someday he may wind up with as many Oscar nominations as Merryl.Another common thread is that -- well, no spoilers here, but it's no surprise that these two lonely people have far more in common than the mutual antipathy with which they begin the movie.Ulimately, this well-constructed movie is about learning tolerance -- not just between two individuals but among their "crowds," as events and life take precedence over stereotyped bigotry.This movie is a warm winner - 8 1/2 stars.
bkoganbing Flawless with its amazing chemistry and pluperfect performances by Robert DeNiro and Philip Seymour Hoffman is a very funny film which flows effortlessly into some dramatic moments. But very few want to talk about the social implications of it.Philip Seymour Hoffman is a female impersonator who lives in the same apartment building as Robert DeNiro, a retired policeman who works as a security guard. During a robbery of a drug dealer, one of Hoffman's fellow drag performers is killed and DeNiro suffers a stroke trying to prevent the crime. The drug dealers can't exactly go to the police with their story, but they have other methods of dealing with transgressors.DeNiro and Hoffman have nothing in common at all and usually confine any conversations they have with some usual shouted epithets. But DeNiro's doctor advises singing lessons as a form of speech therapy and he goes to Hoffman. They develop an unusual friendship.More unusual because it turns out that Hoffman has the stolen loot. And why Hoffman is keeping it is a matter of life and quality thereof.Hoffman is not dressing in drag for effect or to make money as a performer. Hoffman's real drag is the body parts God gave him because they don't match what's inside. Hoffman is a transgendered soul and the cost of a sex change operation is more than he could earn in a few lifetimes.Here in America our insurance companies amazingly regard a sex change as cosmetic surgery. Scary idea, but true. Recently I had some talks with a transgender person from the United Kingdom. There the debate is whether their socialized medicine system should be paying for the sex change. Either way it is frightening situation that Hoffman is put in with all that cash suddenly in his possession and the chance of matching heart and soul to body can be realized.Especially after just winning an Oscar for Capote, Philip Seymour Hoffman isn't worried about getting cast in gay roles. From the lovestruck Scotty G in Boogie Nights, to Flawless, and now to Capote, Hoffman's making one great career for himself going gay. But all three of those parts show an astonishing range and a courageous player willing to accept and master challenging roles.Of course Robert DeNiro is great, he's never anything else. And he's back in the world of lower Manhattan that he knows so well. His character turns out to be a person of great character and more than just physical strength.Flawless is a film that will make you laugh and cry, but even more important will make you think.