R | 19 July 1996 (USA)
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During a routine prison work detail, convict Piper is chained to Dodge, a cyberhacker, when gunfire breaks out. Apparently, the attack is related to stolen money that the Mafia is after, and some computer files that somebody wants desperately to bury. The pair, who don't exactly enjoy each other's company, escape and must work together if they are to reach Atlanta alive. Luckily, they meet a woman who may be willing to help them.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
FlashCallahan Dodge is a computer hacker serving a prison term; Piper is a tough guy. They end up chained together, and flee during a chain-gang escape attempt that goes bad. An adventure plot ensues, involving a missing floppy disk, an attractive woman that assists them, a sinister Federal marshal, an honest cop, and the Cuban mafia....Sounded like a good idea at the time. Baldwin who was reasonably fresh from 'The Usual Suspects' and Larry 'I'll Change my name to Laurence' Fishburne, chained together and on the run, sounded like it could have been a good buddy movie with lots of one liners and good set pieces.It isn't i'm afraid. What you get is stereotypical characters coming and going, weak plot, and cheap production values, only made better by half decent performances from Patton And Fishbourne.It tries to be too clever for it's own good, with in jokes to films featuring cast members, and having silly twist after silly twist, making it just too boring come the end.If Hooks had watched a few cannon films from the eighties and focused on the action rather than the incomprehensible story, this would have been an amazing, funny if un-original action film.what we get is un-original and bored.Flee.
rustiswordz As with many movies, as long as the viewer doesn't read too much into the movie you will do OK! Its a fun fast paced road movie-ish, fugitive styled chase movie.It's well filmed, and slickly edited for a low budget chase flick.The acting is simply and solidly done even if the dialogue is a tad cheesy. Steven Baldwin is the token down at the heel hero, Laurence Fishburne is cool as the mentor type character, pulling the hero out of one fix after another. Salma Hayek is as stunning as ever but the best character is Gib played by Will Hatton, a highly likable character whos putting the puzzle together as the heros run around.Not a classic but worth a late night look see when you get home from the pub with a bag of munchies.
jotix100 While this is not a film that will mark any new trend in the thriller genre, it's not unpleasant to watch. The director, Kevin Hooks, working on the script written by Preston Whitmore, delivers a an action film that is easy to watch.Preston Whitmore's screen play combines elements from different movies that have been much better, but that said, while it's not breaking any grounds, the film keeps one's interest throughout.Laurence Fishburne and Stephen Baldwin make an odd couple indeed. Mr. Baldwin acts with a blank expression most of the time he is seen. Mr. Fishburne has been around for a while; with the right director he is more effective than what he shows in this movie.Will Patton, one of the best character actors working in films today, has a small, but effective role. It'shame because he can outperform this cast by only saying his lines. Salma Hayek's Cora, the girl with a heart of gold, is a welcome presence for the eyes.The beginning of the film, as well as the closing scenes are the best things going because it sags a bit in the middle section, but all in all, it will keep the viewer entertained without pretending to be more.
CavemanGSz I've seen comment about this film putting it down. I disagree. The film is built on good actors and good directorship. I agree that the film has weak spots in the script, but HEY what action film doesn't. I don't think I'll put the film in the TOP 10, but don't forget that there is only place for ten films in the TOP 10.The plot isn't the smartest one, or a reliable one but it's fun, and actually has some shining smart points.If you like action movies in general, you'll like this one for sure.!!Rate: 8 of 10