Logan's Run
Logan's Run
PG | 23 June 1976 (USA)
Logan's Run Trailers

In the 23rd century, inhabitants of a domed city freely experience all of life's pleasures — but no one is allowed to live past 30. Citizens can try for a chance at being "renewed" in a civic ceremony on their 30th birthday. Escape is the only other option.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Edgar Allan Pooh . . . for decades, which should come as no surprise since LOGAN'S RUN spews forth from the maw of the infamous MGM Gang, purveyors of that mendaciously racist snooze fest GONE WITH THE WIND. About the only thing that Logan's Road Show has going for it are Jenny Agutter's knockers and the fact that it's about two hours shorter than GWTW. However, Fascist Traitors such as Norquist, Rove, and Bannon have frequently threatened to "drown the American Government in a bathtub." This is exactly how LOGAN'S RUN pictures our hallowed Washington, DC. A swamp has been drained INTO our Capital, and its Black Majority are ALL dead and buried!! The Job-Killing Corrupt Fat Cat "Conservative" Corporate Red Commie One Per Centers now live in a totally homogeneous, uniformly White domed city in which robots have replaced Black Slaves\Servants to do the bidding of lazy masters who cannot be bothered to perform a lick of work. Even the robots lose patience with these insufferable Racist White People, with their Youth-based Lookism Society. A robot named "Box" strips 1,056 of these white folks naked for his Ice Cube Art Collection, while the City Computer Bot finally torches most of the remainder like so many campfire marshmallows.
poe-48833 In Richard Matheson's short story "THE TEST," an Elderly man prepares himself for an upcoming test to determine if he should live or die. (One can't help but be reminded of another classic Tale of Time's Up, Sorry- Shirley Jackson's "THE LOTTERY.") LOGAN'S RUN takes the essence of that idea and "runs" with it. The result is a Feature film more in keeping with a television show (which it ironically became) than a Big Screen extravaganza. Some of the IDEAS put forth in LOGAN'S RUN are worthy of exploration (and some are NOT), but it's the execution, if you will, that one finds lacking. The movie's just BLAND. With THE HANDMAIDEN'S TALE making a successful comeback (as a cable series, I've heard), maybe it's time to rethink LOGAN'S RUN...
mark.waltz I wish I had seen this in its entirety at the time it came out, a naive teen whose only expertise in science fiction was "Lost in Space". As far as futuristic voyages were concerned, all I knew in 1976 was that it was the bicentennial and that 2000 seemed several lifetimes away. Way past the age of 30 now, my life really began way past the age that they end here. I couldn't imagine having only 30 years to live my life, so the idea of a world run by adults under 30 who act more like children than children is a scary prospect indeed.It's the job of Michael York here to track down those who should have been terminated (referred to as runners), and in an ironic twist has him all of a sudden on the run himself thanks to an assignment to locate the 1200 plus who have managed to avoid capture and termination. He locates sanctuary and infiltrates his way in, falling in love with the understanding Jenny Agutter. Along the way, he encounters a young Farrah Fawcett, as well as the sweet old man (Peter Ustinov) who risks his life by accompanying York and Agutter back to the deadly underground city. What seems cruel in fact becomes an opening to theory, and in order to understand it all, you must look at it in the perspective of a film made 40 years ago. This goes way beyond the futuristic society's of " Fahrenheit 451" and "Soylent Green", and provides a glimpse into a dire future. With a huge set that looks like an art Deco mall and costumes straight out of Neverland, this is colorful and delightfully weird. In actuality, many of the supposedly under 30 characters look like they are way past 35.I look at this as a metaphor as to why society cannot infiltrate its way on the natural order of things, referred to as spiritualism back then, but with a sneer, referred to as extreme liberalism today. Some of the special effects and photography are cartoon like, and the music strangely sinister. I cannot look at this as dated, because compared to the artless and overly loud cynical doomsday films of the day, this actually has things of importance to say, unlike the ones of today which simply tell me to grab an aspirin.
gavin6942 Logan (Michael York) is a Sandman, someone who kills all those who refuse to sacrifice themselves on their 30th birthday. But when his clock starts ticking, Logan and Jessica (Jenny Agutter) make a run for it.I had seen this film in the mid-1990s for a class, and thought it was pretty good. Re-watching it now (2015), I can see why it is a science fiction classic, though some holes are now there. And I do not just mean plot holes (of which there are a few). The city exteriors are obviously a model, and it is almost humorous how easy it is to tell.But the story is very good and now a part of pop culture. The two leads are great, and I wish Agutter had done more horror and sci-fi in the 70s/80s. Farrah Fawcett's role is small and sort of peculiar. Peter Ustinov is great, and nice comedic relief. Now sure what was up with all the nudity, but...