Miss You Already
Miss You Already
PG-13 | 06 November 2015 (USA)
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The friendship between two life-long girlfriends is put to the test when one starts a family and the other falls ill.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
yjudith As I was saying in my summary...don't watch this when you first get up. or if you've had a friendship that transcended any other relationship, if you've lost someone to cancer, or if you've lost anyone for that matter! Yes, this movie did all of that to me. In the just under 2 hours this movie made me remember the relationship I had with my best friend of 18 years, mourn again my mom (who I lost to cancer in 1995) and yes, many of my soul squad passed before my eyes, while I wept gut-wrenching tears. I loved this movie!!! It starts with the relationship of Jess and Milly who met in private school, when they were elementary school aged. It doesn't spend too much time here, which i liked, and takes us quickly into the presence. Milly has neglected to have her yearly mammograms, and not following up when the doctors told her to.She is diagnosed with breast cancer. They treat the cancer very aggressively (or maybe that's how they do things nowadays), very quickly with rounds of chemo. Milly loses her hair, throws up, not to mention all the emotional changes and for good, bad, or worse Jess is by her side. When the treatments fail to work and Milly has to have both her breasts removed, it sends her into a cesspool of a storm, where she feels entitled to treat people horribly and cheat on her husband. This is where the friendship is tested and actually breaks for a time. Jess gets on with her life the best she can especially in light of her pregnancy, one hard fought for and with complications, due to the actions of Milly. It isn't until Milly discovers that she is in fact dying of brain cancer, using a cane and legally blind, that she reaches out to Jess, to mend the friendship and each other's hearts. Jess and her husband's well thought of plans fall to the weigh side, when Jess goes into labor early (hubby is on an oil rig) and it is Milly, with the help of her mom...tearing out morphine drip and all...who runs to Jess's side and makes it before the baby is born. Knowing that this was a sad movie and as it progressed, knew Milly was going to die, made it very emotional for me. When I tell you I cried the entire two hours, I am of course exaggerating, but not by much. Every time there was a poignant scene of any kind, I cried. Lmao!! Rather cleansing and therapeutic. Plus it really was a good movie. The death scene...killed me.
kz917-1 One of the quotes touting this movie said Beaches for 2015. While yes, I do mostly agree; I don't recall many male characters in Beaches. Toni Collette and Drew Barrymore are fantastic as best friends that have been there together through everything thick and thin. While Toni Collette's character takes a dark turn the portrayal of friendship and the sadness of preparing and dealing with the death of a loved one is something we all eventually must face. Tissue Alert! Good flick when you need to shed a tear.
naresh-gharat I really don't know how to review this title... Truly deserves 10/10 STARs..After movie was over, those characters in movie were like stuck in my mind. It was like.... i was almost living with those movie characters for 2 hours. In fact they were not just movie characters, they were just like people around ourselves in day to day life..Really.. this is one of the best movies i have ever seen. Everything in this movie is represented in such a way that, you will live every moment of this film. HATS OFF to director of this movie. Acting is really superb. Story line, Background songs everything is perfect. And most important thing to mention here is, performances of both lead actresses, MIND BLOWING is da only word!!!This movie is not at all about crying n crying. It may not make you laugh, but it is not at all boring, it will definitely make you smile. Anyone who likes movies like "My Sisters Keeper", will definitely like this one too !!!
cloggy010 Watched this not knowing what to expect but was absolutely stunned by the story line, the acting, music...well the whole feel. Very funny and witty at times but above very emotional. I guess anybody can relate to this story and makes you think about the people in your life and whether you are enough there and express how you feel about them.The film has a voice of its own and despite being melodramatic at times it does feel authentic. It deserves to be seenToni Colette is brilliant as is Drew. A very good chemistry between the two. The ending is some bloody supreme acting of Toni.Just short of words about this movie. This one will be in my top ten ever! I miss Milly already!This movie and Toni should deserve an Oscar!
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