Electrick Children
Electrick Children
R | 08 March 2013 (USA)
Electrick Children Trailers

Rachel is a rambunctious girl from a polygamist colony in southern Utah. On Rachel’s 15th birthday, she finds a forbidden cassette tape. Having never seen anything like it before, Rachel plays the cassette tape, and finds glorious rock & roll thereupon. Weeks later, Rachel realizes a miracle has occurred - and the cassette tape must have something to do with it. She leaves her family and runs away to the closest city: Las Vegas. There she searches for the singer of the band on the cassette tape.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Rick Webkin Great premise, poor execution.I was surprised and disappointed to learn that Rebecca Thomas had both written and directed this movie. Not because I am adverse to Thomas I hasten to add. But because what is a very good idea, and what I had hoped would be a little gem, is executed very poorly. I would have liked to have seen Thomas' script directed by someone with more experience.The biggest problem with this film is that the viewer has to answer a pretty important question mark, without much evidence. As it happens, it seems pretty obvious what this answer is but it would have been nice to have seen more evidence.I also felt that so much effort had been put into the lead role, admirably depicted by Julia Garner, that much of the supporting cast were overlooked and as a result, under developed. For a film that is 95 minutes long, you really don't get a lot of information on which to answer the question mentioned above. A prime example is the brother, Mr. Will. He goes from devout Mormon, to pill popper, door slamming bad ass and then back again in a matter of days, and you have no idea of his past, or any insight into what he is thinking.7/10 because the story is good, it looks beautiful and Garner makes the film worth checking out. 3/10 because Thomas' promising script has been let down by inexperienced directing.
Stiobhan Different, worth a watch, however confusing. Obviously beliefs and doctrines are not the same for all.As for Catholics, Immaculate Conception is that Mary was born without original sin, and was a virgin before giving birth to Jesus and after the birth as well (perpetual virgin?). Quote "Mary's perpetual virginity after Jesus' birth was proclaimed as dogma for the Catholic Church at the Third Ecumenical Council of Constantinople of AD 681"Having said that, Jesus existed before Mary gave birth to Him (go figure}, so down deep it's what your belief is and how each Christian denomination interprets the teachings.
gizemsahan 'Electrick Children' follows the story of a pregnant, 15 year old Rachel living in a Mormon society in present day. She claims that the father of her unborn child is the voice of a singer on a rock cassette she listened to, insisting that 'God got her pregnant through the tape'. When being forced to confess to her parents that she has sinned, frustrated that they won't believe her miracle and are persistent in arranging a marriage for her the next day, Rachel steals her father's truck and journey's into Las Vegas in order to find the singer on the tape. This 'coming of age' story is the first feature film of director Rebecca Thomas and stars actress Julia Garner, who is very convincing in her performance of the naïve, 'fish-out-the water' teenager alongside our skater/stoner character that happens to take a shine to her when they meet in Las Vegas. Clyde, played by Rory Culkin, does a great job in capturing the emotions of his character and is beginning to step out of his brothers' shadows in becoming a star in his own right. The film is enticing up until the last half hour when a charge of events and little time for the audience to comprehend them leads the ending to seem quite messy. Regardless, this film is successful in capturing teenage emotion and I have nothing but praise for Julia Garner and Rory Culkin who performed their roles wonderfully.
jimlacy2003 Admittedly I'm a bit jaded these days because I just watch to many darn movies. And a lot of them have been pretty bad of late. Well this one happens to be quite an unexpected gem!The story is pretty enthralling from the beginning. And quite an unexpected plot. I can usually see plots unravel two steps ahead, but here it was smoothly unexpected or I was just enjoying it to much to notice.I see this movie as a "human interest" and then partially a "coming of age" story. Smoothly eliciting a response that is very touching and self reflecting in greater or lessor degree about religion, cultural norms, life, romance, and in the end love.One thing I didn't even get from the movie but read in the IMDb summery and from the one other comment is "Mormons". I think it's a mistake and unnecessary to the story. I've known a lot of Mormons for decades and none of them are like this. It might offend some with movie stereo types. I don't even recall them referring to them self as "Moron" in the movie. I just saw it as okay, some sort of fundamentalist/extremist religious group. It could of been of any faith, Amish, German Baptist, etc., that might share a remotely similar puritanical type lifestyle. Not a big deal, just saying calling them "Morons" detracts from the movie a little. Just forget the reference and enjoy the movie as it is.The acting performances were very good, especially the lead who carried it through the whole movie. I hope to see more from this talented writer/director and the factors.Highly recommended!