Scenic Route
Scenic Route
R | 23 August 2013 (USA)
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Stranded on an isolated desert road, two life-long friends fight for survival as their already strained relationship spirals into knife-wielding madness.

TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
redrobin62-321-207311 This movie took me by surprise. I had no idea what it was when I started watching it. The film hit me particularly hard because I was in pretty much the same condition as those two buddies - hungry, alone and desperate. And suicidal. I became so despondent I just wanted to end it all especially when I lost the strength and stamina to keep pushing on like these two.What can I say? The acting, script, direction, music, etc were spectacular. You could feel the tension and agony they were experiencing in that hot & cold desert. I especially liked the ambiguous ending which reminded me of other films that ended pretty much the same way, like 'The Last Temptation of Christ' or 'Jacob's Ladder.' Generally, survival movies seem like they were designed to make you appreciate the simple things you do have, like water and a bed. I know it does me. Man vs Nature. Who's the winner in 'Scenic Route'? I guess we'll never know.
leonblackwood Review: This is a crazy movie about 2 buddies who get stranded in the desert after there car breaks down. There relationship is questioned after they start telling each other the truth about how they really feel about each other. In some ways, the movie does have some depth, but the arguments between each other are a bit ridiculous when you think about what situation they are in. The ending was a bit strange, but in all, it's a watchable movie that would have been much better if it was taken seriously. The performances were OK, but I think that it would have been better if the guy without the crutches was played by someone else. In all, it's an average movie that you will end up sticking with, just to see what happens to the stranded buddies.Round-Up: Josh Duhamel, who became popular after his role in the Transformer franchise, was a great choice for his role, especially the ending which added a mysterious twist. Dan Fogler usually stars in more comedic roles which was why I didn't think that he was the right choice for his role. That's not to say that he put in a bad performance, but he did become a bit annoying after a while. The attention to detail wasn't that great, but there were a couple of moments which were well written and thought out. I recommend this movie to people who are into there buddy movies about 2 best friends who are stranded in the desert after there car breaks down. 4/10
oliver_187 I had this movie at home for quite some time. I didn't have much expectations since I knew Josh Dushamel only from Transformers. Liked him there as well, but I didn't know any other movies. So finally I watched Scenic Route and it was a big surprise. Gladly I didn't read any reviews before, but this movie blew my mind. Nothing for action junkies, since most of the stuff in here is just about dialogues..but the dialogues are really great. The tension that comes up between those two guys is amazing. I was laughing a lot, really loved the dark humor in here. When it came to the end and they were "rescued" I thought to myself "this movie was good but the ending is a little disappointing." But surprise, the rescuing was only imagination and everything was perfect again with this movie. Really really refreshing and great actors' performances!
suite92 The film opens with Mitchell and Carter beating the nonsense out of each other. Mitchell prevails, and Carter looks either knocked out or possibly dead.We jump back in time, and I'm quite ready to stop watching, given what I know will happen. So, in the real opening of the film, Mitchell is sleeping, and Carter is driving an old truck through Death Valley, California. The truck is old, and it breaks down; unfortunately, this turns out to be by design. At least they are not sweating initially. Mitchell has a broken foot and uses crutches. Neither of them has a cell phone signal. It's not that cool: one hundred and fifteen degrees.They are in the middle of nowhere, sixty miles from the last town, one hundred miles to the next. Mitchell has a wife and child, but still thinks about another woman named Karen. Carter met Karen lately, and she wanted to talk about Mitchell. Mitchell is tall and athletic; Carter is middle height and heavy. From their consternation with each other, I do not see why they are ever doing anything together for a single moment.There is a lot of talk which uncovers issues. These issues make the two characters angry at each other, and explains the violence shown in the opening sequence. One of the issues is that Carter sabotages every possibility of their getting rescued. This is mortally stupid. How can anyone care about such a character who betrays his friend to the point of death? How can anyone care about the friend who allows the betrayal?The pile of incidences of bonehead stupidity mount. Carter talks Mitchell into getting a Mohawk haircut in the dark using a hand tool. They drink windshield wiper fluid because it's wet; later they are puking while possible help drives by. The next day, an elderly lady stops to see how they are doing, but drives away after seeing Mitchell's Mohawk with accompanying long cuts and blood stains. Carter gives him hell for scaring her away. A day or so later, they miss a tow truck that stopped next to the truck to render assistance.If this is your cup of tea, be sure to watch the entire film. The pile continues to grow.------Scores-------Cinematography: 2/10 The scenery is ugly, whereas Death Valley showed me a number of lovely sights in the short time I spent there. Looks like ugly by choice.Sound: 8/10 Not bad.Acting: 4/10 Josh Duhamel was OK, but not great. Dan Fogler was totally useless. I had never heard of him before; now he's on my deal-breaker list.Screenplay: 0/10 Why would anyone care about either character in this two man film? They are painted as traitor and fool with nothing interesting about either of them.
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