Happy, Texas
Happy, Texas
| 03 December 1999 (USA)
Happy, Texas Trailers

Two escaped convicts roll into the village of Happy, Texas, where they're mistaken for a gay couple who work as beauty pageant consultants. They go along with it to duck the police, but the local sheriff has a secret of his own.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Arthur vos Savant Because first you've got some memorable actors in >> Steve Zahn ("Joy Ride," "Hamlet"), >> Illeana Douglas, (Action, "Next Best Thing"), and >> Ally Walker (Tell Me You Love Me, My Wonderful Life), and in addition to that trait, the extra polish of>> Jeremy Northram (The Tudors, "Payback," "An Ideal Husband"), >> William H. Macy ("Fargo," "Thank You for Smoking"), and>> Ron Perlman ("Hellboy," "City of Lost Children"). Like "Old School," this is a movie for adults and older teens to enjoy, but unlike that movie, this one suits couples, too. You won't get the belly laughs of "Old School," but you'll look forward to seeing this little pleaser for the same reason people enjoy remakes of Shakespeare's comedies (John Boorman's "Where the Heart Is") or Jane Austin (Amy Heckler's "Clueless"): it's not only fun seeing updates on those confused identities, dawning insights, and unfamiliar settings, but it's fun too appreciating what different actors make of these. Plus these guys are always good, and Steve Zahn is inspired crazy.Northram and Zahn are odd-couple convicts on the run and con men on the make. Zahn, all crank and id, seems to have the harder task pretending to be a gay pageant director enduring the horror of all those sweet little girls, but it's soon clearly a draw as his pretend boyfriend, Northram, smart and smooth, fends off suspicions and a gay suitor. Both men are also suffering from scam-induced blue balls from the off-limits affections of what would otherwise be their love interests. The attraction of this movie for me is not only these amusing classic tensions, but the original way it resolves these. There's something touching in the determination of Zahn's character to work through the situation that's not like the poignancy of Macy's character or the sensitivity Northram's exhibits. But none of these guys is a wuss either, all the actors have attractive but distinctly different personalities, anyone of which can make you smile. If you do, check out all of the movies above and then kick it up a notch by seeing "Rosecranz and Guildenstern are Dead" together with Mel Gibson's "Hamlet," or Kenneth Branagh's, or his "Henry V" or him with Emma Thompson in "Much Ado about Nothing" or her in "Sense and Sensibility" or "Gweneth Paltrow in "Emma" or "Shakespeare in Love."
caa821 I saw this film recently, for the second time, with a friend who hadn't seen it before.It has a solid cast, with roles all well-played, and all who are just a bit shy of being on Hollywood's "A" list - but not because of any lacking talent or appeal.There are a lot of previous comments here, so I would just add that it is a thoroughly enjoyable film, all the characters likable (even the couple of "bad" guys, in their own way).You are completely aware of the basic ending of the story from the outset, and can pretty well guess most of the exact details as it moves along. However, this isn't meant to be suspenseful, and, as a quiet, modestly-budgeted presentation, it outdoes most of the "A-list," super-budget extravaganzas by a mile.
iisdbomb Good premise, forced Zahn comedy, forced love stories, GREAT MACY as always. When I watched the 2nd time (yesteday), I found it even harder to get through. The Director/Writer special feature on the DVD was enlightening and will encourage any wannabee filmmaker.The hard part to believe is that in 1999 this film made it to Sundance and was picked up by Miramax. This just needed a better script and less forced plot to be an interesting character film. Seems like everyone wants to make a quirky FARGO but ends up with broad, contrived, unfunny small-town characters.I am currently in pre-production on my first feature film called "PIGS" and I base my own comedy on 2 things: real situations, fresh characters who are complex to the point that their inadequacies prompt conflict with other characters. Plus I've got a killer Amish sub-plot that is a twisted WITNESS tale. (Am I talking about my own film too much? It's only because I have to fill these 10 stupid lines and I've said everything about Happy.)
Tim Keane (tkeane-1) It seemed to me that the writers here had a decent enough idea but couldn't make it into a film with a proper narrative running through it. It's been a long time since I've seen so many montages in one film. I don't have a problem with it but the purpose of the montage is to summarise a lenght of time passing by. In this film the technique was used solely for comic effect...and it worked. The problem was that when it then came to the actual passing of time there was a lack of comic value and an inability to make it any way realistic. I know it's comedy and it's slapstick to a degree and it doesn't need to be realistic but, unless the comic elements are in place properly the lack of realism can't be ignored.William H. Macy steals the show and really really shows the other actors up. He's got some great lines and acts the slapstick comic role really well. Steve Zahn is pretty good too. Certainly not his worst role and shines in his montages. Jeremy Northam was a bad choice for for the role of Harry / Steve. I haven't seen him in that much stuff so I wouldn't like to say he's a bad actor but, I don't think he can do comedy. It smelt like cheese every time he spoke.If you're in a silly mood and up for a laugh this is worth watching. There is much better comedy out there though. This doesn't come close to anything from the Ben Stiller / Wes Anderson / Wilson Brothers / Will Ferrel stables.