2001: A Space Travesty
2001: A Space Travesty
R | 31 October 2000 (USA)
2001: A Space Travesty Trailers

When odd reports are received through official channels stating that the President of the United States is being held captive on a secret international moon base called Vegan and that he has been replaced on Earth by a clone, the US Marshall Service immediately sends their 'best' man, Dix, on the mission.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Theo Robertson Time for another cliché to raise its ugly head and that is - Did I see the same movie ? I read a few of the comments on this page just before I sat down to watch 2001 A SPACE TRAVESTY and feared the worst . After spending an hour and a half of my life watching it I feel some people have overreacted to it . Okay it's certainly not a comedy masterwork but neither is it the cinematic atrocity some people are claimingCertainly the opening sequence is very tough going , so much so I can't help thinking the people pouring vitriolic hatred on the movie actually gave up on it at this point . To say the film could only get better at this point is to state the obvious but 2001 does indeed improve down to the fact that Leslie Neilson may be playing a character called Richard " Dick " Dix but is detective Frank Drebin in everything but name and the introductory sequence where Dick ends a hostage crisis in his own unintentional style is fairly amusing and leaves one hoping for more of the same similar to the style of THE NAKED GUN movies This sums up the problem with 2001 and that is that is it sustain the laughs and is very patchy . There's a long segment set on a moonbase and it really belongs in another film as the audience anticipates the sort of antics we'd expect from Frank Drebin . Instead of the sharp , witty , snappy one liners we more often than not get jokes that are stretched out beyond their natural length , most blatantly the three tenors having a Village People routine which gives the impression the writers aren't trying too hard In summary 2001 A SPACE TRAVESTY isn't a classic Leslie Neilson comedy but contained enough jokes to bring the occasional wry smile to my face . Everyone else on this page seems to hate it but if you genuinely think this is a bad movie starring Neilson I suggest you watch both REPOSSEED and DEAD AND LOVING IT which really were so bad as to be unwatchable
Brendan Gordon I personally don't quite understand why this movie is seen as so rotten. Sure, there are downsides to it. It's rather goofy, and a lot of Dix's narrative humor doesn't quite fly. And, most importantly, no I don't think real gorgeous women would find Leslie Nielsen THAT attractive. But let's face it: not all movies should be taken seriously, especially comedies. The pace was quick enough that it kept me watching the whole time, the action was entertaining, the plot was light but still actually made sense, and the lovely ladies featured didn't exactly hurt as well -- the movie is actually better than most I have seen in the attractive woman department. If you like silly slapstick humor, and particularly if you like the Inspector Clouseau Pink Panther movies and Galaxy Quest, I think you should enjoy this one. And if you haven't seen those, it should still be good if you want to watch some lame, non-serious humor to get your mind off all the trouble in the world. I'll give it an 8 out of 10.
MovieAddict2016 Watching this on television the other day, I instantly felt great remorse for star Leslie Nielsen. After the success of the "Naked Gun" series, he has been restricted to a career of playing the same character over...and over...and over....This time, he is US Marshall "Dick" Dix (the first of many human anatomy puns/so-called "jokes"). I wonder how long it took them to come up with that one in the writing room."How about Agent Butt K. Isser?" "How about Agent T. Itz?" "No, wait guys! I've got it! Dick Dix! Haha we're comedic geniuses!" The budget is very obviously on the low end. Special effects are terrible. The film tries to lampoon the space travel segments of Kubrick's "2001" and fails miserably. Nielsen sucks food through a straw and can't manage to get it up the straw the whole way. Hahaha I chuckled all night thinking of that one! Or how about the woman in the back of the space shuttle who has huge breasts and manages to accidentally shed out of her clothes, which float around and slap Nielsen in the face? No, it couldn't have been the ugly fat woman whose clothes magically disappear...it's the busty blonde...I love Hollywood.
Seth Nelson Note that I've called this review "'Airplane' in space - part 2!" is because there has already been an "Airplane!" movie that had taken place in space! (Hey, cool rhyme!) "Airplane 2! The Sequel" was the name.Anyways, I've called it that because Leslie Nielsen is in this movie. I remember him from the "Airplane" movies, and I best know him from all three "Naked Gun" movies - "The Naked Gun: From The Files Of 'Police Squad!'," "The Naked Gun 2 and a half," and "The Naked Gun 33 and a third," all of which are reminiscent to the "Airplane" movies because something funny happens every 10 seconds or so.I guess this must be Mr. Nielsen's trademark or something, because "2001: A Space Travesty" is just as funny as all the other movies mentioned!