PG-13 | 14 September 1990 (USA)

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It's been some time since Father Jebedaiah Mayii exorcised the Devil from little Nancy Aglet, who is now grown up with a husband and two children of her own. But the prince of darkness wants to go a second round and has returned to repossess her! With Father Mayii unwilling to help, Father Luke Brophy tries his best to help Nancy, even when TV's Ernest Weller plans to air the exorcism live on TV.

Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Leofwine_draca No, it's not a film about people who forget to pay their mortgage. However it is pretty much what you would expect when NAKED GUN meets THE EXORCIST. This already dated film is merely a non-stop run of gags involving many of the things many people remember from original classic, such as vomiting pea soup, heads spinning round, exorcisms etc. It's often crude and very silly but sometimes when it works it is very funny. There are a few flashes of inspiration and the film becomes worthwhile, unfortunately we have to put up with endless stupid jokes for most of the time. The lack of budget is clear, the sets are usually indoors and some of the scenes are repetitive.Linda Blair returns from THE EXORCIST and gets possessed again, however I regret to say that I spent most of the film feeling embarrassed for her, especially with a green painted face and big '80s hair. Ned Beatty puts in a promising performance as a charlatan preacher but he's not really given much to do. On a similar theme Leslie Nielsen, comedy genius that he is, also doesn't appear as much as he should have in the film although when he is on screen he is as much fun as always.If you're in the right silly mood then you should enjoy this and there are a few really funny jokes, such as the poodle being thrown into the shredder or the way that the mickey is taken out of THE EXORCIST at every opportunity. If you're a fan of the NAKED GUN series then I'd give this a go, or if you just want to see what a spoof of THE EXORCIST looks like. Sometimes fun, but mostly average, and very forgettable.
Sandcooler Leslie Nielsen was always at his best when he could hook up with the "Airplane"/"Naked Gun"-team, which consisted of gifted writers like Pat Proft, Jim Abrahams and the Zucker brothers. "Repossessed" is written and directed by the guy who made "Meatballs 4". That should probably give you a fair idea of what this movie is like, though it does feature less Corey Feldman water-skiing than expected. Somewhat surprisingly there are some jokes in here that work (the bible vending machine ruled), but overall this just really feels like everyone's trying way, way too hard. Especially the visual gags have that bothersome "laugh, damn it!" feel to them, they're so close to "Naked Gun" but just not quite. Same goes for the obligatory breakings of the fourth wall, not bad but not really focused enough to generate big laughs. Nielsen's talents are rather wasted here, though I must say he is about the only element that made me keep watching. It's also a very nice touch that Linda Blair agreed to do this movie, even though I have absolutely no idea why she did. Not because of the solid screenplay, I'm pretty sure of that. This is in all ways a sub-par spoof, but I reckon it's still watchable for avid Nielsen fans.
daworldismine if your a leslie nielsen fan and enjoyed airplane and the naked gun, then you will enjoy repossessed, a spoof version of the exorcist, and while it isn't the best in the genre, and leslie nielsen does have funnier movies out there, repossessed is an enjoyable enough comedy that delivers some great laughs as leslie nielsen's priest does battle with the devil. the comedy is very broad and low brow but trust me when your in the mood for it, this is a winner, all in all another funny comedy in the lelsie nielsen cannon, sure its not naked gun or airplane hilereous, it is much funnier than mr.magoo and santa who, leslie nieslen is great in this, watch it
MartinHafer Leslie Nielsen's career since he appeared in Airplane! has been pretty much a reprise of the same types of zany movies again and again and again. But the quality of these films varies so drastically, it's obvious he will "whore out his talent" for a buck. For every Naked Gun movie there's crap like Repossessed or Mr. Magoo. I sure wish he were more selective in what he did--does he really need the money THAT badly?! The movie is a comedy(?) about The Exorcist, though I think I found The Exorcist to be a lot funnier. Describing how bad and why it is so bad is difficult--just trust me that there's absolutely no humor to find anywhere--particularly when they break into a song and dance number. Why? Who knows--my guess is that they just ran out of jokes and decided to wing it by breaking into song. Avoid this movie at all costs!! And don't say you were not warned!