Henry's Crime
Henry's Crime
R | 08 April 2011 (USA)
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An aimless man is sent to prison for a crime he did not commit, an ex-con targets the same bank he was sent away for robbing.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
lavatch There was an ingenious concept to this combination caper and romantic comedy. From start to finish, the film never takes itself too seriously, and the result is pure entertainment.Much credit belongs to the screenwriter who blended the production of Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" occurring in an old Buffalo theater next to the city bank. The robbers (James Caan, Keanu Reeves) ingeniously burrow into the bank vault from beneath the theater in order to rob the bank.The best scenes are from the Chekhov play, as reality blends with the stage drama in the relationship of Vera Farmiga's character Madame Ranevskaya and Reeves' Lopahkin. When the actors begin improvising lines, the audience loves it! One of the best characters in the film is the police officer who becomes the "inside man" for the bank heist. Some of the lines and deadpan humor are priceless, making "Henry's Crime" a true joy.
cinswan Spoiler Alert!Henry's Crime seems to be a thespian's contrivance once Chekhov gets woven into the plot. But it bears fruit in time. Reeves' Henry gets hijacked by Eddie Vibes (Fisher Stevens), the kind of friend who writes smarmy stuff in yearbooks. Henry's toll booth drudgery becomes prison purgatory. He becomes friends with cellmate Max Saltzman, played with gruff sweetness by James Caan. With Saltzman's bizarre joke of "if you did the time, you might as well do the crime" still on Henry's mind after seeing an old newspaper clipping about a bank heist -- from the same bank – he starts thinking. But not enough to avoid getting hit by a car while crossing the street. Who hits him? The leading lady in a local production of "The Cherry Orchard" – Julie Ivanova (Vera Farmiga) brings crafty smarts to the role.Saltzman gets released on parole, the newly inspired Henry tells him about the bank plan. Con man Saltzman insinuates them into the theater company by thrusting Henry into a suddenly open role. Novice actor Henry falls for Julia, and tells her about the plan. Rehearsals evolve while the tunnel is dug. The Chekhovian romance plays out in real life. Heist night is opening night. Henry has to leave. Julie is furious. Henry lets love sway his plan, runs back to the theater, and stops the play. What transpires is a funny Chekhovian improv as Henry declares his love. The audience supports him. Julie gives in and gets the last word - - brassy, sassy, juicy and foul.Isabeau Vollhardt, author, The Casebook of Elisha Grey series
zardoz-13 Keanu Reeves plays a clueless toll-booth attendant in director Malcolm Venville "Henry's Crime" who gets arrested for being an accomplice in a bank robbery. Henry Torne (Keanu Reeves of "The Matrix") refuses to inform on the two men who actually did rob the bank while he awaited their return in the getaway car, and Henry receives a prison sentence. In prison, Henry bunks with a confidence artist Max Saltzman (James Caan of "The Godfather") who enjoys prison. Indeed, Max enjoys prison so much that when he goes before the review board for parole, he makes threats so that the prison officials won't release him. After spending some time in prison and trying to make everybody believe that he had nothing to do with the bank robbery, Henry has a change of heart. He has heard Max ridicule him about the fact that he—Henry—is doing the time for not doing the crime. Anyway, Henry wants to get out so he can do the crime. He convinces the review board that he is safe for public consumption, and they release him from prison. As it turns out one of the bank robbers who got away, Joe (Danny Hoch of "Black Hawk Down"), has moved in with Henry's wife, Debbie (Judy Greer), and he has gotten Debbie pregnant. Meantime, the other criminal involved with the opening bank robbery, Eddie Vibes (Fisher Stevens of "Short Circuit"), has hightailed it out of Buffalo, New York, where the bank robbery occurred. After Henry gets out of jail, he is taking a leak in the bathroom at a downtown restaurant. He saw an old newspaper front page about the bank that he was convicted for robbing. It seems that bootleggers back in the days of Prohibition used a tunnel between the local play house and the bank to move their liquor and store it in the vault. Armed with this historical insight, Henry motivates Max to behave during his next parole review, and Max gets out of jail. They decide to rob the bank next to the theater, but they realize that it is going to require them being on the inside. Max learns that the boarded up entrance to the tunnel is in a dressing room. Incredibly, Henry auditions for the role when it becomes available, and the crazy European director, Darek Millodragovic (Peter Stormare of "The Big Lebowski"), decides to cast Henry in the role. At the same time, Henry has fallen in love with the leading lady in the play, Julie Ivanova (Vera Farmiga of "The Conjuring"), and they become a couple. All of this transpires while Max and Henry are excavating the old tunnel. "Henry's Crime" is a bank robbery caper where the good guys get away with the crime. Simultaneously, it is a comedy, too, but the events in it seem drawn out because it resembles an art film rather than a loud, brash, comedy caper. The performances are all good, especially Caan as the inmate. Actually, "Henry's Crime" reminded me of an earlier James Caan bank robbery saga "Harry and Walter Go To New York." This lightweight, sometimes suspenseful saga is entertaining nonsense.
tlupejkis Since I didn't read very much about it before I saw this film, I was pleasantly surprised. They pulled off a play within a movie. It was dark and funny and real and unreal. I love how they played with a classic piece of drama.What exactly is Henry's Crime? His real crime is not the obvious answer. Many of us are committing this crime every day of our lives. The movie has not been promoted enough. I Live in Buffalo and I just kept forgetting to see it. Keanu Reeves plays his character perfectly and you do see a slow change or awakening in the 'affable' Henry. James Caan has definitely 'still got it' and was acting circles around everyone else, but he is a master. Vera Farmiga is a delight and a very real person, she reminds me of a lot of my friends. A lot of people that live here might say that Buffalo was portrayed as 'too gray', well, it is gray in the winter. If there were a word for more gray, I would use it to describe Buffalo in November. One scene takes place in a Chinese restaurant just a few blocks from my house. It is beautiful inside, I wish they had shown more of it in the movie. I had Christmas dinner there with family just a few hours ago, maybe that's what prompted me to watch this film tonight. The ending is different, some reviewers didn't like it, it does feel improvised, but somehow matching perfectly the non-improvised portions of the temperamental director taking down the lights. I would definitely watch it again, it's the kind of movie where you will see things you missed the first time.