Beyond the Reach
Beyond the Reach
R | 17 April 2015 (USA)
Beyond the Reach Trailers

A high-rolling corporate shark and his impoverished young guide play the most dangerous game during a hunting trip in the Mojave Desert.

CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
zardoz-13 What was producer & star Michael Douglas thinking when he decided to remake the movie-of-the-week suspense saga "Savages" with French director Jean-Baptiste Leonetti making his English language debut at the helm? Talk about an overcooked contrivance! "Beyond the Reach" doesn't deviate too far from author Robb White's novel "Deathwatch" about a lunatic big-game hunter on safari for bighorn sheep in the desert who accidentally shoots an innocent bystander that he mistakes for a sheep. The twentysomething guide that the hunter hired to help him find the sheep refuses to accept a bribe to keep quiet about the blunder. "Grudge" scenarist Stephen Susco has adapted White's novel so that Michael Douglas is cast as the wealthy hunter while John Irvine plays the idealist guide. A handful of other characters flesh out the cast, including Ronny Cox and Hanna Mangan Lawrence. If you've seen Lee H. Katzin's movie-of-the-week "Savages" (1974), you won't be surprised by anything that happens in this big-budget rehash. "Beyond the Reach" reached only limited release for a mere two weeks in theaters. Douglas looks like he was doing a rift on his "Wall Street" villain Gordon Gekko, but to what end was he aiming. Mind you, production values are sterling. Oscar-winning lenser Russell Carpenter of "Titanic" fame makes everything look dazzling in the sprawling desolation around Shiprock, New Mexico, when this lackluster tale unfolds. Douglas has ramped up the stakes. Instead of being a lawyer, Douglas portrays a well-heeled entrepreneur who is making a business deal to relocate his American-based company to China if he doesn't let the deal fall through because of his trigger-happy urge for another wall trophy. Under Andy Griffith in the original, Douglas' character John Madec travels with only the best. He cruises into the Mojave Desert in a half-million dollar Mercedes SUV equipped with everything imaginable short of an android. Ultimately, "Beyond the Reach" boils down to a game of wits between the underdog Road Runner—the savvy guide with desert survival experience—and Madec's Wile E. Coyote killer. Watch the original made-for-television version instead of this bombastic waste of time.
ARTaylor I read the book Deathwatch by Robb White back in middle school. I always thought it was a good story that deserved a movie. It wasn't until I saw the trailer for this that I learned this was actually the second adaptation of the book.Beyond the Reach follows Ben, a down-on-his-luck young man who wants to go to college with his girlfriend but can't afford it. He is hired by ruthless businessman Madec who weaseled his way into a bighorn hunting permit. When Madec accidentally shoots a drifter he attempts to cover it up and begins hunting Ben through the desert.The movie is largely faithful to the book. Of course, the book focuses on the inner dialogue of Ben as he struggles to stay alive which is hard to translate to film. The movie at least maintains the psychological part of the story with a few brief moments of "action," wisely keeping it a thriller.Michael Douglas does a terrific job playing the villain. There isn't really much for him to do in the story but he makes every moment he's in much more interesting. Jeremy Irvine also does a great job given that he spends most of the time alone in the desert running around.My only real problem is the ending. (Only paragraph with SPOILERS) The book ends with Ben taking Madec back to town and both are arrested. Both are questioned and the authorities believe Madec's story since Ben's sounds crazier. But then they examine the dead body and find Ben's story is true. The movie tacks on a jail escape scene, that makes little sense, and a scene with Madec breaking into Ben's girlfriend's home ending in a big shootout. The whole movie before then was a psychological thriller and this scene goes against that. Keeping the original ending would have maintained the battle of wits between these two characters.For the most part, I enjoyed the movie. I liked how the book was adapted. I just wish it ended about five minutes earlier than it did.
diggus doggus mucho spoilers belowMichael Douglas plays Madec, a rich, old man who life has made bitter and cynical, nowadays finding his only enjoyment in hunting. So much so, that he pays Jeremy Irvine, playing Ben, a good deal of cash to go hunting illegal animals. You know how this works, the classic "hunter becomes the hunted" type of film; but hey, it's a decent enough choice to build a good film around.So, by the beginning of the film, the two characters are established, with Ben being somewhat too much the good guy, but no harm there. Madec is not that bad either, someone who you could see yourself becoming should you have enough success and struggles in life.Then, Madec by accident shoots a stranger, and panics when he understand he might go to jail for that (he wouldn't; no jury would convict him for what is clearly a hunting accident, but hey, who needs a plot, this is a film, right?), he freaks out and decides that Ben too must die, because he is a witness.But he doesn't shoot him, instead.. Madec's "bad side" comes out and he sees himself as "the hunter' so he sends Ben in the desert without guns or clothing, so Madec can hunt him - and also kill him, because that's what he needs. Again, he could have shot him but no.OK, up to here, the film is somewhat slow, but not bad. Douglas is very good, Irvine not so much, but all together it's a decent starter for a film.. you just need to develop the story.Instead, nothing. zilch.The "introduction" lasts a solid 45 minutes. We are then subjected to another 35 minutes of exactly nothing, no development whatsoever, until finally Ben manages to make a slingshot and hit 'ol man Doglas in the head with a rock.Then you get about 5 minutes of totally spurious, senseless, idiotic ending, and 5 minutes of credits.I have to say, this film was shot exquisitely. The photography is some of the best i have ever seen, and if director Jean-Baptiste Léonetti is ever allowed to make another film after this piece of garbage, he could make millions directing documentaries, because the views are absolutely stunning. But, if you do decide to watch Beyond The Reach, be forewarned, do not go into this for the story.My final vote: 5/10 - damn, that ending is just horrible.
851222 Greetings from Lithuania."Beyond the Reach" (2014) is nice little flick for some boring evening. It has nothing special, nothing original, nothing really great yet it is an enjoyable thriller, but with a bad ending, very bad ending. Michael Douglas was the first and only reason why i saw this flick in the first place. He does not disappoint, but sadly there is almost absolutely nothing to do in here for THIS caliber actor. Jeremy Irvine is quite good in here, but the role doesn't requires much except for physical suffering. Overall, "Beyond the Reach" was nice little flick. I enjoyed for what it was, but the ending was terrible. That wouldn't happen in real life not in a million years. Who wrote THAT bad ending?