R | 18 April 2008 (USA)
Pathology Trailers

Medical student Ted Grey graduates at the top of his class and quickly joins an elite pathology program, whose top students invite him into their circle. There he uncovers a gruesome secret: They play a game in which one tries to commit the perfect, undetectable murder, then the others compete to determine the victim's cause of death.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Chris Smith (RockPortReview) "Pathology" is another med school horror flick like the previously reviewed "Anatomy", except Americanized and in English. Before the credits a title card displays the Hippocratic Oath, then brings us into the life of young Dr. Ted Gray, played by Milo Ventamiglia". An extremely smart robot, I mean human, who graduated from Harvard medical school and just got back from a Unicef tour in Africa. Pathology is the study of the cause and effects of disease. Figuring out what killed a person and why. Ted accepts a position at a prestigious pathology program and must once again leave his fiancé for a long period of time, which she seems pretty okay with. Ted is introduced to the other students who amount to the cool kids at any high school. A tight knit group of immature cocky kids who try to outdo each other at everything. Early on we get a big dose of dissected corpses and gross out jokes, but Ted seems to be taking the high road (at first anyway). He is ethical in the treatment of the cadavers and shows up a lot of the other students with his far out theories of how certain people were killed.Ted's loneliness finally gets the better of him and he finally joins the ranks of the "cool" kids and they introduce him to their secret game. Each of the students has to try to commit the perfect murder. While the others must find out how it was pulled off. Needless to say the story and so-called plot are absolutely absurd. Not to mention the added spiciness of several sex scenes, although not with any of the dead people (darn). Although sometimes done in the same room as dead people. Mmmm it must smell good in there, sexy.Ted is not the good guy and hero he is originally made out to be as he is easily seduced into violating his ethics and morality for a few cheap thrills. When things really start to get serious and his life and career are in jeopardy he goes to extremes to protect himself and then some. Just like life though nobody is perfect and to protect a way of life or an image some will go to extreme lengths."Pathology" is not a good movie but it has a bunch of sexy people doing sexy things with a dash of gore. If that's all your looking for than by all mean watch it, but know you have been warned.
LeonLouisRicci This Modern Horror has the Distinction and the Challenge of Having the Major Characters All Medical Doctors. These M.D.'s are Interning in Pathology, Focusing on the Cause of Crimes Working Backwards.So the Script and the Dialog Cannot Rely on Clichéd Stupid Teenagers who Talk Like Valley Girls, Jocks, and Nerds. So the Banter Here Can Be Somewhat Interesting. The Plot is a Take on the Insensitivity or Detachment that Doctors Must Adopt to Keep Them Focused and Successful.Medical School Pranks are Common and Cadavers are Often Used for Some Well Intended Humor. But Of Course, Our "Heros" are Not Playing. They Have Gone Insane. Some More than Others, but All are by Any Measure Bonkers. "You've lost it." says One to Another. Well, Yea. They All Lost it in the First Act.This is Above Average in the Horror-Gore Genre, but it isn't Filmed with a Lot of Style. Worth a Watch for Fanboys and Hounds and Might Even Appeal to Someone Looking for a bit of Intelligent Speak Not Usually Found in this Type of Blood Bath.
isajademarilyn What was that?! Was my first thought when the movie ended. Truly awful movie from start to finish, you keep wondering what's the point. Surprised to see Alyssa Milano in a rather small girlfriend part, who adds nothing to the plot. Was there a plot anyway? Mediocre acting, lousy sets. Bloody horrible! They needed a reason to create more bloody scenes. Some of which are very disturbing, and I'm not shy. I can't understand how such movies can be made? I kept hoping for some kind of smart move, in vain. It's full of gore and nonsense. Run away.
Tcarts76 This one gets a solid seven for me, near an 8. Pathology is a tale of a group of medical student, who have access to a morgue, and devise a game in which they will try and kill a person in a manner that the rest of the group, while examining the body, will be unable to discover the true cause of death. They then spiral into an addiction to murder and even in many cases, become sexually aroused by it. Obviously this group has a god complex and a serious lack of morals, not to mention completely ignoring the Hypocratic Oath.Milo Ventimiglia, from the TV series "Heros" plays the lead character Ted Grey, a promising medical student that seems to be at the top of his class. He turns in a decent performance but not a great one. In fact all the actors in this movie were pretty good, but at times I felt the script lacked a little depth of character. Lauren Lee Smith sizzled as the sexy Juliette Bath, who not only likes to have post murder sex with men, but seems to be as equally turned on by her female cohort Catherine Ivy ( Mei Melancon). This movie is a very dark twisted story and I liked that aspect. The way it was filmed reflected that, but I couldn't help but feel like something was missing in this movie that would have truly made it a rave worthy movie. I still can't decide on what that is. Maybe it was the lack of a real strong actor, or the script wasn't great, or maybe the way it was shot was a little off, I just don't know. But whatever it was it caused me not to be able to rate it anything above a 7.Like my reviews? Hate em? Comments, Hate Mail, want a particular DVD reviewed, shoot me an e-mail at :
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