Apartment 143
Apartment 143
R | 31 May 2012 (USA)
Apartment 143 Trailers

A team of parapsychologists sets out to investigate a series of anomalous phenomena taking place in a newly occupied apartment. Telephone calls with no caller, mysterious shadows, extraordinary light emissions, flying objects, and exploding light bulbs are some of the events they will face while recording their every step with state-of-the-art technology. Using infrared filming, digital photography, psychophonic recordings, movement detectors, and magnetic field alteration meters, the group’s attempts to contact the “other side” will grow increasingly dangerous as they near a point of no return.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
hnhovitz This movie is a slow burn that employs the proper frights just as effectively. The problem really lies in the film's first "conclusion," then the second, and, sadly, there's a third, plus the setup for the final gotcha. This is what keeps it from being a 9 or a 10 in my book. There were a few scenes that scared me so much I actually jumped and shouted, then continued to grip my husband's arm, which is rare. Those scares were earned, as each moment was genuinely unnerving. What's disappointing for me as a writer and an author is that there actually are ways in which the final frames they chose to conclude with could have been set up to succeed, but what we're left with is a scenario in which it seems production couldn't decide on the 'choose your own adventure.' So, after an amazing monologue, a few sets of goosebumps and some scenes you won't forget, I basically felt like I'd just got played by a hustler, but instead of feeling angry or embarrassed, I was afraid to sleep with the lights off. So many mixed emotions!
SpikyRaindrop So yeah I just watched this movie and it sucked. The quality was poor, there was no real story and when he explained something about his dead- ex-wife it was at the end of the movie, in the last 25 minutes and it took forever!I felt an invader in these people's life the whole time I was watching it. They didn't explain anything, it just goes with the flow in the family, like it is normal there (as example, about his ex-wife and why his daughter basically hates him). Nobody was really impressed with the chick haunting the place and they kept all cool under every circumstance.The big laughter of this movie was the ending. Of course they leave one camera on. Of course the ghost drops a painting and of course the camera moves upwards and the ghost crawls towards the camera. It was too predictable this movie, they didn't show anything new. Sometimes i was thinking, Ow that's cool, like when the girl is floating in mid-air. But after 5 seconds it was bashed into the ground with the quality this movie was made. There was zero character development and the actors where no good.So I gave this movie a 3. Normally I love the more unknown horror movies, I can really delve into it, but this movie is a no-go for me.
ghchamp96 I had high expectations for this movie. I love movies about ghosts, and I love found footage movies. So, I figured this one would be perfect. I was completely and totally wrong. I enjoyed the characters and the back story. That's all I enjoyed though. During much of the movie, I had to turn the volume up all the way, and I still had difficulty hearing the dialog. Then, came the end of the movie. Here is a paranormal investigator, standing in a room with a girl levitating over her bed, and instead of focusing the camera on the levitating girl, the investigator goes back and forth from the psychologist and the girl's father. I actually yelled at the screen, 'Just point the camera at the girl!' I was also confused as to why this movie was in the found footage genre. No one dies. I would call this more of a mockumentary than found footage.
jcallows This movie was just an hour and 20 minutes long but it still dragged and felt more like a 3 hour film. It could've definitely been edited down to about 45 minutes but then I guess it wouldn't have been considered a movie.I never saw Paranormal Activity but from what I read, this film was a lot like that. The problem with these types of movies that are shot through security cameras and camcorders is that they leave you feeling disengaged. It's hard to get into a movie when you feel like you're watching it through a peephole. But this movie was just plain dull and the found footage style of filmmaking only made it worse. The cast was fine except for that guy in the suit. What made this film slightly interesting was that it was hinting at the cause of the disturbances in the apartment to a secret held by one of the family members. At first the secret went in one direction but, in the end, the secret was revealed to be something else. Had the secret been what the film had first alluded to, this film would've been a whole lot more interesting. But in the end, it's just a waste of your time.