NR | 22 January 2016 (USA)
Martyrs Trailers

A woman and her childhood friend seek out revenge on those who victimized and abused them.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
ThiefHott Too much of everything
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Michael Ledo Lucy (Troian Bellisario) claims she was tortured as a child (how she escaped is still a mystery) and sees monsters that haunt her. She becomes BFF with Anna (Bailey Noble) who, like the audience, doesn't know what to believe.PLOT SPOILERS AHEAD. Ten years later Lucy, somehow out of the blue, finds the couple that tortured her and blows the entire family away with a shotgun...pretty cool stuff. Then the story turns weird as Anna reluctantly goes and helps Lucy clean-up. The weird was pretty good and then we find out what it was all about: People who die with their eyes open (see cover). I prayed..."Please God, don't have the film be this stupid." Nope. It was. People who died with their freaking eyes open. I believe I would have loved the story more had it been for some DNA mutant experiment instead. Nope. Talkative people who die with their eyes open.Guide: No sex or nudity. 1 F-word as I recall. Blood, torture, graphic skin removal scene that made me cringe.
Peter Lorme Martyrs (2016) is yet another pointless remake that is completely inferior to the original. Have you ever heard one of those trashy Kidz Bop covers of a pretty good song? This remake is like a Kidz Bop version of a heavy-metal song. The entire movie just put a foul stench in my mouth. It is neutered down to its core. There isn't anything disturbing, horrifying, or shocking like there was in the original. Hell, there isn't even a lot of blood in this one. It's hard to just simply describe how horrible it is, so I'll just use another analogy. Let's say the class genius is taking a test, right? So the big class goofball decides to sit down next to him and cheat off his test. He copies most of the test, but then there's the essay section. The smart kid is moving along with it, writing in his own unique way. The catch is that he writes really fast. So the dumbo has to quickly copy down everything he's writing. After they finish, the smart kid has a pretty good essay but it's not his best work. The noodlehead kid has an incomprehensible copy of the smart kid's essay, so much so that sentences are out of order, and the essay prompt isn't even answered. Even if you take the original out of the equation and call this remake an original movie, it's still garbage. One of the saddest attempts at a remake I have ever seen.
Fatabelly I started to watch this version of Martyrs, without actually expecting any greatness. I had already seen the original version, and knew that any remake would probably be very poor. To be honest, this version isn't too bad in its own right as a horror flick, and Troian Bellisarios acting did surprise me somewhat. She played a pretty good part considering she's only really used to Pretty Little Liars. But alas, the original kinda blows this version out of the park. As the story barely mirrors the original, both in content and delivery. And I'd say most of the actual horror scenes or incidents are completely different too. If you do want to watch it then please watch the original first... You'll be glad you did.
Darktragedy So, yes, I have seen the original and it still haunts me to this day, and I watch a lot of movies...but the opening of the original is just brutal...and we know that won't fly in USA movies, thanks to censors, so it is not right to really compare this to the original, that could never be done I did not go into this expecting to the see the original movie "remade" will never be done and does not need to be.So, from my point of view, this was not a horrible movie...I did not come out of this feeling I had wasted the time I spent watching this. The story is a little more fleshed out in this one without all the torture scenes of the first one and it was made to reflect our current times and the location of it. Not a bad movie at all, and I do still prefer the original...nothing will ever touch the way the original makes me feel to this day...BUT, I don't think this movie deserves all the trash talk it gets...there are so many "bad" horror movies out there that are a lot worse than this was.Overall, not bad, just don't expect the original, it could never be made in an American movie. I definitely think it was worth the watch, it was done well.