The Hike
The Hike
| 30 September 2011 (USA)
The Hike Trailers

Kate returns from war and goes on a camping trip with her friends. They come across strange people living off the land and befriend a group of rock climbers. After their friend goes missing, the women team up with the climbers to survive their hike.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Micitype Pretty Good
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
geoffrey_bellamy This really is a truly awful film. Girls go camping together in completely inappropriate clothing, so one is warned this is going to go badly wrong. Sadistic, gratuitous violence seems to be glorified with no plot justification, other than the glorification of gratuitous violence. This really dredges the deepest pits of human depravity, supposedly in the name of entertainment, as there is no moral compass in this film whatever, it is sickeningly depraved, though well shot and with plenty of tension, but tension only caused by the incipient nastiness which runs virtually throughout. Best avoided at all cost. I wish I knew it was this bad before watching.
MattyGibbs Five women go on a hiking weekend that turns into a fight for survival. In many ways this film pulls parts from both The Descent and Eden Lake, two other recent British films that concentrate on vacations going wrong. Right from the off you realise this isn't going to be anywhere near the level of those superior films. The five female lead characters are much of a muchness and no-one stands out. The quality of the acting from all five is very moderate at best and at times very poor. The fact that Tamer Hassan a very moderate actor at best, is at the higher end of the acting ability spectrum on show here tells you all you need to know.By far the best and most natural acting on show comes from a cameo at the end from Shauna Macdonald. What a shame they couldn't have incorporated her into the script earlier but maybe budget wouldn't allow this. The script is disappointing and the ridiculous scenario's that occur stretch any small amount of credibility created early on. I know it's a horror film and doesn't need to be realistic but the lazy set up really does let the film down. For much of the film I was going to rate it much lower than a 6 however to be fair the last third of the film did pick up very well and hold the attention. In my view the fate of many films is sealed by the ending and this is where The Hike scored highly in my opinion. I really enjoyed the ending which wasn't a generic cop out and left me satisfied that I hadn't wasted my time watching the previous 90 minutes. This is a low budget film and it shows in many places but it did in parts entertain me. I appreciate that many people will find it junk and in many ways they are right. However if you expect little and are willing to forgive flaws then there is enough here for the avid horror fan to enjoy.
ablebravo I have a friend who, like myself, is an avid horror fan. Any subgenre, any style, any language, any budget. The main difference is that my pal actually BUYS every DVD of these films. He has literally thousands of titles in his collection most of which I have never heard of. Such is the case of THE HIKE.I'm writing this only minutes after I watched the film-indeed I was logging on to IMDb even as the final credits were still rolling. I found it to be an interesting, disturbing and sometimes quite brutal tale, full of twists and turns that simply won't let you go till the final shocking moment.One element of the film which really got my attention was the incredible camera work (and the editing.... lingering on certain shots.... just that *moment* longer... whoa!) yeah. I actually found myself involuntarily invoking Hitchcock in my mind as certain scenes played out during the first third of the film. These scenes are particularly harrowing because we the viewer are being shown almost continuous and subtle clues that Something Isn't Right Out Here, yet the poor girls are clueless - not because they are stupid but because they are utterly unsuspecting that anything is amiss. One such scene is one where the gals are seen at a good distance from the camera, crossing a wide dry gulch. They are distant enough for their chatter to be indistinct. The camera slowly changes depth of focus, bringing the sounds with it, until we are very close to the camera indeed, where we vaguely see the outline of a young woman lying on the forest floor where she gasps and chokes her life away, all the while the lead gals frolic in the background...Yeah, I enjoyed it. All the elements that make a film "good" to me hit it just right - especially the plotting, direction and camera work.I give it a 73/100
templegod2 Shot in the woods on the new RED cam The Hike is a wild and shocking horror ride. The story opens innocently enough with a group of young girls going on a hike. The women are a bit scantily clad, but what horror film would not need this haha. Makes them seem innocent and vulnerable. Things are not always what they seem.The opening is slow, there is a lot of talking, but I feel this sets the mood of the characters, and builds the audience familiarity of them. Zara plays Kate, a soldier returning from Afghanistan, for her first leading role I thought she did a good job of conveying emotion, she has a clear speaking voice. Barbara Nedeljakova and Ben Loyd-Holmes are excellent as well, .Once the movie gets going there are several shocking scenes, not bloody or exploitative, warning this is not a film for the faint at heart. One of them are captured by hanging upside down from a tree, and the rest must fight for survival. This is meant to The scenery is lush and dark, landscapes are vast,all adding to the creepiness. This is one film you do not want to spoil the ending. Finally, most importantly, this is not, nor does it claim to be an exploitation film!