R | 01 October 1993 (USA)
Skinner Trailers

A man rents a room in a couple's house and roams the streets at night looking for victims to skin, while constantly being followed by a junkie he mutilated who is now looking for revenge.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
bipvg71 Skinner is a Horror & Suspense Classic that uses the killer's fantasies as flashback scenes. Dennis Skinner (Ted Raimi)a soft-spoken normal-looking drifter(with obsessive compulsions for water & blood) rents an room from Kerry Tate (Ricki Lake) and Geoff Tate-Long-haul Truck Driver (David Warshofsky) while he's out on the road. Geoff leaves Kerry alone all the time due to work, ignores her when he's home, and she appreciates the new stranger's company and attention even though her husband hates him. Dennis finds a job at a local factory and is physically and verbally harassed by a black co-worker who he also skins. At night Dennis roams the streets with a gym bag filled with knifes looking for hookers or women victims to skin, constantly followed by the deformed junkie/hooker Heidi (Traci Lords) who was mutilated by him and is now hunting him for revenge. Dennis is attracted to Kerry and wants to show her the real him so he seduces her then kidnaps and takes her to his playpen to be the next victim/art piece. Heidi tipped-off by her landlord's forced confession find's their house and she and Geoff soon follow to try to save Kerry, but Heidi drugs Geoff as they close in after crashing the factory gates with his Semi-Truck and alerting the night watchman. Will Heidi get her revenge and will Kerry die? Also Stars:Richard Schiff – Eddie; Blaire Baron – Gloria; Roberta Eaton – Sandy;Christina Englehardt – Rachel; Dewayne Williams - Earl ;Time Winters - Night watchman; Frederika Kesten – Suzanne;Sara Lee Froton -Young woman. Ivan Nagy - Directed (former boyfriend of Heidi Fleiss-The Hollywood Madam). music by Contagion, Special Make-Up Effects by KNB EFX Group.
jamie_likeskylie This film suffers from chronic sound problems. There is an echo on half of it. Now you may be thinking it's just my video, well I got the DVD as well and it's the movie! Really shoddy, but anyway. The film has a great premise and Ricki Lake and Ted Raimi are okay in it. Poor Traci Lords takes it a little over the top and it comes off as a bit amaturish. There is one disturbing seen involving Traci's character, Heidi, that freaks me out. It's when she stabs the needle in her and lets out this scream. It's pretty effective so she deserves some credit for that scene at least. The skinning scenes don't get good for a while but bear with the film for them because they are really sick. Also watch out for Skinner running around in a black guy! Literally! It's truly gross!
plaznihqyllnikaaf No, not really! But it's up there. Everything about this movie is bad. The "plot" makes no sense at all, it leads nowhere and the effects are there, but are nothing special. Ted Raimi and Lakes performances are almost acceptable, but Lords "performance" is the worst ever. I have seen vaccum cleaners with more talent! I can not warn you enough about this crap. And DO NOT buy the DVD from Simitar! There is only one thing worse than the picture quality and the sound, and that's the cover illustration. Holy s... it's ugly. Only 81 min. and NOT 90 min. as it should have been.I have only seen one movie worse than this: Jesus Franco's Oasis of the Zombies... So stay away from both...
sprmnj This is the coolest movie I have ever seen. It takes a porn star and gives her a chance to get vengance on the man whom she took in to her home (she was not a prostitute, but his landlord, like ricki lake) and skinned her while she was still alive. I still want to know exactly how she killed the hotel manager, though. That has always intrigued me.