Killer Workout
Killer Workout
R | 16 April 1987 (USA)
Killer Workout Trailers

Two years ago, a young woman named Valerie was burned after entering a tanning salon. Now, Rhonda runs a local gym where all of a sudden, people are being murdered.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
ScoobyMint Disappointment for a huge fan!
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Leofwine_draca Widely hated by moviegoers and horror fanatics alike, the years have given this cheesy slasher film a certain charm. While it's obviously hampered by the low budget (it's one of those films where the producer/director/actor are all the same person), the cult appeal of this atrocious film is such that I found myself having a great time while watching it.The acting is bad all around, with the possible exception of the actor playing the cop Morgan, who overacts a bit and chews the scenery in a fun way (at least this variety of 'acting' is better than standing around and delivering leaden lines straight off the cue card). The killer kills people with a giant safety pin, which gives you some idea of the ingenuity of this film (the cleverest thing is the title AEROBICIDE). The '80s pop music soon grates heavily on the viewer's nerves while the point-of-view killer shots are stolen from HALLOWEEN (as per usual), and basically have been copied far too often to be effective anymore. The camera dwells on the girls in the aerobics classes far too long, and works the other way too when focusing on muscular young men. Add the fact that they're all dressed in hideous '80s clothes and you'll be ripping your own eyes out to try and stop the torment.As you can imagine, this film is pretty dire, full of bland actors, characters who you don't give a damn about, and the murders aren't even particularly gory. So why did I enjoy it? It's difficult to say really apart from the fact that as everything was so bad it all became one big comedy and, in a way, one of those 'so-bad-it's-good' kind of films. Saying that, you probably need a high tolerance level to be able to sit through a film like this… or maybe, like me, you're just a glutton for punishment!
warsystem04 "Killer Workout" is one of those movies where I just can't figure out if it was made as a spoof or not. It's just that bizarre.Set in a fitness club, there are multiple EXTENDED scenes of insanely sexy girls in spandex working out and practically revealing it all. The cameraman should be awarded for somehow immediately zooming in on the bustiest girl in the room in every one of these softcore aerobic fetish scenes. These are basically the highlight of the film, and you'd probably be better off watching exercise regiment infomercials than this. HOWEVER, I can not say I don't recommend it, because I absolutely do.The body count is extremely high, though nothing is particularly gory at all. The killer uses a giant safety pin for some unexplained reason to kill the victims, having to stab each of them in the neck like ten times. Why none of the poor girls didn't try to simply use their arm to get poked instead of their jugular vein, I'll never know. I'll also never know why there are also multiple martial arts showdowns lasting an obscene amount of time between ripped bodybuilders, but I digress. The last twenty minutes of this one are an absolute glorious mess, with one of the most ridiculous plot elements in slasher history, and an incredibly long and dull chase scene.While it may sound like I just tore this movie spandex limb from spandex limb, it is a must see on sheer absurdity value alone.
morrison-dylan-fan Sorting out a bundle of DVD's with my dad to be traded into CEX,I suddenly noticed a DVD in the bundle for a film that I had never heard of before.Taking a look on Amazon Uk,I was surprised to discover that the movie was a near-forgotten late 80's Slasher movie,that sounded like a workout worth taking part in.The plot:Having recently opened a gym,Rhonda Jackson is focused in getting as many people through the doors as possible,and also keeping her less them helpful staff in line.Sadly for Rhonda,the gym's name gets seriously tarnished,when someone begins going round brutally killing members of her staff and the general public.Being desperate to stop the murders from continuing, Det. Lt. Morgan decides to take a look at the inner workings of the gym,so that he can find out what is leading this gym to being everyone's last fatal workout.View on the film:Whilst the screenplay by writer/director David A. Prior does sadly lack the fizz and disco-stabbed heart beats that the terrific setting should have offered this watchable Slasher,Prior thankfully a real flair in his directing by giving the movie some memorable off-beat scenes.Along with featuring a scene that beats Final Destination 3 by 19 years,and also featuring some flesh from the stunning actresses every 5 minutes,Prior also gives the last 30 mins an unexpected psychological twist,whilst also making sure to make the use of a baby's nappy pin as a murder weapon be something pretty distinctive that will lead to the viewer really feeling "the burn".
slayrrr666 "Killer Workout" is a rather decent with some nice cheese elements thrown in.**SPOILERS**Working at her aerobics studio, Rhonda Johnson, (Marcia Karr) becomes concerned with the growing number of fatalities of those who work out in the gym. When Det. Lt. Morgan, (David James Campbell) appears on the case, he thinks it's a little suspicious that newcomer Chuck Dawson, (Ted Prior) has showed up at the same time as the killings. While the other workers there, Jaimy, (Teresa Van der Woude) Diane Matthews, (Laurel Mock) and Cathy, (Lynn Meighan) are all a little worried that they're targeted by the killer and are even more at odds with each other. As he continues to crack the case and track down the killer, he comes across a rather unusual piece of information that allows him to crack the case wide open, and when he presents it, he finds that it's the wrong suspect and the real one is out continuing their rampage, forcing him to go against his instincts and trail the real killer.The Good News: There's some nice stuff to this one. The fact that there's a really decent slashing moments to this makes it the most worthwhile, since there's some really good ones on display. The one through the alley behind the gym is really great, as there's multiple targets to be attacked and killed off, which is really nice because of the way it plays out with the stalking, which is where the real fun comes from here. The ending confrontation in the car is just superb, thrilling and actually inventive, mainly because the killer actually goes for the side of the victim and stays in the area instead of just going all over the place, a nice touch and is finished with a great kill. There's a couple more in here which aren't all that bad, mainly towards the end which make it work out nicely, from the chase through the apartment to the one in the shower at the beginning which is quite nice. The fact that the kills are as bloody as they are with the murder weapon is nice enough as it is, since it's not exactly the most brutal one out there this is still pretty graphic. There's a stabbing in the neck, chest and top of the head with a gigantic safety pin, struck in the head with dumbbells, stabbed with a screwdriver, burned alive in a tanning bed and found hanging from a rope noose tied around the neck, which is a really great visual that really sets up the brutality factor along with the gore in here. The cheese in here is also really nice, as it's off-the-charts in this and really manages to stick out. From the cheesy 80s dance moves to the over-stylized manner it forces the clothing out to the physical appearance of everyone in here, this one just screams 80s cheese of the highest order and it's quite fun at times. The last thing is that there's a couple of really nice action scenes in here coming in the form of several really great brawls that have some really hard-hitting action in them to make up for the other stuff in here. These here are the film's best parts.The Bad News: There isn't a whole lot to this that doesn't work. The main thing with this one is the rather convoluted and hard-to-understand story to it. There's a decent mystery here that seems to go back and forth between three primary suspects, all three are given motive and opportunity to do so and it really goes back-and-forth as the main culprit responsible. Normally this results in some really good suspense and mystery, but here it just has the appearance of making the film seem longer and not knowing which one to end the film with and throwing them all in for the sake of giving it a red herring. This makes the ending come off a little disjointed and doesn't have a whole lot worthwhile. The only other part to this one is that there's a little too much cheese for some to get over. Seeing as much as this one has could be even for some to be through with before it ends, and it's one of the better examples of this out there. These here are the film's worst flaws..The Final Verdict: A really enjoyable cheesy 80s slasher that really only gets into trouble with it's story, but it's the only thing really wrong. This is easily essential viewing for those who enjoy the cheesier side of the genre, while slasher fans should take a look at it, while the ones who can't take the style should heed caution.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Nudity and Language