Howling II: Stirba - Werewolf Bitch
Howling II: Stirba - Werewolf Bitch
R | 25 December 1985 (USA)
Howling II: Stirba - Werewolf Bitch Trailers

When a young journalist dies in violent circumstances, her brother soon learns, by way of the mysterious Stefan Crosscoe, that his sister has succumbed to the werewolf curse.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
spencergrande6 I had so much anticipation for this film. I mean wow, the two titles of this film are "Werewolf B***h" and "Your Sister is a Werewolf." And Christopher Lee is in it!And lo, it's really not that bad. There's a lot of crazy stuff in this film. Werewolf S&M orgies, killer dwarfs, supernatural magic powers that literally cause eyes to explode, a crazy 80's Howling original song that plays nonstop and Christopher Lee reciting Bible-esque verses about iniquities while fighting a werewolf and taking her to straight to hell in a ball of flames. Oh yeah, and the end credits are set to that same original Howling song, that by now has you straddled by Stockholm Syndrome (ok and it is catchy), with a loop of the Werewolf B***h, Sybil Danning, literally ripping her leather vest off to reveal her chest in time to the music. What makes it funny, and not kind of pervy and sexist? It's immediately followed by different character reactions from throughout the movie; amazed, awed, astonished, Christopher Lee, and of course the dwarf whose eyes literally explode at the sight. I mean, that's a 10/10 for how to effectively build to a joke over the course of an hour and a half. Well done indeed.If all this sounds insanely cool, it is. But the film also lags in between those scenes. The scenes themselves can be engaging, but build- up and tensions are nonexistent. And it's not funny enough to counter. It's an absurd oddity.
jvm0393 Howling 2: Your Sister Is a Werewolf also known as Howling 2: Stirba Werewolf Bitch is a 1985 Horror Film directed by Philippe Mora whom has directed the Communion starring Christopher Walken and the sequel to Howling 2, Howling 3. The film is a direct follow up of the 1981 Howling film however the Dark Tone and Realism is nowhere to be seen. The Werewolves themselves don't look near as real nor as scary as the 1981 version, in fact when you do see them up close they look rubbery and fake, most of the time the werewolves are just people with added hair and latex which looks very goofy and inchoate. The film is credited as the Worst Sequel to a Horror movie and after the release of the abysmal Howling 3 all other sequels to the Howling series were made direct to video.Despite the films falls it is actually very entertaining, hence why I gave it a high score. No other film would show a woman ripping off her dress seventeen times to show us her boobs, have a awkward Sex scene involving werewolves which would make Furries run for their money, a climactic battle involving disco rays and a small puppet dragon. Not to mention the fact that they get Werewolves and Vampires mixed up in this wonderful train wreck of a film, examples including stabbing a werewolf's heart to kill them and werewolves been allergic to garlic along with the fact that they have a character call Stirba who is the equivalent of Count Dracula and live in a castle in Transylvania. Oh, and she is also a Witch who has magical dark powers, yeah this film has everything. The story is convoluted it begins at the funeral of the girl who was killed in the previous movie who was investigating a secret society of werewolves which she was briefly a part of. Lee meets up with the Brother of said girl and tells him and his love interest (Annie McEnroe) that she was a Werewolf, later on the trio meet up again and after showing proof that the dead girl was indeed a werewolf they go to Transylvania to hunt and kill the Werewolves' Queen Stirba, and the movie just get sillier from then on.Christopher Lee looks annoyed throughout the film in fact if you look carefully you can kind of see that he really doesn't want to be in this film. Sybil Danning who plays Queen Stirba is clearly enjoying herself with this film overacting to the max. Annie McEnroe acts and talks like a Baby always wondering what Christopher Lee's character is doing or where he went to, he's probably suing his manager for making him star in this film. The extras who are supposed to be Romanian are actually all Czechs, interesting fact they couldn't film in Romania due to the political problems they were facing at the time so they instead filmed in Prague hoping no one would notice that many of the extras are speaking Czech and not Romanian. What can I say the film is pure Entertainment it never slows down or becomes boring, it is the perfect film to watch on a drunken Friday afternoon with friends.
utgard14 At his sister's funeral, Ben White (Reb Brown) meets Stefan Crosscoe (Christopher Lee). Stefan tells Ben that his sister was a werewolf. Surprisingly. Ben doesn't believe him. At the urging of journalist Jenny Templeton (Annie McEnroe), who was also a friend of his sister, Ben agrees to hear Stefan out. The two are then shown footage of his sister's transformation into a werewolf and supposed death. This footage is not from the original Howling. It's reshot with a different actress playing Karen White and far inferior werewolf makeup effects. Anyway, Ben has to wind up killing werewolf Karen. Then he's all on board the werewolf hunting train, headed to Transylvania to do battle with the werewolf queen Stirba (Sybil Danning).One of the greatest "bad' movies of all time. From the hilarious sight of Christopher Lee in shades and jeans to werewolf boinking and eyeball-popping, it's a magnum opus of crap. The werewolf ménage a trois is actually the least absurd sex scene in the film, following distantly behind Reb Brown and Annie McEnroe's awkward lovemaking. The film's biggest pluses come from the catchy theme song by Babel and the buxom Sybil Danning. The two collide for one of the greatest closing credits of any movie ever. I rarely rate a movie up on the basis of being "so bad it's good," but there a few cases where the entertainment value is just too great not to. Ultimately, entertainment value is paramount to me when scoring films. This is definitely an entertaining one.The original title is "Howling II: Stirba - Werewolf Bitch." I personally prefer "Your Sister is a Werewolf," as it accurately reflects the ridiculousness of this movie. Definitely not for all tastes but if you enjoy bad movies and looking at Sybil Danning's large breasts you'll love this movie.
trashgang Howling II picks in at the ending of The Howling (1981) and has Christopher Lee on board. We follow Ben White (Reb Brown) the brother of Karen White (who died in the first Howling) who wants to know what happened with his sister and decide to follow Stefan Crosscoe (Christopher Lee) to Transilvania to hunt down a gang of werewolves. This all looks promising but I can tell you that it isn't what it should be.The reason for this turkey is the fact that The Howling 2 should have been a comedy but once shot the producers decided to at scary elements to it. That explains the bad editing and the fact that inserts of the werewolves looked ridiculous. But not only that, the acting wasn't convincing too and it's clearly to see that Lee saw that he was in a turkey, he just says his words without any emotions. Not only that, some werewolves really looked laughable and people just howling didn't add towards the scariness or horror element. Some parts were shot in the UK so they added a Gothic/Punk club, but even that was a mistake. On the walls you can see Specimen (gothband) and G.B.H. (punk) amongst others but also Batcave. Batcave was a goth club in Soho London. Not only the movie looks like it didn't fit well, the end credits are the only thing really worth watching because it's a compilation of alternate takes and deleted takes combined with Sybil Danning ripping of her shirt 18 times to show her buxom juggs. Be advised, The Howling franchise is the worst entry you will ever see up to 2012. Gore 0/5 Nudity 2/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5