Howling III: The Marsupials
Howling III: The Marsupials
PG-13 | 13 November 1987 (USA)
Howling III: The Marsupials Trailers

A strange race of human-like marsupials appear suddenly in Australia, and a sociologist who studies these creatures falls in love with a female one. Is this a dangerous combination?

Alicia I love this movie so much
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
fredroyer I'm only here to make a comment on the greatest movie ever made. There's a scene in this flick were a werewolf/kangaroo hybrid gives birth to a little joey werewolf kangaroo hybrid, which promptly proceeds to crawl to his mother's pouch and attach to the teat. Great stuff.
CinematicThylacine While some people say this is the worst entry in the Howling series, I actually think it is one of the best of the sequels following the Joe Dante classic. Let's get one thing straight, this is an intentional camp film and takes great glee in being as cheesy as humanly possible. Here we are introduced to a new breed of lycanthrope from the Land Down- Under, a were-creature based on the long extinct thylacine. I don't want to give anything in the plot away but I would of really preferred if the movie focused more on giving us lots of werewolf action instead of focusing almost entirely on a certain romance-subplot. So in closing, I feel you should sit down with your friends and have have a laugh while watching this campy film.....
Sean H-. (cornflakeboy20) I am shocked this movie is not a stoner/camp classic. It is at times meta and knowingly funny, and at times painfully earnest. The effects are laughable, the horror minimal. I don't know quite what this movie was trying to be. Take the title: "The Marsupials." That term does not invoke any sort of horror; it invokes cuteness. And indeed the lead female werewolf/marsupial gives birth to a Gizmo looking thing who grows into a tow headed child actor then a slightly studly monosyllabic brunet. Plot-wise, at first you think you're watching an origin story, with evidence of werewolves in early 20th century Australia. Then you get a comedic "modern" story where one werewolf woman escapes a Deliverance like town and is cast in a movie with a pervy director, and another werewolf woman tries to join a ballet co. but is thwarted when she accidentally turns during a performance. Then a horror action plot where some soldiers and medical types attempt to ID, study and eliminate the were-whatevers, and then the plot comes to a halt with both werewomen giving birth and a 20 minute, filmed like a dryer sheet commercial, montage in favor of bestiality, otherkin/human relations, furry-ism, nudism or some thing or another. I think if these filmmakers had had Tumblr, this movie would never have been necessary. The movie ends on a laugh line and a Dame Edna cameo. Had it been 20 minutes shorter, I might have totally recommended it.
Michael_Elliott Howling III (1987) * 1/2 (out of 4) The third film in the series has no connection to the first two so this here works best as a standalone episode or at least a different werewolf film that has the "HOWLING" tied in for commercial reasons. There are two stories going on here with the first being a scientist trying to figure out if the werewolf footage his grandfather shot in 1905 is actually a real wolf. The second story deals with a young woman breaking away from her family but this isn't your typical woman, she's actually a werewolf. Soon the two stories come together and the end result just isn't very good. HOWLING III has a pretty poor reputation and a lot of this seems to be from fans who simply don't like the fact that this film has no real connection to the first two movies. I can see how that might be disappointing to people but the real issue is the story itself, which is just silly and never really makes too much sense. This entire thing is more Oxploitation than anything else as we get some pretty silly sequences that pop up out of nowhere and don't go anywhere. I think the highlights of the film has to be the pregnant woman giving birth to a werewolf baby and of course since we're talking Australia you have to have her carry the baby around in her pouch just like a kangaroo. These scenes are just so outrageous that you can't help but smile at them and wish the entire film was about these patches. There's no question that the film goes for many laughs and I think this is part of the problem. It seems to try and be more like the first film in the series but there's simply nothing clever going on here. The performances aren't too bad but these aren't what people come to see. For a horror film there's really no scares and for a horror film of the 80s there's not any gore either.
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