Dolls Trailers

A precocious girl, her nasty parents, two punk-rock losers and a weak-kneed salesman inadvertently become the guests of two ghoulish senior citizens in their dark, haunted mansion.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
trashgang Spooky flick about dolls terrorizing a house. Is it scary, no it wasn't at all, face it, it's a Charles Band flick, they never are scary but they are mostly weird. And there are a few about puppets. It's predictable what we do see here but to be honest, it was made in an era when slashers were done and horror was completely out of the picture.It never became a classic as Child's Play did one year later but it is a must for collectors. Stuart Gordon directed this and we do know that he made Re-animator (1985) for Charles Band's company Empire. On that part alone, the directing, it one of the reasons you keep watching and the classic thunderstorm and evil stepmother makes the story rather, classic. Maybe why it never became a classic is the fact that stop motion was used for the attacking dolls. But then Stuart added POV from the doll's to make it creepier and succeeded.No gore at all but it do has it moment due the atmosphere.Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 3/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
TheBlueHairedLawyer I just can't give this film a higher rating on its horror, because it wasn't scary. The comedic side though, it was so funny the entire way through that I just had to give it a 7/10.Judy is an imaginative little girl whose snobby, lazy step-mom and neglectful piggy dad take a trip with her to rural England. When their car breaks down, they have to spend the night in a creepy old house with two elderly old crones who build millions of dolls for no apparent reason. Two teenage punk rockers, a Goth and a girl who looks like a hippie Miley Cyrus, along with a kind and friendly trucker named Ralph, join the party, and pretty soon it is obvious who the antagonists are. Ralph is suspected by the dad of being a pervert, although he certainly isn't, and Rosemary, the step-mom, claims that the old man who owns the place is a sex fiend. Soon Judy and Ralph are left to find out what's going on, and to escape the house of the killer dolls.Dolls is a halfway decent movie, the dolls themselves are pretty creepy, but to the point where it was obviously intended. The soundtrack was pretty good, as was the acting, although the film was a little cheesy with all the stuff about elves and faeries. It's definitely not a bad movie, but not one of my favorites.
MartinHafer dad and step-mother too one-dimensional and annoying--like caricatures--same with the new wave girls great stop-motion "Dolls" is not the sort of movie I usually watch. I am not a huge horror film--particularly if the movies are bloody and violent. However, I am glad I saw the film--it was a lot better than I had imagined. Now I am not saying it was a great film--it had a lot of problems. But, the overall film was quite enjoyable...and creepy.The film is a story about six people who are stranded in the middle of no where during a bad storm. They all seek refuge in a strange house which is filled with dolls as well as a seemingly kindly old man and his wife. However, during the night, the dolls in the house come to life. For the bad people, they will distribute punishment and to the good, they will come to no harm. Unfortunately for these people, most of them are pretty bad and in need of retribution! The special effects and scary story are the best things about this film. Using 1980s technology instead of CGI, the dolls seem to come to life through traditional stop-motion. But, considering they are supposed to be dolls, it works really well. But the film also suffers BADLY from some of the most one-dimensional and stupid characters you could imagine. Yes, you want to see bad people punished, but these folks were so obviously bad that they seemed more like caricatures than real people. I think the word 'subtle' would certainly not be used to describe these folks!! Had the bad folks been better written, the film could have been much better. It's odd, though, that everyone else in the film seemed well written and likable--even the old man and lady. Well worth seeing and enjoyable if you don't mind the gore and can look past the occasional writing lapses.
atinder I normal hate it when the a movie as dream scene near the start of the movie, for this I found the dream scene really fun and a little cute.Judy step mum- is one hell of Evil Nasty b***h, God what the hell is wrong with her and her Dad as to one most nasty and silly parents in the world. (She better off without them)I just could not wait for the dolls to kill them, they got what they deserved.some of the dolls were really creepy and all the razor sharp teeth makes look even more scary and there was some bloody moment in this movie, I would not say gory.I love effects near the end of the movie, the scene. what happens to the father was really good, the good old cheesy 80's effect are great fun to watch.The acting was really good from everyone in the movie 8 out of 10 Great fun movie.