Final Exam
Final Exam
R | 05 June 1981 (USA)
Final Exam Trailers

In a small college in North Carolina, only a select few students are left to take mid terms. But, when a killer strikes, it could be everyone's final exam.

Alicia I love this movie so much
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Bjorn (ODDBear) Slashers have it easy. Their target audience are among the most forgiving when it comes to actual quality and will take enthusiasm over competence into consideration more so than "real" film lovers. "Final Exam" goes for the "Halloween" (1978) vibe (a low-key piano piece is a dead give away as to inspiration) in that it is light on blood and gore and goes for honest scares and mood. Too bad it's also light on scares but the mood is above average. There's also a novelty in that the killer is clearly seen, never speaks and has no motivation known to the audience. But then one character clearly states that most killers have no motivation and that, in itself, is quite scary. The film has pretty decent actors, most of whom have never been heard from again, and the characters do have some personality. The biggest gripe the film has received is in it's very slow build-up. It's true that "Final Exam" takes it's sweet time until actual mayhem takes place but it goes by pleasantly enough. Photography and lighting is fine and, as said, the film has a certain mood that's undeniable. It's a mood that seems was only attainable in late 70's and early 80's and distinguishes these slashers. "Final Exam", for me, gets better with repeat viewings and it comes recommended; for slasher film fans. But make no mistake; this isn't the cream of the crop but enthusiasts should enjoy it.
gwnightscream This 1981 horror film stars Cecile Bagdadi, Joel Rice, Sherry Willis-Burch, DeAnna Robbins, John Fallon, Ralph Brown, Terry Farren and Timothy Raynor. This begins with a college couple getting murdered at a lake by a mysterious killer (Raynor). Soon, he heads to Lanier University during final exam week where he stalks a group of students, Courteney (Bagdadi), Radish (Rice), Janet (Burch), Lisa (Robbins), Mark (Fallon), Wildman (Brown) and Gary (Farren). One of the things about this film that bothers most people is that the killer & his intentions are anonymous, but I think it's creepier that way. It isn't a bad 80's slasher flick following in the footsteps of "Halloween" with a decent cast & eerie score. I recommend this if you enjoy horror/slasher flicks.
innerboyka The film is basically boring. Half of the film is non-action filler that does nothing for the film. The kill scenes are not gory, nor are they original or interesting. Killer has no persona or screen presence: just a guy in an army jacket with a knife. Guess he is supposed to be like a Mike Myers, but w/o the mask or the scariness. Also there is no story or motivation behind the killings: he is just your generic killer.The only good thing about the film is that the annoying students you have to put up with for half of the stupid film finally get offed. Ending is not interesting and is abrupt. It is like a film student project almost. Don't waste your time.
Brian T. Whitlock (GOWBTW) College, it's a lonely place, yet you get to make friends, or enemies. Friends you can study, make jokes, or just have fun. For enemies, people who cause harm to others, cross paths with, or even worse, kill. This enemy isn't someone from the college, he's just stalking the students, one by one! This killer made his first strike at another college one night earlier. Killed two students making out in a convertible. During finals at a college, a van pulls out in a parking lot begins firing out at students, then grabbing the ones shot. Random acts of violence is what it looks like, but it turned out to be a fraternity joke instead. The brown van was well known at the college, but a black van appears, and it's a mystery. Who was that man? Whoever he is, he is causing trouble at the college. The hazing was bad enough, but the killer makes the situation scarier than the fraternity's antics. The movie is very subtle. Not very big, but watchable. Good for late night viewing. 2 stars