Street Trash
Street Trash
NR | 16 September 1987 (USA)
Street Trash Trailers

A group of hobos begin melting into multicolored piles of goo after drinking sixty-year-old liquor. At the same time, the psychotic Vietnam War vet who rules the hobo camp snaps and begins killing at random. Two brothers set out to stop the liquor and the killer.

Steineded How sad is this?
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
thesar-2 Well, this film's trivia bit sums up the movie very nicely:Vic Noto (Bronson) was cast a day before principal photography commenced (less than 12 hours.) "I didn't know what the hell I was doing," he said, "nor did I EVER understand who Bronson was. I did scene by scene not even knowing what the movie was about. I didn't read the script until three months AFTER (the movie) was wrapped. I STILL don't know who Bronson was."This "movie" is all over the place and yet, still (mostly) works. It's also simultaneously intentionally and unintentionally funny and effective in scares, but that might just be me: decades-old, low budget horror has frightened me since I was a lad.Not sure what the intention of this film was, but they sure as hell crammed in a ton of ideas. An antihero bum, a crazy Vet and toxic alcohol all play central themes, but so does horrible rape, sexual harassment, a gangster vs. a comedian and tons and tons of both full-frontal male and female nudity.I guess the death drink is prime, though it only shows up for a fraction of the movie. Basically, a liquor store owner finds a carton of old liquor and without thought, sells it for a buck a pop (kinda low, even for mid-80s time) and within seconds of drinking, or even touching, the victim is reduced to the same fate as that toxic-gang member towards the end of Robocop (same summer as this film. Must've been a theme or fear of the time.)But, there are many more subplots as we really follow the antihero homeless man through many misadventures. It's thoroughly nuts and yet watchable. I seriously doubt anyone was serious here and they were, indeed, out to have a fun and humorous time despite the few, though effective, gore scenes. Recommended for die-hard trashy-80s low budget "horror-comedies," like Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, The Toxic Avenger and other Troma film fans. Though, unbelievably, this was shot much better than those other disturbing, but "fun," films.***Final thoughts: You show me full-frontal male nudity within seconds of the film opening, and you got me hooked. Nice touch, so to speak, to not just feature the gals.
ElenaKonig616 OK I bought this movie because it was highly rated as a good cheesy horror movie. It's not. There is a fine line between good cheesy horror and just plain stupid. No one even gets chewed in the movie, just a half dozen bums who drink this liquor then melt. The entire time I was waiting for the movie to "get going" as in lots of carnage but it never did. It is punctuated with this retarded guy from Vietnam who has flashbacks and is just plain weird. Granted there are a few funny parts in the movie and a few funny deaths but they are few and far between. If you really want good cheesy horror and just an all around good movie check these out in order:1. The Return of the Living Dead 2. Dead Alive 3. Dawn of the Dead 4. Black Sheep 5. UndeadThe above movies are insane, they will have you rolling laughing but they engage you. The point is that the above movies set out with the premise that they are over the top and ridiculous. Street Trash tries to have some plot and be serious and fails miserably.
callanvass I've heard many things about this movie over the years. It's got a cult reputation, and I finally decided to check it out. I really enjoyed the audaciousness, the originality, and the sheer audacity to make a film of this magnitude. It's offensive, outlandish, nasty, outrageous, and I loved every minute of it. I consider this movie to be a great character study of the drunk and homeless. Almost every character in this movie is broke, filthy, living on the street, and drunkards. They are the stars of this movie. It has virtually no story. It's a random string of events from the very twisted mind of Director, J. Michael Munro. As reviewers have rightfully pointed out, this would never be made today. It's filmed on the streets of NYC, and a lot has changed since then. I often wondered what Munro was on when he came up with this movie. Was it the good old "Cheech and Chong" type stuff? He had to be smoking some good stuff. I can't see how you could come up with this sort of nonsensical stuff sober. If he did come up with it sober, he needs help. The homeless are not made to be sympathetic. Many of them are loudmouth idiots, and I couldn't help but be entertained by it. I wouldn't call this movie a gore fest but you'll see things your imagination couldn't come up with if your life depended on it. We get a beheading by a missile, a body explodes in graphic detail, bodies fall apart in all kinds of different colors, and a guy forcefully goes down a toilet. There are some hints of necrophilia, and more. Gore hounds will be pleased. The acting is nothing to write home about. Everyone is completely awful, and amateurish. Final Thoughts: What can I say? I enjoyed the hell out of it. It's so, enjoyably trashy. Is it a good movie? Hell no. It makes no sense what so ever, and it's cheap. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it. It'll have people mixed7.6/10
Joe Gerig One reviewer said "Anyone dumb enough to see this movie and be taken aback by its admittedly sordid contents has exactly what they have coming to them." Well I've seen some pretty sick movie's and nothing in this movie made me sick. Admittedly the melt scenes are pretty cool but there really is not point to them because this movie has ZERO plot. If you're looking to feel dirtier than watching porn yet bored to death you will love this movie. As to being a funny horror comedy? absolutely not. If you want that go watch Dale And Tucker or something because this isn't funny.Possibly the worst movie I have ever seen.