The Blob
The Blob
R | 05 August 1988 (USA)
The Blob Trailers

In Arborville, California, three high school students try to protect their hometown from a gelatinous alien life form that engulfs everything it touches. The first to discover the substance and live to tell about it, the trio witness the Blob destroying an elderly man, then it growing to a terrifying size. But no one else has seen the goo, and the police refuse to believe the kids without proof.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
JaydoDre In this movie there is a recurring subplot of a typical slasher film being shown at the local movie theater. After certain events of The Blob, a character says that this will cause him to never see another one of these scary movies. This all feels like some meta commentary by the makers on The Blob itself and is just one of the signs that they did not take this movie too seriously. The other sign: the effects in this movie. The practical gore effects are good, but at the same time they are increasingly comical, and at some points look more like slapstick. My partner and I were laughing out loud during every death, and at the way the titular Blob stalked and chased its victims. The creators could not have been unaware of how their effects looked. Even the name of the movie is kind of funny. The humour of the action, whether international or unintentional, is only underlined by the fact that the rest of this movie is played straight and the quality is alright. Elements established early in the story pay off later on; the acting is alright; the conversations are not the best but not bad for a horror flick; characters are properly established and the central characters have a bit of an arch to them. Sadly, the movie doesn't go far enough into one or the other direction. It is not purposefully funny enough to be a dark comedy and too funny to be a horror movie, which plants it much closer to the so-bad-that-it's-good territory than to any other. In short, this movie is kind of awesome. It's a question whether or not the people behind it realize the reasons why it's awesome, but in any case, it's worth watching. The Blob is a good example of horror slapstick.
Paul Magne Haakonsen I remember watching this 1988 remake of "The Blob" during my teenage years, and it was an entertaining movie back then. In fact, I have watched it several times since then."The Blob" is indeed somewhat of a classic in its own rights. And it is definitely a movie that has withstood the test of time quite well. I introduced it to my wife in 2017, and while she was a bit skeptical at first, she was won over and ended up thoroughly enjoyed the movie.The story in the movie is a very typical Sci-Fi story; a foreign body from outer space comes to Earth, where it turns into a deadly and unstoppable killer. Sure, it is a bit generic in terms of originality, but it uses a well-established formula, so it actually works out quite well.Taking into consideration that the movie is from 1988, then I must say that the special effects were actually amazing for its time, and they actually still prove to be good even today. Sure, there were some questionable scenes where you could clearly see that the ooze was fake, but in overall, then it was rather impressive.Granted, I have actually never seen the 1958 original version, so I cannot compare this remake to the original.The cast in "The Blob" was quite good, although it was very late 1980s, of course. You have Kevin Dillon and Shawnee Smith in the lead roles. Furthermore, the movie also have some nice appearances by Jeffrey DeMunn, Paul McCrane, Erika Eleniak, and also horror icon Bill Moseley himself. So there are some very familiar faces on the cast list. People were doing good jobs with their given roles and characters, and they helped bring the story to life quite nicely on the screen.As for the characters in the movie, well I have to say that they are somewhat stereotypical and generic for a Sci-Fi horror movie. But the script and the storyline overshadows this, so you quickly forget about these one-dimensional characters. However, I somehow have a problem with grasping how a Christian minister goes from being a devout Christian into a doomsday preacher just because of what happened to him in the movie. And also, just how did he know what that pinkish crystalline material was, and why did he save it? It just made no sense, except for lining up a potential sequel."The Blob" is a very entertaining movie, and it is the type of movie that you can watch again and again with some time passing in between each viewing.
Predrag A very good remake that is just begging for a religious apocalyptic sequel as we see at the end. Both special effects and the cast are very good in a story tweaked for its time of the Cold War 1980's. Just compare it to the original from 1957. Nice action and character development too. There is a great surprise in character leadership throughout. It was also nice seeing Candy Clark too. Shawnee Smith was wonderful also.The plot actually works in this 1988 quasi-gorefest. It is basically an almost-exact remake of the 1958 film with some minor nuances added like the government's complicity in harboring this "biological weapon" and the hero being actually a couple with more of an emphasis on her than him. Basically the other differences were in the precise roles of the various co-stars and featured players, plus the tendency in this remake to kill off more audience-friendly characters, including children. There is also much faster-paced action throughout, as this blob really goes after its meals like each one is its last. The movie really explores the full potential of a giant blob that dissolves and absorbs anything it comes across, and you have to appreciate a story that leaves no stone un-turned. It's the sort of movie that's uses violence and gore perfectly, it's all that you'd imagine it could be and sometimes more.Overall rating: 8 out of 10.
frederickzabala1994 i was watching this film this weekend (i have seen it before a lot of time when i was a child) and and it was #$%^^ awesome especially with a lot of Gores especially a scene when (Spoiler Alert) when the old hobo is the first to be killed by the titular antagonist and the main heroines little brother friend got eaten in the sewer scene and i love the acting of Kevin Dillon and Shawnee Smith and it also featured a cameo appearance of Bill Moseley (The Devil Rejects, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, 2001 Maniacs 2 and a lot of Horror Films)in the film and Smith is very hot in the film in her teen years and i do know that a lot of men were in love with her in their childhood especially Michael Kenworthy who play her younger brother in the film I recommend it especially those fans of 80's horror films including the monsters movies ones my review 10/10