Radioactive Dreams
Radioactive Dreams
R | 19 September 1986 (USA)
Radioactive Dreams Trailers

After an atomic war Phillip Hammer and Marlowe Chandler have spent 15 years on their own in an bunker, stuffed with junk from the 40s and old detective novels. Now, 19 years old, they leave their shelter to find a world full of mutants, freaks and cannibals. They become famous detectives in the struggle for the two keys that could fire the last nuclear weapon.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Maziun I can enjoy a good B-class movie. I'm definitely not a cinema snob. However there's an entertaining trash and just bad trash. This movie falls into the second category , despite it tries hard to be original , funny and possibly a cult movie.Albert Pyun is one of the worst filmmakers EVER. Watch (or better don't watch , just believe my words) "Radioactive dreams" and you will know what I mean. It's an ambitious effort , but made so badly it makes you want to commit suicide.This is a half-baked post-apocalyptic comedy that mixes "Mad Max" with noir movies and comic books. It's extremely lacking in plot and character development. It's hard to understand what's going on. There are some ideas here (midgets , bikers , dance sequences ) that might have worked in skilled hands , but it's not the case here. There are some zany and colorful characters , but none of them is particularly likable or interesting. There are some plot holes and the humor is simply unfunny. The final is too long.This movie has production values so low , that it's depressing. The effects are cheap. The pacing is bad and the movie is rather dull. Worse , it takes itself too seriously at times ! The action scenes are poor. The dialogues are annoying.On the plus side the acting is surprisingly decent , especially from John Stockwell and Michael Dudikoff. Songs are kinda nice.Don't trust the decent rating. It's an Albert Pyun movie ! Run for your life. ! Save your precious time and good health ! I give it 1/10.
filmman3000 This movie was great. It had good performance and good concept. The concept is 2 guys who have locked up in a bomb shelter for twenty years or something reading Noir detective books from the forties. They come out of the bomb shelter in post nuclear world with Humphrey Bogart attitudes and clothes. All you do is imagine Bogart in Mad Max.Sometime you have montage with 80 music that are laughable, I don't know if it was intentional, but it adds to movie. filled with great jokes.The director has a fan base so do the actors I don't know what is the old up of the DVD.
LostHighway101 Pyun's ambitious effort is well-made but extremely lacking in plot and character development. Essentially, it is a half-baked post-apocalyptic comedy about two Hardy Boys-esquire young guys (John Stockwell and Michael Dudikoff) who see the world for the first time. They run into various zombies, 80s bondage/biker chicks, a genuinely creepy butcher, and several other zany and morally ambiguous characters as they search for their father.Like a lot of Pyun's films, it doesn't take any effort to level the ground for the audience. It has flashy ideas and camera maneuvers and some decent action, but it was hard to understand what was going on. Or maybe it was hard to understand that the movie WAS going on without any real plot lying underneath its surface. By the end I was giving up on it because there was no interesting conclusions or character accomplishments. If it were trippier and filled with more complex weirdness it could have been more watchable, but it still needed better characters and more fun.There is a dance number at the end that is pretty amazing though . . . As a young buck I was an extra in this film in LA. There were so many extras and no real coordination, we didn't know when the camera was rolling and when it wasn't. Shooting seemed to go on forever without a break, so when you got tired you just walked off the set and went home.We knew when making it that it would go direct to video. It was actually released, and played at my local theater for about two days before it was yanked. I had never before seen a movie taken out of the theater that quickly.I'm still looking for the video just for nostalgia. I'm glad there are some people out there who can enjoy for something.