Mutant Action
Mutant Action
| 09 February 1993 (USA)
Mutant Action Trailers

Waging war against all things glamorous and beautiful, crippled terrorists Acción Mutante plot a series of attacks on society's elite, and attempt the kidnapping of a wealthy socialite at her elaborate wedding reception.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
ma-cortes Devilishly funny Sci-Fi-terror-black comedy about some mutants become involved into incredible and frightening adventures . They're a band formed by hunchbacks , cripples , a two-headed man , mentally handicapped people and other mutants , all of them are likeness to ¨Francisco Ibañez's comic books roles¨. This is a full-on surreal Science Fiction movie that blends thrills , a lot of fun , suspense , tension as well as an intriguing script full of underlying lack seriousness . This Spanish SciFi/Fantasy/comedy is Alex De la Iglesia's first foray into absolute and total lunacy , being titled ¨Mutant action¨ or ¨Acción Mutante¨ . The flick centers on a band of attackers , a terrorist group of mutants led by Ramon Yarritu (Resines) abduct at a wedding party the daughter of a wealthy owner , Patricia Orujo (Frédérique Feder), to claim for the rights of the ugly people . But the rich man , the powerful businessman Orujo (Fernando Guillen Cuervo), trying to flee her at whatever cost . As the gang escaping from the police in their spacecraft , Ramon tries to doublé-cross his band in order to get all the ransom . The journey ends abruptly when they crash in Axturiax (shot in Almeria) , the planet (which bears remarkable resemblance to Tatooine of Star Wars) of the crazy miners where no woman live . There Ramón gets trapped by strange bands , weird people , a boastful saloon , as he falls into the clutches of a rare family and many other things . Meanwhile , Ramon and Patricia have been pursued by Rednecks , polices and the wealthy man along with his heavily armed hoodlums . Alex De la Iglesia's Sci-Fi , horror comedy blends creepy elements with humor , tongue-in-cheek and thrills ; so, the tone of the film is light-hearted . It's a veritable buffet of the cream of the Spanish nineties , full of action , laughs , scares and attacks . Packed with scenes of fantastic nature , robust comedy , this story is exciting as well as frightening , as we follow the strange situations of some peculiar kidnappers whose destination is dictated by terrible events . The narration is so filled with quirk characters , crazy violence mixed with eerie elements and an underlying sense of surprise , and it is so excessive and plenty of fantastic elements , one can't help but keep watching , much as it is over the top in many an occasion . There are a lot of ¨comic books¨ references , such as ¨Lorna and his robot¨, ¨Judge Dredd¨ by John Wagner and ¨Frank Miller's Dark night¨. And the night city is similarly recreated to ¨Total recall¨(1990 , Paul Verhoven) and some scenes pay tribute to ¨The hills have eyes¨(1977, Wes Craven) . De La Iglesia reigns in his style this time around and gives an utterly watchable takedown of Science Fiction/comedy that certainly delivers a few madly inspired moments . Once again De la Iglesia exemplifies why he's one of the most amusing Spanish filmmakers currently churning out foreign cinema , adopting frenetic storytelling much like Quentin Tarantino , Brian Singer , or Matthew Vaughn might dream up . Enjoyable main cast and agreeable support actors deliver one of the most engaging , hysterical, action packed and wonderfully shot Sci-Fi movie in years . Ensemble cast boasts some of Spain's biggest film and TV stars , such as Antonio Resines/Ramón whose character mingles aspects from Terminator (James Cameron , 1984) and Pinhead (Hellraiser) , and the two-headed role by recently deceased Alex Angulo is lookalike monster ¨Basket Case¨(1982 , Frank Henenlotter) . Further cast members are first class Spanish star system such as Karra Elejalde , Jaime Blanch ,Ramón Barea , Bibiana Fernández , Rossi De Palma , and Santiago Segura ; most of them Alex De Iglesia's ordinaries .It has a nice production design by Arri and Biaffra , plenty of creativity . Catching musical score ,including popular Spanish songs ; furthermore , ¨Mission impossible¨ classic score by Lalo Schifrin. Colorful as well as atmospheric cinematography by Carles Gusi . De La Iglesia , is well known as the Spanish king of black comedy . He's a cool director has got several successes : ¨Dying of laughter¨ , ¨Baby's room¨ , ¨Oxford murders¨ , and ¨Perdita Durango¨ is probably the weirdest Javier Bardem film ever made . And , of course , ¨Day of the beast¨ and ¨La Comunidad¨ obtained the unanimous praise of both the critics and the public and result to be a lot of fun¨, especially for those who enjoy surrealist humor , they won several Goya prizes and and resulted to be a turning point in his meteoric career ; from then on he became his own producer, beginning with '800 bullets' (2002) through the Pánico Films company . In addition , he produced a TV Series : ¨Pluton BRB Nero¨ (2009) with similar characters and atmospheres to Mutant action . Winner of several Goyas (Spanish Oscars), however his movies have not yet reached box office in USA, but he has strong followers , as his films have a kind of comic edge to them . Nonsense, ridicule , laughters , absurdity , disturbing scenes and many other issues ; you can find everything in this flick . ¨Acción Mutante¨ captures the essence of the best Alex De La Iglesia, a filmmaker who, at this point in his own story, is respected and admired worldwide and has the most committed fans in the film universe . This Spanish SciFi-comedy was much praised by critics as well as public during its European festival run . Being a big winner with various statues Goyas was this Alex De la Iglesia's comedy which dominated the technical categories . This is without a doubt a thrilling and enjoyable movie to be enjoyed for Sci-Fi/comedy aficionados and Alex De Iglesia fans .
Red-Barracuda Accion Mutante is the debut feature from cult director Álex de la Iglesia. It incorporates the absurd comedy with violence template that he seems to have followed throughout the rest of his career. Also like others in his filmography such as The Last Circus and Witching and Bitching, this one starts out really well but loses a bit of steam in the final third. It's set in the future, where a terrorist group called Accion Mutante take violent action against rich hipsters and the superficially beautiful; their latest scheme sees them kidnap a society girl resulting in them being pursued to another planet by her mogul father who is bent on serious revenge.This one has a pretty modest budget so it has to be cut some slack. Nevertheless, it makes good use of its resources at times. In particular an early high society party scene was nicely done; it was colourful and garish in a way that showed the definite influence of Pedro Almodovar who actually was a producer here. This scene along with the earlier more directly satirical ones that showed news reports on the terrorists activities were the most successful and focused parts of the film. After this opening things become more run-of-the-mill and the black comedy becomes less pointed. Ultimately, Accion Mutante is one of those movies which probably isn't as good as you think it's going to be given the potential of the central idea. It's still fun though. Of additional note is an amusing rap-rock theme song that plays in the credits.
gargoyletongue After long being a fan of Day of the Beast and Perdita Durango, I managed to finally track this down in the bargain bin of a second-hand video shop, and I certainly wasn't disappointed by it. The first half, taking in spoof news programmes (similar to the mock psychic phone-in show in ...Beast), a phenomenally kitsch Almodovar-esque party scene, and large amounts of extreme violence, is brilliant. As always, beneath the violence, humour and genre-spoofery, de la Iglesia engages in a serious subtext of social criticism, in this case of beauty-led bourgeois culture.Unfortunately, this serious side is abandoned in the second half, as is anything resembling a decent plot. However, right till its end the film remains hugely entertaining, if ramshackle in structure, and is crammed with eccentric and unusual touches and beautifully shot. Alex Angulo is as brilliant as always, and the film provides an interesting insight into the origins of its director's wonderful subsequent work.
Infofreak I'm a real admirer of Alex de la Iglesia's superb supernatural comedy thriller 'The Day Of The Beast', so I was really looking forward to watching 'Accion Mutante', his previous movie. It started off superbly as a exciting, violent and witty black comedy about a gang of (mostly deformed) mutant terrorists intent on destroying "the beautiful people" and their mediocre, hypocritical society. They kidnap the daughter of a bourgeois business and hold her for ransom. Fantastic! All was going great, the balance between satire, action and silliness was handled imaginatively, but half way through the movie changes direction, and becomes increasingly less interesting. The planet where Mutant Action land to make their exchange is populated by a family of grotesques similar to one's in Philip Brophy's equally bizarre 'Body Melt', or like some of the stranger characters seen in the comics of Garth Ennis. Unfortunately for me the movie loses focus at this point, all the earlier potential for surreal social criticism is abandoned, and it becomes a standard b-grade sci fi action flick with only a few good bits. It's a shame to me that the movie didn't continue in the approach of its first half, because I think if it did it would be a classic piece of science fiction. As it is, with all its flaws, it's still better than 90% of American SF movies made in the last 15 years, and recommended viewing. Please track down 'The Day Of The Beast' though, it's sensational!