The Kiss
The Kiss
R | 14 October 1988 (USA)
The Kiss Trailers

After the death of her mother, a teenage girl is faced with bizarre supernatural occurrences when her mother's estranged sister arrives and begins to infiltrate her and her father's lives.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Sburt4-1 Pucker up and get ready to die. Teenager Amy (Meredith Salenger) just lost her mom to a freak accident. Her long lost Aunt Felice shows up five months after the death to help out. At First Amy is excited to meet Felice (Joanna Pacula) because she is a fashion model and seems hip. Then things get weird when strange accidents happen. There is a great escalator scene when Amy's friend Heather gets hurt.Amy and her dad start to fight over Felice's presence. Doesn't help that Amy's dad is sleeping with Felice. Amy tries to tell her dad and her neighbor Brenda(Mimi Kuzyk)but no one believes her that Felice had anything to do with the strange accidents. They think Amy just misses her mom. But Amy knows Felice has a secret. This is a fun film! Has a lot of gory scenes and a great cast. Mimi Kuzyk is great as Brenda who tries to help Amy.Watch it late at night with popcorn! It is sort of a supernatural reverse version of the Stepfather. I liked the soundtrack. It set the mood. death scenes are great. watch out for the worst puppet cat to ever grace the movies!
caspian1978 A 90 minute suspense thriller with only 1 minute worth watching. The very young and very beautiful Meredith Salenger is the only reason worth watching. The pool scenes in the movie is the only reason why this forgotten gem is rented by young teenage boys. Salenger is true eye candy for the audience. The movie had something to do with revenge or murder, or something. I couldn't tell you what the plot was about because its wasn't worth finding out. Every time Meredith Salenger wasn't on the screen made the movie less enjoyable. Then again, every time Meredith Salenger walked into a scene and walked across the camera was film worth watching. This will never make it to DVD for its unpopularity. Then again, Meredith Salenger never looked so good.
smatysia Not a very good horror offering. There was actually some fairly inventive gore. I am a fan of Joanna Pacula, and she was one of the rare bright spots in this film. She is lovely, and a marvelous actress. I wish she had gotten some of the better roles in Hollywood, because I think she would have become a superstar. But I suppose that, at her age, that opportunity will never come to pass. Meredith Selenger and Mimi Kuzyk did as well here as the material allowed. I was very unimpressed with Nicholas Kilbertus. And most of the other criticism I've read about this film is warranted, the gaping plot holes, the over-direction, etc. And, oh, yeah, the evil cat thing looked about as real as the Caddyshack gopher. I can only recommend this to fans of Pacula or Selenger. Grade: F
Firefly-28 This movie is about an evil enity passed down from generation to generation in an unfortunate family. It's an evil snake-like creature that controls the body ( if you've seen Jason Goes To Hell, it's similar to that ). The movie opens with two young sisters in Africa. One is leaving to Europe with her Aunt. During the ride, the Aunt passes the creature into her niece's body through a "kiss". 25 years later, the other sister has a husband and daughter named Amy ( Meredith Salenger from The Journey Of Natty Gan, and most recently Lake Placid ) who live in New York. The mother dies in an accident, and 5 months later the sister, Felice ( Joanna Pacula )shows up. Now Amy most protect herself before it's to late because Aunt Felice wants to give her a deadly kiss. It's better than it sounds. Meredith Salenger and Mimi Kuzyk ( she plays a friend of the family ) are very likeable in there roles and Joanna Pacula is good at being creepy. Favorite line : Amy : " I want some fritos, I want a f**kin' diet coke " ( after her Aunt has given her all this " healthy food " crap ).