Bad Biology
Bad Biology
| 08 February 2008 (USA)
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Driven by biological excess, a young man and woman search for sexual fulfillment, unaware of each other's existence. Unfortunately, they eventually meet, and the bonding of these two very unusual human beings ends in an explosive and ultimately over-the-top sexual experience, resulting in a truly god awful love story....

Alicia I love this movie so much
CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Smoreni Zmaj I thought Henenlotter finally made really good movie... Good atmosphere, nice pacing, instead of retarded special effects from previous movies he left some things to our imagination... Instead of showing us unconvincing monsters he made better effect by clever camera angles, cuts in all the right places, faces of characters when they see things we can not see and similar tricks. But no, he could not resist. Near the end he gave up on good directing and got back to retarded special effects, showing us the monster that is so stupid that spoils it all and lowers this movie on same level with Basket Case franchise. And than he buried the movie with incredibly lousy ending. If he endured to keep the movie on same level till the end it would be strong 7, and the top of the genre, but this way I can not go over 5/10 and even that is more for the idea than for it's realization.
rob_lavender This 2008 sex horror from Frank Hennenlotter is billed as "A God-awful love story" and, to be fair, this is one of few things the filmmaker has got right. It resembles not so much a movie as it does a joke in which the punchline is too long coming. Way to long: 85 minutes in fact. The joke's preamble involves a woman born with too many clitorises (clitorii?) who, oversexed to the point of homicide, seeks satisfaction with a man possessing a giant, drug-addicted and self-aware penis. At this point it would be understandable for a potential viewer to resolve to see this oddity of a film. After all, it can't possibly live up to this described level of weirdness, can it? And if so, surely it's worth a look? Well, yes and no – yes it is that weird, yet somehow it manages to eschew originality in any way, shape or form: dialogue is hackneyed, despite the subject matter; characters offer nothing new, other than their biological oddities; camera-work and direction remain bog-standard and bare-minimum. This is a film completely unlike any other, but which fails to stand out whatsoever
Matt Kracht For those of you who know who Frank Henenlotter is, I have no pity for you. Absolutely none. You walked into this movie, knowing it was going to be trashy, gory, full of twisted eroticism, and without any socially redeeming value. And, yet, here you are, shocked after having seen Bad Biology. All I can say is: shame on you. Shame on you for being offended. Shame on you for watching it. Shame on you for saying, "I liked Frankenhooker, but..." Come on! Give me a break. Frankenhooker wasn't some cinematic masterpiece. It was awesome for what it was, and that's all. If this movie pushed the boundaries too far, then I can't wait to see what you say when you watch Henenlotter's next movie, should we be blessed with another.For those of you who don't know who Frank Henenlotter is, I'd probably caution you against watching this movie, unless you're already familiar with grindhouse/trash cinema, such as Lloyd Kaufman and John Waters. While I think some of the exaggerated (and somewhat melodramatic) reactions are funny, it's probably better to be safe than sorry, when it comes to such transgressive art. Rape, murder, and abortion are all played for laughs. Does that offend you? Good -- that means that you don't suffer from whatever mental illness makes the rest of us laugh. Go in peace, and know that you're normal, in at least this one area. Even if you're a social deviant who has no sacred cows, then I'd still suggest that you wait until watching some of Henenlotter's other movies before you watch this one, because it's a rather stark and offensive introduction. Frankenhooker, Brain Damage, and Basket Case would all be good starting points and would be much more gentle introductions to Henenlotter. If you like his style, then come back and try this movie. You might not like it, you might be offended, or maybe you'll think he was trying too hard, but at least you'll have been a bit more informed about the director's style and sick sense of humor.Honestly, I didn't think it was all that offensive or transgressive, but that's probably because I'm desensitized. If you consider yourself a sensitive person (or a person of good taste and refinement), then this probably isn't a good movie to watch. Instead, I'd suggest something a bit more mainstream, like Waters' later work (Crybaby, Hairspray, Serial Mom, Pecker, etc). While still brilliant and subversive, these movies don't quite push social boundaries like Pink Flamingos or Bad Biology.
Paul Andrews Bad Biology is set in New York where Jennifer (Charlee Danielson) lives & works as a fashion photographer, Jennifer is unique in that she has at least seven clits & a large sex drive. However normal men don't really satisfy her, after having sex she usually kills the man & then gives birth to a mutant bay within two hour's which she then leaves to die. Jennifer is only looking for love & happiness & when she finds Batz (Anthony Sneed) during a photo shoot Jennifer believes she has found the answer to her prayers. Batz has a huge penis, a penis created by pumping it full of hormones but the penis has developed a mind of it's own & will stop at nothing to satisfy itself & it's sexual desires...Co-written & directed by cult filmmaker Frank Henenlotter I personally though Bad Biology was crude, juvenile rubbish that is neither scary with it's terrible looking living killer penis nor funny with it's constant sex gags. The script is certainly different, Bad Biology could be described as some twisted romantic comedy horror that fails miserably on all fronts. You can probably tell already that I didn't like Bad Biology, the jokes are lame, next to nothing happens apart from unfunny monologues by unlikable character's & it doesn't seem to have any real purpose. At just over 80 minutes long at least it's quite short & if you can get into the story & character's & find the school-ground humour funny then you might enjoy Bad Biology but for anyone looking for a good film with a decent story & some intelligence & dignity then you will probably dislike it as much as I did. I can't say that I laughed or even smiled once during Bad Biology, I just thought it's lame bad taste humour & random plot that lacks a strong central story added up to a waste of 80 odd minutes.Much more restrained than Henelotter's previous films Bad Biology is far more interested in sex & nudity than blood & gore. There are lots of naked bodies on show & several (lame) sex scenes that means it's probably not wise to watch this in your room on your own as people pass outside the door & constantly hear sexual grunting & groaning! The killer penis stop motion animation at the end is poor but at least it's not CGI. One-Eyed Monster (2008) is a much better & funnier killer penis sex comedy (look at that, your wait ages for a killer penis film & then two turn up in the same year...). In a cinematic first Bad Biology is probably the only film that has a 'Victim Photos by' credit during the opening titles.Probably shot on a low budget most of Bad Biology was apparently filmed in the supposedly haunted Brooklyn mansion that had belonged to preacher Father Divine. Quite well made for what it is I suppose but nothing special, the acting is alright & there are some nice looking girls here I suppose. A lot of the minor roles are filled by rappers.Bad Biology is a childish sex comedy that tries to crank up the bad taste & crude sexual humour but it came across as unfunny & rather pointless. If this sort of lowest common denominator humour appeals to you then Bad Biology might be worth watching but if not then give it a miss.