Amy's Orgasm
Amy's Orgasm
| 08 March 2001 (USA)
Amy's Orgasm Trailers

Amy is a single 29 year old Jewish woman. She wrote a successful self-help book about how women can't truly be in love and experience "mental orgasm." Her parents and acquaintances always try to give her advice. Eventually, she breaks her celibacy and starts dating a radio shock jock, who is known for hitting on his bimbo guests. Of all men, will she find in him the true love she never believed in

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Scoval71 I was flipping and channel surfing the other night and this was on. I must have missed about 20 minutes, but reluctantly stayed until the end since there was nothing else to watch. Very bad. Profanity that is excessive and horrible acting from the two main players, Amy and Matt, or Julie Davis and Nick Chinlund---whoever they may be or were.... Man, they need some acting lessons and he needs to lose that incredible NY accent. The film was lousy. Did I say lousy......and the shows the ignorance of the writer. Couldn't a better title be selected, unless it was meant to be provocative to lure viewers, although once lured, they have the option to escape!!!!
nedkelly-1 This movie is absolutely dreadful. It was written and directed by one Julie Davis, who also has the ignominy of "starring" in it as the title character. The plot is a bunch of romance / relationship story clichés. The dialogue is stilted and obnoxious. All of the characters speak in the same manner, and their tired psycho-babble monologues all have one obvious source (Julie Davis apparently), and to make matters worse none of it is surprising or new or interesting or original in the least, just a bunch of witless repetition.This movie is billed as a comedy, but the jokes mostly fall flat. I should have turned the TV off 15 minutes into this thing, but sometimes I get the urge to "rubberneck" at ugly train wrecks like this one, all the while wondering exactly how much money was wasted in producing it, as well as wondering why the "Sundance" channel was airing it instead of a test pattern or an infomercial.
initiate Story about writing a book for all women just because one had some unhappiness and feels righteous enough to advise all women to avoid the mistake she herself made. Then about hypocrisy of doing what she advises others to NOT do. Then the obvious Howard Stern reference (maybe she in real life is a fan???) and the goody-goody exaggerations of this character. Then the sellout to the "happy ending". All in all a very bad story. But nicely shot.
MelJJ123 Don't listen to most of these reviewers. This movie is fantastic!!! Definitely give it a chance. It's the kind of film that you can't stop smiling throughout . . . especially if you're single and in your 20's. I'm amazed it wasn't widely released.