In My Skin
In My Skin
R | 07 November 2003 (USA)
In My Skin Trailers

Esther's life is panning out nicely. She will soon move in with her boyfriend Vincent and she seems set to get a permanent position at the public relations company where she freelances. All would be fine if Esther didn't accidentally discover a piercing curiosity about her own body.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Alistar Baker I'd hate to give away what this movie is about. Besides someone else probably did in the other reviews, and there is plenty on the web if you want to ruin it. I would go into the movie without knowing what it is about since the mental illness the main character develops is unique in film as far as I know. Although I found the ending to be too abrupt as if they ran out of money in the end because of the content and just had to end filming and come up with something quick! Personally I didn't find the film really frightening, only cringe-worthy, if you're talking about the primary 'horror' aspect of the film. I found the acting a dialog to be above average. The lead does an excellent job with a realistic portrayal of a woman coming unhinged but hiding it from everyone as soon as they reject her behavior.The story line was plausible. Her life seemed to be very natural aside from her mental illness (which I can't imagine anyone having to that degree but maybe there are cases). Surprisingly there is quite a bit more to the film than just the woman's episodes of lunacy. I began to wonder about the connection between her work, her love-life, her relationships, her mental problems, and the society she lives in. Is there a connection? I think maybe the film tries to draw some connections between self-destruction and a self-absorbed push to get all the good things in life, but I could be wrong. Whatever the case, if you enjoy horror flicks with some decent pacing, interesting dialog, and, of course, some cringe-worthy gore, then you might enjoy this film.
dirtypearl Stunning film from writer/director Marina de Van. The film is bathed in atmosphere from the opening scenes as the viewer sees straight away this isn't going to be an average type film. The comparisons to David Cronenberg are very reasonable, and to some lesser degree Dario Argento. It's not all visual though, the story and acting really enveloped me. I had seen her work in Francoiz Ozon's SEE THE SEA as an actress, and I should have known this woman would have more great work under her belt to come. It's not a film for conservative film goers, but ambitious viewers should give it a look!!
coolelle SPOILER This film, while fascinating and beautifully made, seems little more than a glorification of self-mutilation. Other users have called it self-love or masturbation, and they mean it in a positive way. But inflicting pain on oneself, mutilating oneself, is not self-love. Masturbation is a wonderful way of making your body feel good. Cutting off pieces of your own flesh and eating them doesn't make your body feel good and shouldn't be glorified or reviewed positively.So if I've spoiled the movie for you, I must say I'm glad. You don't need to watch this film. You need to do something good for yourself and for your body and leave this movie on the shelf.
Ata-2 This is a movie made with the confidence of one who knows exactly what she is trying to communicate. The problem is that what is being communicated is so far beyond the norm that it is not going to be easily grasped. Esther is a highly intelligent young woman. The main thread of the story begins when she accidentally injures herself. Through the injury she begins to see her herself as merely meat, an object. Meat can not suffer, has no emotions, has no ambitions, is immune to the pressures and pettiness of everyday life. She finds this release increasingly more fascinating and attractive. This is not something she can communicate to anyone around her so she explores it in secret attempting to finally exist as a mere object devoid of all humanity. Her loneliness adds a cutting edge of sadness to the story. If she found the right person to share her thoughts with we may have ended up with an equally bizarre love story.I found it difficult to watch this movie all the way through without a break. Some of my friends have not even managed to watch it past the first twenty minutes. If you do manage to sit through this movie, I am pretty sure that not only will you thereafter remember it vividly, you will also find it hard to stop talking about it.