Daddy's Little Girl
Daddy's Little Girl
| 08 January 2014 (USA)
Daddy's Little Girl Trailers

After the police find Derek’s daughter brutally murdered on the beach, he vows to make the culprit suffer for his actions, even if that person is ‘part of the family.’ With careful research into the history of torture, Derek prepares himself and his basement for a week of brutal tactics that will make his daughter’s killer feel the pain that he has inflicted upon so many others. In a time when stranger danger is ever present, a single father learns that it’s the ones you trust most who have to be watched the closest.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Kimo Espana SPOILER ALERT ! I watched some movies about revenge but I have to say this movie made me sick to my stomach and I truly mean it. I am not a fragile person and I watched all type of horror movies you can get but the subject of the movie and the way it is presented was just too much to bear.First : the overall structure of the movie. During a big half of the movie there is not much else to brag about and then it's 40-50 min of non stop torture ...Second : the stupidity of the Rapist who let his personnal journal on his desk !! How can you be so dumb about such a serious crime ? And in a house when you organise a party !!!!!Third : The lovely little daddy with no medical knowledge who become an expert of the human body and is able to make a tracheotomy, etc...Fourth : Yes, the criminal is a pedophile but HOW ON EARTH CAN YOU TAKE PLEASURE to watch a human being torture in such vicious way ? People say that the person who dislike this movie doesn't understand it blablabla but I personnaly find it takes a very sick and twisted person to appreciate this film and try to defend it by saying "it's great and the peole who don't like him miss the point of this movie". THERE IS NO POINT ! It's just another dark and vulgar torture porn who turn the main character into the villain, not allowing any kind of explanations/confession because he is too busy make the criminal suffer.I appreciate the law of the Talion but not like this. And I am truly disgust to know that there are peoples cruel and stupid enough to make a movie like this thinking "it's gonna be entertaining to watch". Now if you excuse me, I have to go watch Little House on the Prairie to remind me that life is good and people are awesome.
Kevin Lea Davies Daddy's Little Girl is about revenge, but focuses mainly on gore.To be honest, I wasn't expecting very much, and I saw several reviews that praised this film as being very thought provoking. It wasn't. The plot is exceptionally predictable, and it doesn't really bring anything new to the revenge tale. No twists in the plot, and a few rather 'recycled' cinema moments. Think of a very badly acted 'Mystic River' with torture scenes.The main character of the father however, is one of the worst elements in the film. Unfortunately he seems more annoyed than enraged throughout the movie. I assume he understood before starting his acting career that he would have to learn how to emote, but I was underwhelmed with how the father reacted to the death of a child, he subsequent depression, and revenge.A man who is capable of torturing another man, who can extend that level of pain and violence on another human being, couldn't possibly do so without some level of empathy or emotions. Most people would be repulsed by the sight of blood and viscera, but neither does he relish in it. He just does it and acts overtly angry. He even tries out some "ironic" torture techniques... har har i suppose.Maybe it was his tone of voice, but honestly... he was the worst. Especially considering who the murderer was (I won't ruin it, but you can guess who it is within the first 20 minutes of the film) Anyways, this movie didn't show anything I hadn't seen before. As far as the torture stuff goes; it's there to enjoy if that's your thing.4/10
AJ Baxter Its been about two years since this films release, and for some reason I don't know why I haven't watched it till now. I thought I would watch this movie to support an Australian filmmaker and to support a film made in my area. What I have noticed in most Australian horror films is that most of them have a good storyline, but really bad actors, CGI or Special Effects, and this just does not give the film a good look. So when I pushed play, the first thing going through my mind was, I best prepare myself for terrible effects and terrible acting which was just going to make me cringe, the only thing I was looking forward to was the storyline..... Well I can tell you now, after watching this film, I must say, NEVER HAVE I BEEN SO WRONG. This entire film was enjoyable from start to finish, well some of it a bit uncomfortable but you will have to see those parts for yourself.The acting throughout the whole film is absolutely on point, especially when it comes to little Billi Baker, man that girl pulls off her cuteness and innocence really good throughout her time in the film, and hats off to Michael Thomson, this guy is awesome, from switching to cool surfer dad to the messed in the head revenge giver is why I give him credit for being a great Australian actor. There was also good acting from minor roles as well and the extras were not to bad.Slaughter FX definitely live down their name, but I guess I can't go to deep into that so lets just say the SFX are pretty bloody good Now the storyline the most loved part of Australian films in my opinion. I am telling you now, besides the fact I think this is one of the greatest story lines I have seen in a film, it is basically an emotional roller coaster. the movie basically goes like this: Happiness then Distressed then Relief then Absolute Gut Wrenching Sadness then More Sadness then it Gradually Gets Happier then Anger then Uncomfortable Feelings With Humour then Sadness then Happiness/sadness, This movie does not get boring I swear, the only downside to the story line was that it took about 40mins to get to the main twist and have the real stuff to start. it might sound weird coming from a guy but this movie made me cry like a little girl... twice. In my opinion this movie has got to have one of the most touching, saddest yet happiest endings off all time... yes I literally put 3 different emotions for one ending, I did say this movie is an emotional roller coaster.So ill have to end this review off with saying that you should definitely watch this movie if your into messed up sh*t, but also love a good story line. it is indeed one of the greatest Australian films I have ever seen.
Andy_Sparnon Daddy's Little Girl is a film with a strong plot and progresses into something you can never anticipate. A shocking story based on real events that opens up our own realisations to our vulnerabilities and capability in a similar situation to what's portrayed in this film. When a normal father is driven to a state of anguish on the path to insanity after realising he had lost his little girl. The film drives you deeper into the mind of the father, as he maintains his normal persona, while committing atrocious acts. The SFX are a standout in the film with some of the most graphic acts and realism that I have seen in any Australian horror film. The director pushes the boundaries and fans of genuine gut churning horror will find Daddy's Little Girl a treat from the mostly predictable and unconvincing effects that we are desensitised to. Michael Thomson plays the role of the father with conviction and Chris Sun pulls no punches to create a must watch Aussie horror that will leave you asking "What's next"?