Order of Chaos
Order of Chaos
| 12 February 2010 (USA)
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Almost rich, almost thirty, he never lies or cheats, even when his beautiful fiancé orders him around and his ball-busting boss uses threats as motivation. John never makes a sound, eager to do right. Rick Carlson is not. A smooth talking and coercive, Rick turns John's life upside down when he not only moves into his building, but starts working at his competitive law firm.

ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Ryan Harrison what at first made me watch this one was the title. then the low rating here. the title is among the top 5 most important parts of a movie. only those who really have something to say can actually brand it. the rest put up titles as indifferent as their movies. and this movie does say a lot. but for someone to get it it's a bit more complicated. needs a great deal of intelligence and proper sets of information (without these, intelligence is pretty much useless). some experience of the corporate world also helps appreciating it. not that its not excellent educational material for those about to enter said world. yes, this is a very solid depiction of the corporate world. the soundtrack is far from awful as many reviewers here rate it. its very disturbing, specifically written and serves its purpose brilliantly. great direction and awesome casting is the cherry on top. the finale of a movie is the last of the top 5 most important parts of it. and here, as in all great movies, its justifying the effort. grateful viewers will cuss and wish there was more. thats the best taste a movie can leave to a viewer. the runtime is some 85 minutes and its fast paced. in such run-times, reportedly slow parts can actually be only very short and in this case masterfully functional. the overall ingeniousness and subsequent honesty of Order of Chaos without recipes to target bigger audiences is naturally putting the movie in the pantheon of film making.I encourage the reader to read all positive reviews here in order to share the opinions of other interesting reviewers and simply skip the negative ones. when someone says a nice waste of couple of hours they probably reviewing another movie. and when they say they couldn't sit through it they re obviously reviewing the wrong movie (if not even admitting they watched the wrong movie). to make/watch a movie, compose/listen to music or write/read a book is about exchanging information, sharing ideas. failure to do so is nobody else's problem.(note: this is perhaps my first and perhaps also my last review on IMDb. I use IMDb regularly to check movies but even more so to read users reviews which I find mostly satisfying and read almost always with gratitude. decided to write a review for this movie due to the degree of difficulty almost half of the other reviewers had to make justice to this gem of contemporary film making)
Julie Abedin The whole point of the film was to pass on a number of messages, some obvious, others subliminal. The reviewers who have just sat and watched this film in zombie mode and gave a low vote have missed all that. Admitidly it does get a bit slow in some parts but all in all its a very interesting film and well worth a watch ESPECIALLY if you are in the process of waking up! Its well made in the way its mocking the media, us and our lifestyles (well the majority of the flock) If you already know whats really going on in the world its worth a watch, at least you know you there are more people out there who think the same and its one of those films you realise you enjoyed more the next day after you have seen it when you think back
davemccrea-1 Can't believe all the negative reviews on here. Anyone who gives this 1 star doesn't deserve internet access and clearly has no clue about filmmaking, storytelling, or anything else. They're probably 12 years old - this movie is not made for you, it deals with tensions and themes that you have haven't experienced yet. I'm not saying this is the best film ever made, but what we have here is: A director with a point of view, an intelligent film, an entertaining film, a film of "the times". What makes the film smart is that it explores the nuances of human behavior. All of these things put it above most films that come out in a given year. Worth seeing.
TombRaider09 I was so sure the director Vince Vieluf had been on the cast or crew of 'Requiem for a Dream' because his directorial debut is clearly inspired by it. Although one should understand the word "inspired" more in the sense "ripped-off", but that's just semantics. But whereas Requiem for a Dream was shocking, disturbing, sad and the actors well-directed, Order of Chaos mimics the fast-paced editing, desperation and silly psychotic faces that substance abusers have come to be known for in the movies.So what is Order of Chaos about? It's a one man's crusade against individualism and capitalism obviously written by a person who understands neither and must detest both since this movie is a living testament to mediocrity and unoriginality. In the story, Rick (Ventimiglia) moves into the same building with John (Coiro) who has been medicated his whole life and spends every morning watching news about war, financial crisis, martial law and whatnot. If you already realized why he has been medicated his whole life, then there's no point watching the final two minutes of the film. Regardless, Rick does not only live in the same building, he also takes a position in the same law company, which is headed by Mrs. Craig (Rogers, and employs tax lawyers, who make their day by taking advantage of tax loops. Yes, those capitalists are such dogs!Rick teaches John to be an individual, that is, a jerk, because that is what individualism is about. Right? Anyway, the more of a jerk John becomes under Rick's influence, the crazier he gets and obviously stops taking those antidepressants, which as you know, are a capitalist conspiracy (though the film never explicitly states this). And while Ventimiglia is desperate to make his character work by upping his dirt bag status from the Gilmore Girls era when he played Jess, the rest of the cast lag behind with so poorly directed performances they almost seem silly. As does the film.