Day Night Day Night
Day Night Day Night
| 25 May 2006 (USA)
Day Night Day Night Trailers

A 19-year-old girl prepares to become a suicide bomber in Times Square. She speaks with a nondescript American accent, and it’s impossible to pinpoint her ethnicity. We never learn why she made her decision—she has made it already.

Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Myron Clemons A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Kirpianuscus at the first sigh, a film about nothing. at the second, portrait of the most powerful fear. because it is one of the most simple films about terrorism. and, maybe, this is the most important thing. because it propose a view in a large human aquarium. because it gives only the presence, look and steps of a young woman in the middle of Times Square. no details. no story. only suppositions. and this form of minimalism works. not as tool for an art film. but as the right form to define a slice of reality. to remind the voice of news. to give to yourself the right questions.
lauranicks63 About the only entertaining aspect of this movie is the "people watching" you can enjoy from the streets of New York. I've had some regrets in life, watching this movie in its entirety is one of them - and the other, is that I didn't have the insight to hire a cameraman to follow me around L.A. while I was homeless, depressed, suicidal, and carried a back pack. I couldn't help think, that if I was catching change from strangers for a phone call, I would at least collect enough change to buy a bottle of wine to have a little going out party for myself. Who knows, maybe the wine would help me figure out why the hell I'm so depressed, and how did I come to the conclusion that I wanted to be a suicide bomber? Or just get drunk because I'm in this ridiculous artsie fartsie dreadful movie. If any producer out there is interested, I would be happy to reenact my homeless days - I guarantee you'll be entertained.
patchworkworld This is possibly one of the worst movies around. As other reviews, synopses, etc have explained, the "plot" (there actually is no plot or even a sign of one) is about a suicide bomber pre- and during the suicide bombing. I believe the title is meant to convey that the movie covers two days and nights, but even that's guesswork.The movie has been billed as "minimalist", and "stripped to the essentials". Well, not unless you consider boredom to be the essential minimalism. The first 30 minutes essentially cover unknown female in closeup dimly lit profile whispering for a solid minute (she is apparently praying but even that's unclear), getting off plane (we assume, all we see is her skirt and then the back of her neck, which btw the camera remains glued to every time she is moving), being picked up and deposited at a hotel room after a couple of non-informational stops (well, we do learn she's either not Asian or fully un-Asianized Asian because she has no idea how to use chopsticks). In the hotel room --other than a few minutes with 1, 2, and then 3 guys who all arrive wearing the same pants, shirt, and (so help me God I am serious) black ski-mask-plus-ballcap-bill patting her down/taking pictures of her in what's apparently meant to be Che-Guevara-clone gear/rehearsing her verbally in a couple tiny parts of whatever she is supposed to do/eating pizza with her-- we get to watch her bathe (in nauseating detail, but, guys take note: none of the naughty bits show up on camera ;) ), clip her nails, wash out her socks and undies, turn on lights, chomp down some food staring at nothing while alone, lie on her back and walk her feet up the wall, fol a cellphone over her tennis show lace and flip it around a couple of times, and sleep twice (the first time looking like a puppet whose strings have been cut, or a dead person).That ridiculous sleeping posture may actually be one of only two actual "messages" in the flick...some existential hoohaw about her being "dead" already. That would actually fit with the first sight we had of her face back at the airport...when she turn around and we instantly think this is a horror film because, between her very heavy jutting forehead and brow ridge and the black circles completely surrounding each eye she looks like she's the lead in "Night of the Living Dead X".The other "message"? Boredom. Ours, as people subjected to this long lack of content. The actress' or character's (it is not clear which...and that can be seen, I suppose, as a measure of the actress' talent...that we cannot tell if she is that bored or she is that good at portraying a character who is that bored).I finally quit wasting my life watching this turkey and skipped ahead to the last 5 minutes. Then back to the bomb not going off. And then, thankfully, called it a day.I love indy flicks. But just because it's an indy is no reason not to say so when someone makes a flick with minimal worth.....and as a last ain't nece-celery so that ya can't tell the chicks fact, you can eliminate several possibilities right off.
chrisbanach-1 While indeed this movie is slow paced and we finally have no clue of the real motives of the main character, I think that's clear enough. She probably lost her parents, eventually her brother and/or a boyfriend somewhere in Palestine or Irak, I'd say.The point is to make the viewer, for 90 riveting minutes, face what it's like to be desperate enough to become a suicide-bomber and thereby raise this ultimate question : what the hell went wrong with our foreign policy to generate such monsters ? I think it's time for self-analysis and admit that for a 95% catholic country, we have forgotten Jesus words, eventually generating more bloodshed around the world than our own "enemies", spreading each day a little more hate against ourselves.It's time to stop : drop the backpack, and let's have a serious conversation !