Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
PG-13 | 15 December 2017 (USA)
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailers

Rey develops her newly discovered abilities with the guidance of Luke Skywalker, who is unsettled by the strength of her powers. Meanwhile, the Resistance prepares to do battle with the First Order.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
ggspot81 The movie was pointless. What was the point to the movie. So sad of a movie.
aspie Let me be clear - Lucas' prequels were worse as movies, had worse performances and technically looked like poor CGI. But at least those movies helped to establish Star Wars cannon and lore. They added worlds and characters, and helped to expand the universe we love. The Last Jedi, in comparison, is a parasite movie. It rides along on the lore it inherited, contributing nothing while consuming everything, it uses up and destroys lore and characters, but adds nothing. It's bungling director clear had no idea he was meant to take the baton, then pass it on.The Last Jedi ends pretty much exactly where it starts, minus a few characters that were unceremoniously killed off. Luke Skywalker dies for no real reason, Snoke dies for no reason and without ever being explained. Basically, we're supposed to take this as a changing of the guard, except the new generation of Star Wars characters, Rey and Ren, aren't even a shadow of the great heroes and villains of Star Wars of yore. The movie is a long boring sequence of failed attempts to do things, which ultimately fall flat, and eventually leave you wondering what the point was. There's no real character arc or progression for anyone, Rey basically teaches herself The Force because learning from Skywalker would be perpetuating a patriarchal construct. Kylo Ren is utter flaccid as a villain, he mostly yells and strains so hard you're worried he'll burst a blood vessel. Everyone else's performance serves no purpose and could have been edited out without affecting the final result of the movie. The forced humor is cringy, the forced love connection between Rose and Finn is cringy, the casino scene is straight of a cringy Lucas brainstorming session. Worst of all, this movie leaves no reason to want to watch its follow up. The characters and mystique that could have been are dead and gone. Ryan Johnson didn't just kill Luke Skywalker off pointlessly, he killed Star Wars. I will not be watching the next one, and I strongly urge you to do likewise.
Chad-Pasloski And we both hated it. I mean you have a white girl from the old country who is involved with the African-American guy but hats on the white dude on Skype. Why? just so Disney can push an agenda. Shaking my head. Nicole and me are NOT loving it. MAGA because of this premier Doug Ford will rule forever
philmmaster-977-684181 I dont know what to say that hasn't already been said. Seriously I thought I was watching a movie that was a parody of Star Wars, Gravity and other space movies. The Last Jedi? By the looks of it, Rey looks like she has a good grasp of Jedi duties by the end with her boulder juggling act. The Force Awakens gave me a new hope (pun intended) when it came to a new wave of Star Wars movies. The Last Jedi pretty much put me in a headlock and kicked me in the nuts. Disney is mad with power. I'm watching this movie as I'm writing this and I just keep scoffing at it. The dialogue is so dumb, the jokes are cringe worthy, I seriously dont recognize this Luke Skywalker. I never knew him to be a pessimist. He went through the original trilogy as determined, optimistic and selfless. In this movie he is passive aggressive and self doubted. Codebreaker????? Wow what a stupid subplot. That casino city section of this movie and that little alien putting coins in BB-8 seriously made me gag a little. I thought Leia being blown into space would've been emotional and a dignified end for her. But low and behold she somehow awakens IN SPACE and floats!?! back to another ship. Rian what the are you smoking? Seriously have you seen a Star Wars movie before or are you going the way of Paul Feig and rewriting how a classic should be remade? Fin was wasted, Rey was neglected, I liked Rose but her character was a bit too preachy. Poe was the only one with passion. Luke wasn't Luke, Leia was a bit wooden and Chewie is now a double act with the porgs. I'm not looking forward to episode IX. I definately wont be watching it at the cinemas. Because by the end of this movie I dont even know what I'm anticipating. There is no cliffhanger, no real development, no questions that I'm looking for an answer to. Thanks Disney for ruining this franchise for me