The Crow: Wicked Prayer
The Crow: Wicked Prayer
R | 04 May 2005 (USA)
The Crow: Wicked Prayer Trailers

After ex-con Jimmy and his girlfriend are brutally murdered by a biker gang, he is resurrected by the power of The Crow to avenge their deaths and reunite with her in the afterlife.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
bilromultimedia The title of this atrocity should have been "The Movie That Killed A Franchise"! Are you kidding me? One great movie - and then a pretty good sequel - and then a not so good, but still interesting second sequel - and then finally - this vile thing? REALLY??? Devolution at it's absolute worst...David Boreanaz as the arch villain in a Crow movie? That's about as logical as casting Jack Black as James Bond. Talk about attempting an "oil and water" mixture. Also, Tera Reid had absolutely no business being in a movie like this, after all - it's devoid of cheerleaders - and there are no Frat houses full of drunken National Lampoon extras. A genuine "Fish out of water" type of situation to be sure. The casting on this toilet flush must have been suggested by somebody who was deliberately bent on ruining a movie before it was even entirely off of the drawing board - no doubt a desperate act of revenge more gruesome than any Crow movie could ever have portrayed to begin with. At least somebody could have been merciful enough to have taught Danny Trejo how to do a half way decent native American dance for crying out loud - instead of looking as if he were attempting an Orangutan impersonation. This traffic accident was to the memory of Brandon Lee - as burning the U.S. flag is to the Veterans of Foreign Wars association.This film was not in keeping with the "Crow tradition", in that it was not at least a marginally well done, moody, atmospheric, eerie tale of an otherworldly instrument of karmatic payback - but was instead written as if it were a story made up by third graders over a cafeteria table at lunch. it was childish and silly - not moving and involving. I've seen deeper, more exciting Burger King commercials.Edward Furlong was actually creepy and passively interesting enough to have made a pretty good "Crow", but unfortunately he was far too bogged down by idiotic writing, poor direction, lousy stunt choreography, derivative costuming, horrible production values, and a sheepish budget to have effectively gotten any revision of the character properly off of the ground. A very sad thing. I think that he may have been able to go places with this character - had his creative vehicle been slightly better than a rusted out junker with four flat tires.The entire movie seemed like it was written and shot in a single afternoon. A real disappointment - and a bad way to end a running theme. The funding for this movie would have better been spent if it were used for building a Putt Putt golf course. To call this movie merely "silly", is to give it far too much credit.
Dan Bernholm I give this movie an rating of 2, solely on the scenes with the Crow. ( the bird, not furlong) Those scenes they actually got right,of course i cant say that for the rest of the so called content of this movie. David Boreanz, was amazing as the Vampire with an soul, in the Angel series, he haven't made anything, beside that series i can recommend. Why he is in this movie is beyond me, though he do it far better than Furlong, who is overacting through this entire movie. Where Brandon Lee portrayed an painful soul brought back to avenge his love, Furlong is portraying an little brat coming into puberty, worst performance everReally sad to see The Crow franchise getting buried in this way, sometimes its better to stop on a good note, than to keep playing until everyone is fleeing.
darkenseraph-410-184073 Let's face it, Edward Furlong is not all that convincing as an action hero... that thought passed after Terminator 2.The story... had holes. The biggest is... this was set in a little town outside of a reservation... and our best story line is a gang of Satanists? I know for a fact that most histories of Native American tribes have plenty of reference to different spirits and demons...Okay, so that was not organic... what else? The acting... Most of the actors in this film that have any sort of name that is recognized have proved that they can act. We may not like them, we may not approve of all of their acting jobs, but they have proved at least a bit of skill in the field of acting. So why was the acting so bad? My only guess is the director... Isn't that the director's job... to get the best performance and contributions from all involved? What was the best part of this movie...? Well... if you are a fan of action movies... if you have watched and paid attention to them... you learn that a LOT can be done with camera work. The camera work in this movie, in the fight scenes at least, was brilliant... You know... as much as I appreciate Furlong and Boreanaz as actors, I would not really qualify either as a serious action star... but the camera work in this film made them look valid.Thanks for reading.
RipTheJacker Every second of this film is an insult to The Crow franchise and everything Brandon Lee has worked for. This film has taken everything that has made the first film great, and completely stripped and mutilated it for what it's worth... and let me tell you, this film isn't worth much.Before I get to the acting, let me say that the casting choice is an absolute joke. From Reid to Ortiz, these people were simply offered a quick cashing opportunity and fell into a trap that will forever smudged their careers far more than it's already been. For others such as Mr. Hopper, I expected better. Not only has Hopper managed to disappoint me and shatter my hopes, but I've now lost faith in his future career. Super Mario isn't as bad as it gets folks.Now for the acting itself. I don't know why they thought having a bunch of grown Hispanic men attempting to do traditional Indian dances to revive a crow by making themselves look silly by hopping around like drug-addicts was a good idea. Maybe on paper?... no, not even on paper. Throw in some idiot kamikazes, and an white old 'pimp' talking in poorly forced Ebonics, and you have yourself a disaster.The premise of the film is very stale and boring as well. It's simply the same premise as the first 500 remade films, just a bit more watered-down and stripped of any intelligence. With no real motive or reason to care for the main character, I'm often times left wanting him dead. I'm not quite sure if it's the acting or the emo makeup-attitude-speech combo. His loved one dies, so he goes around beating people up and spitting annoying melancholic one-liners. In the end, there is simply nothing to look forward to, but when the movie will finally end.The music is about average as well. Nothing will really compare to the orchestral genius of the first film, but at least an average soundtrack would slightly help. The first film's music was captivating, dark, and atmospheric just like the film itself. In this sequel, it's just another score that goes faster than it comes. While not ENTIRELY disappointing, it's still ignored and not cherished as it was with the first film.Now, I don't want to continue comparing this sequel to the first film simply because I want to forget this film ever existed. I want the franchise to keep whatever dignity it has left over and stop opening the wound. Folks, this movie is bad. I suggest, no, I ENCOURAGE you stay FAR away from this movie as possible. If you have seen and enjoyed the first film, you DO NOT want this filth etched into your brain, because there is no turning back I gave this movie a 1/10, if there was anything lower I would gladly apply it so. Unfortunately this film mutilates everything I loved and grew up with. It's simply much more depressing than the emo main character of this film. Bad acting, mediocre music, horrible casting, no premise... a childhood nightmare. Please AVOID THIS MOVIE AT ALL COSTS.